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What is the risk of accepting a fake friend request?

What is the risk of accepting a fake friend request?

In the age of social media, it’s common to receive friend requests from people you may not know well or at all. While most friend requests are legitimate, some may be from fake accounts or scammers trying to gain access to your personal information and contacts. Accepting a fake friend request can potentially put you at risk of identity theft, hacking, stalking, bullying and other issues. Being cautious about vetting friend requests and understanding the risks can help you avoid problems down the line.

What are fake friend requests?

A fake friend request is when you receive a request to connect on social media from an account that is not representing a real person’s actual identity. Here are some examples of fake friend requests:

  • Scammers using a fake profile to appear friendly and gain access to your data
  • Bots designed to mass send requests and spread spam or malware
  • Stalkers or bullies masking their identity to follow your posts
  • Companies using a fake persona to market products
  • Fraudsters attempting to steal personal information

You may not be able to immediately tell if a friend request is fake. Sometimes it’s obvious, like a profile using a name that doesn’t seem realistic. But other times, fake accounts can look surprisingly legitimate, using photos of real people and filled out profiles. Looking for some red flags can help determine if a request may be inauthentic.

What are some red flags to watch for?

Here are some signs that a friend request could be fake:

  • Very few posts, friends or interactions on the account
  • Profile seems too perfect, professional or “fake”
  • Random invites from people you don’t know
  • Accounts with very generic or strange names
  • Requests from accounts in foreign countries when most of your friends are local
  • Multiple requests coming in at similar times
  • Messages that seem automated, odd or contain spam
  • Use of fake profile photos of models or stock images

None of these guarantee an account is fake, but they are reasons to be cautious and scrutinize the request more closely before accepting.

What personal risks are there from fake friend requests?

There are several ways accepting a fake friend request can expose you to risks:

Identity theft

Scammers use fake accounts to gather information and photos from your profile that could help them steal your identity, such as your birthday, address or other personal details.


By connecting to a fake account, you could expose yourself to hacking attempts, malware or viruses designed to infiltrate your account and devices.

Stalking and bullying

Unfortunately, fake accounts are sometimes created by stalkers or harassers attempting to follow your activity and contacts.


Scammers may gather photos or information from your account to try blackmailing you.

Financial fraud

Fraudsters use fake accounts to build trust and convince you to send money or give out financial information.

Reputational damage

Interacting with fake accounts could enable shady activities that get attributed to you or show up on your profile.

How can a fake account put my friends at risk?

In addition to risks directly to you, a fake account could also jeopardize your friends and contacts:

  • Once connected, scammers can message your friends, access their profiles and potentially steal their personal data or spread viruses.
  • Fake accounts used by stalkers can enable spying on friends’ posts, photos, check-ins and other information.
  • By having mutual friends, a fake account seems more legitimate, allowing them to more easily scam your connections.
  • Bots and spam accounts are able to spread malicious links and malware throughout your network.
  • Your friends’ personal data could then be used for identity theft, stalking, blackmail or harassment.

Even if you are very cautious yourself, one fake friend connection could put many people in your network at risk.

How to vet a friend request

To avoid accidentally connecting with a fake account, here are some tips to vet a friend request first:

  • Check to see if you have any mutual connections or live in the same location.
  • Look at how full the profile is and if posts seem consistent with a real person.
  • Search the name attached to the account to see if it appears elsewhere online.
  • Look for inconsistencies in profile details like contradictory locations.
  • Reverse image search the profile photo to see if it appears as a stock image.
  • Watch for generic information like “Works at Company” with no specifics.
  • If it still seems suspicious, avoid connecting and consider reporting the account.

Taking a few minutes to thoroughly evaluate a new friend request can save you from headaches later on. If anything seems “off,” it’s better to just ignore or decline the request.

How to handle a friend request from a stranger

It’s not uncommon to get friend requests from people you don’t know at all. How you handle them depends on your comfort level:

  • If your profile is public, you can cautiously accept to expand your network, but be vigilant in watching for any suspicious activity.
  • To be extra safe, ignore or decline requests from strangers so random accounts can’t access your information.
  • You can also message the person first to find out how they found you and if you have a connection.
  • Evaluate mutual friends and their profiles to see if the person seems legitimate.
  • Check for any common groups, networks or affiliations you may share.
  • Look closely for any red flags of a fake or dubious account.

Use your best judgment based on how comfortable you are letting strangers into your social circle. Don’t feel obligated to accept every friend request.

How to deal with a fake friend request you accepted

If you realize you’ve already accepted a request from a suspicious account, take these steps:

  • Unfriend or block the account immediately so they no longer have access.
  • Report the account through the platform’s reporting system.
  • Review your privacy settings and make adjustments to restrict info shared with new friends.
  • Change your passwords in case of any account compromise.
  • Warn any mutual connections about the fake account.
  • Monitor your own account carefully for suspicious posts or activities.
  • Check bank and credit accounts for any fraudulent use of your personal data.

Taking quick action helps limit the potential damage. In the future, be extra cautious when receiving friend requests to avoid repeating the situation.

Tips to avoid fake friend requests

Here are some general tips to minimize risks from fake accounts:

  • Keep your friend list manageable so you can adequately vet new requests.
  • Review your privacy settings and limit the information visible to the public or new friends only.
  • Be skeptical of any requests from accounts that seem overly flattering, eager to connect or ask probing questions.
  • Look out for requests shortly after posting content that includes personal details like your hometown.
  • Ignore messages that seem suspicious, aggressive or contain odd links from new friends.
  • Hover over profile links to inspect where they actually lead before clicking.
  • Use login notifications to monitor connections to your account from unknown devices.

Staying cautious, vigilant and making use of platform privacy controls can help deter fake accounts. Use your best judgment when interacting with new friends online.


Fake friend requests on social media sites are an unfortunate reality and common risk. While most connected accounts are legitimate, some may be scammers, stalkers or bots looking to infiltrate your network. Accepting these dubious requests can potentially expose you and your contacts to identity theft, hacking, fraud, blackmail and other issues. Carefully vetting all new requests, watching for red flags, limiting personal details shared publicly and using privacy settings are key ways to protect yourself. Using caution and common sense with online connections helps keep you safe. Ignoring or reporting suspicious accounts also helps stop their efforts to take advantage of unsuspecting social media users.