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What is the safest way to be on Facebook?

What is the safest way to be on Facebook?

Facebook is used by billions of people around the world to connect with friends, family, and communities. However, there are risks associated with using social media. Your personal information and privacy can be compromised if you are not careful. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to use Facebook more safely and minimize risks.

Be selective about what you share

A good rule of thumb on Facebook is to not post anything you wouldn’t want the whole world to see. Even if your profile settings are private, things can still be copied or screenshotted and shared more publicly. Be selective about sharing personal details like your address, phone number, current location, birthdate, information about family members, etc. Also, reconsider sharing personal rants or venting – you may regret it later.

Adjust your privacy settings

Check your privacy settings regularly and adjust them according to your comfort level. Here are some settings to consider:

  • Who can see your posts? Friends only? Friends of friends? Public?
  • Review all past posts and limit visibility of certain posts if needed.
  • Limit the audience who can look you up using your phone number or email address.
  • Disable location sharing.
  • Disable the feature that allows you to be tagged in posts without approval.
  • Disable apps’ access to your Facebook data.

The more you lock down privacy settings, the harder it will be for strangers or unintended audiences to access your information.

Avoid questionable third-party apps

Be cautious about connecting third-party apps to your Facebook account. Many apps will request access to profile info, friend lists, photos, and more. Once granted, apps can data mine your information or post updates without your knowledge. Avoid frivolous apps that serve little purpose. Vet apps before installing them and use privacy checkers.

Watch out for scams and fake accounts

Unfortunately, malicious actors are prevalent on Facebook. Here are some tips to avoid scams and fake accounts:

  • Be wary of friend requests from people you do not know or recognize. Many scammers use fake accounts.
  • Watch for subtle differences in account names or profile photos of people impersonating your friends.
  • Do not accept friend requests that appear overly generic and impersonal. Scammers often send bulk requests.
  • Suspend disbelief if you see shocking or emotional posts asking for money or personal information. Call the person directly before acting.
  • Avoid clicking direct message links from strangers. They may install malware or steal login credentials.

In general, if a post or message seems “off” or suspicious, it is best to ignore or delete it.

Use extra login precautions

Because your Facebook account contains sensitive information, it is important to keep login details secure:

  • Create a strong password using a mix of letters, numbers and symbols. Avoid common words.
  • Enable two-factor authentication which requires an extra step to login from new devices.
  • Avoid saving login cookies on public computers.
  • Never share your password with other people or websites.
  • Setup login alerts to notify you if someone accesses your account from a new location.

Extra login precautions add essential security layers that protect your account from compromise by hackers.

Limit oversharing habits

The more you actively post and engage with content on Facebook, the more vulnerable you become to privacy issues or mistakes:

  • Pause before sharing personal updates, opinions, rants, and current activities – less is more.
  • Be vigilant to not reveal sensitive information through casual comments or tags. This includes travel dates, birthdates, etc.
  • Consider the privacy and safety of friends who may get tagged in your posts involuntarily.
  • Refrain from accepting unnecessary friend requests from new acquaintances or online friends who are essentially strangers.
  • Manage your friend list by unfollowing excessive posters or removing contacts you no longer interact with.

Having discipline to not overshare personal details broadly is an essential piece of the privacy puzzle.

Exercise caution around links and files

Hackers can use Facebook posts and messages to spread malware disguised as links or file attachments. Follow these practices:

  • Avoid clicking links in posts or messages from people you do not know. Verify links are safe before visiting.
  • Hover over questionable links to preview the URLs and look for odd or misleading domains.
  • Install antivirus software to scan downloaded files before opening.
  • Be wary of .exe files which could install harmful programs.
  • Enable scan protection features in Facebook settings to block suspicious links.

Exercising more caution and verifying safety around links and files can prevent malware infections or theft of personal data.

Secure your devices

Because you probably access Facebook on mobile devices, it is important they are also secure:

  • Password protect your smartphones and set them to auto lock after a short period of being idle.
  • Avoid saving Facebook login credentials which makes accounts more vulnerable if devices are lost or stolen.
  • Only connect to trusted WiFi networks and avoid public hotspots which can expose your traffic to snoopers.
  • Install reputable security apps to scan for malware or suspicious activities on devices.
  • Keep apps and device operating systems patched and up-to-date to reduce vulnerabilities.

Making mobile device security a priority provides critical protection that complements your social media safety habits.

Be vigilant about tagging

Photo tags can unintentionally reveal personal details in posts:

  • Disable auto photo tagging features which use facial recognition.
  • Approve tags before they appear on your profile.
  • Untag yourself from photos that show sensitive locations or activities.
  • If friends post questionable photos you are tagged in, request removal.
  • Limit who can tag you through friend list restrictions.

Monitoring tags closely prevents unwanted information leaks that compromise privacy.


Facebook offers wonderful ways to connect, but also presents privacy risks if misused. Following these tips can help you enjoy Facebook more safely:

  • Be selective about sharing personal information
  • Adjust privacy settings for more control
  • Avoid questionable third party apps that access Facebook data
  • Watch for fake accounts and scams
  • Use extra login precautions like two-factor authentication
  • Limit oversharing habits and refrain from controversial posts
  • Exercise caution around links and downloaded files
  • Secure mobile devices used to access Facebook
  • Monitor tags on photos carefully

Staying vigilant, limiting visibility, and being selective about what you post can go a long way in using Facebook more safely. Pay attention to privacy settings and make judicious choices about sharing information. With some added discipline, you can enjoy social media while maintaining control over your personal data and digital footprint.