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What is the resolution of Facebook 4 5 video?

What is the resolution of Facebook 4 5 video?

When uploading videos to Facebook, the platform will encode and optimize your videos to play back properly across different devices and connection speeds. The maximum resolution Facebook supports for uploaded videos is 4K. However, the default encoding setting for Facebook videos is much lower than 4K in order to balance quality and file size.

The Default Facebook Video Resolution

The default encoding resolution used by Facebook for uploaded videos is 720p HD (1280 x 720 pixels). This means that by default, Facebook will encode and compress your uploaded videos to a 720p resolution. Even if you upload a video in a higher resolution like 1080p or 4K, Facebook will downsample it to 720p.

There are a few reasons Facebook has chosen 720p as their default video resolution:

  • 720p provides a good balance of quality and file size. Higher resolutions like 1080p and 4K have much larger file sizes that would increase upload times and data costs for users.
  • 720p is sufficient resolution for good visual quality on most common device screens used for Facebook viewing.
  • 720p requires less processing power to encode and play back smoothly, especially important for mobile devices.

So for most casual Facebook video uploads, the 720p default resolution gives a good experience for both viewers and uploaders. Higher resolutions are not necessary in many cases.

Uploading in 1080p or 4K Resolution

While 720p is the default, Facebook does give you the option to upload videos at higher resolutions like 1080p and 4K if you desire. However, keep in mind your videos will still be compressed and optimized by Facebook’s encoding process.

To upload videos higher than 720p:

  1. In the Facebook app or on the website, select your video to upload.
  2. Open the advanced settings while configuring the post.
  3. Under “Video Quality” select either “HD (1080p)” or “4K” instead of the default “Standard (720p).”

This will tell Facebook to encode your video at the higher resolution you selected. But the actual playback resolution that viewers experience will vary depending on their device, connection speed, and Facebook’s compression algorithms.

Maximum Playback Resolution on Facebook

What is the maximum video resolution that Facebook users can actually watch? Facebook states they support video playback up to 4K resolution. However, 4K playback requires ideal conditions:

  • The viewer must be using a 4K capable device like a high-end smartphone or 4K TV.
  • The internet connection must have sufficient bandwidth to stream 4K video. Minimum of 25 Mbps is recommended.
  • The video content must be streamed in high enough quality by Facebook’s servers to deliver 4K resolution after compression.

In reality, the majority of Facebook users are not watching videos in 4K for several reasons:

  1. Most smartphones, computers, and tablets have 1080p or lower resolution screens.
  2. Internet speeds are often not fast enough to stream 4K, especially on mobile networks.
  3. Facebook’s compression can reduce 4K source files to lower resolutions depending on bitrate and image complexity.

So while Facebook supports 4K, most viewers max out at 1080p resolution. Even 720p is more than sufficient on smartphones due to the smaller screens.

Resolution on Desktop vs Mobile

An important consideration is that video resolution capability depends on the viewing device. For example:

  • On desktop computers with high resolution monitors and fast broadband connections, 1080p or 1440p playback is common.
  • On smartphones, 720p is usually the maximum resolution possible due to cellular data speeds and smaller screens.
  • Tablets with WiFi can often support 1080p playback or higher.

Facebook’s video encoding process takes the viewing device into account. Video files may be encoded at lower resolutions to optimize for smaller mobile screens vs larger desktop monitors.

Bitrate and Encoding

In addition to resolution, bitrate is an important factor that impacts Facebook video quality. Bitrate is the amount of data used per second of video playback, measured in kbps (kilobits per second). Higher bitrates allow for higher video quality.

When you upload a video to Facebook, their encoding process converts and compresses it to an optimal bitrate for smooth playback across different devices and connections. Facebook utilizes variable bitrate encoding that dynamically adjusts the bitrate based on the complexity of each scene.

Typical 1080p video on Facebook has an average bitrate between 3000-6000 kbps. Standard definition 480p video may be between 400-800 kbps. Facebook utilizes modern video codecs like H.264 and H.265 to maximize quality and compression efficiency.

In summary, Facebook’s algorithms consider many factors like resolution, bitrate, device type, and connection speeds to optimize video quality and delivery for each user.

Facebook 4:5 Aspect Ratio Recommendation

Facebook recommends uploading videos in a 4:5 aspect ratio for optimal viewing across different mobile and desktop feeds. This means your video’s width is 4 units and height is 5 units.

Some key benefits of using a 4:5 aspect ratio for Facebook videos:

  • Fills the mobile feed nicely in portrait orientation.
  • Less black bars and letterboxing needed to fit different feed dimensions.
  • Easier to watch fullscreen on the Facebook app and website video players.
  • Video deforms and crops less when people scroll past in their feeds.

Of course, not all video content fits neatly into a 4:5 frame. But keeping Facebook’s recommended aspect ratio in mind when filming and editing can optimize your video’s composition for their platform.

Resolution and Aspect Ratio Tips

Here are some best practice tips to get great visual quality with your Facebook videos:

  • Use the 4:5 aspect ratio if possible for mobile and desktop feed compatibility.
  • Upload at least in 720p resolution to match Facebook’s default encoding.
  • For higher visual impact, upload 1080p when connection speeds allow.
  • 4K is supported but unnecessary in most cases due to compression and device limitations.
  • Prioritize good lighting, stable framing, and compelling visuals over maximum resolution.
  • Test videos on both desktop and mobile to see how they display in different feeds.
  • Use Facebook Insights to see engagement metrics and determine optimal resolutions for your audience.

Facebook Live Video Resolution

The maximum resolution for Facebook Live streaming matches the regular Facebook video resolutions discussed above. You can live stream up to 1080p on Facebook from most encoders and devices.

However, live video bitrates tend to be lower than regular uploads. Facebook recommends streaming at 3500-5000 kbps for 1080p live video from a phone. This can result in some pixelation and compression artifacts during fast movement in streams.

From a dedicated hardware encoder, you may be able to sustain 6000-7500 kbps for high quality 1080p Facebook Live streams.

4K live streaming is possible on Facebook but requires very high bitrates of 25 Mbps or more along with strong internet connections. For most users, 720p or 1080p are the practical resolution limits.

Facebook 360 and VR Video Resolution

Facebook supports uploading and viewing 360-degree and VR immersive videos in up to 4K resolution. This provides high visual quality when viewed in VR headsets or interactively on desktop/mobile.

To upload a 360 or VR video to Facebook:

  1. Select to upload the video as normal.
  2. In the advanced settings, toggle on the “360 Video” or “3D Video” options.
  3. Facebook will encode the video using special VR/360 projection techniques.

When viewers watch your 360 or VR video, they can pan and interact with the video to experience the immersive environment. Higher 4K resolution provides greater detail and visual impact for 360 and VR videos.

Facebook 3D Photo Resolution

Facebook also supports uploading 3D photos, which are interactive stereo images that create an immersive effect. 3D photos can be viewed in Facebook posts and profiles.

The ideal resolution for Facebook 3D photos is 4096 x 2048 pixels. This is double a standard 2D photo resolution. Facebook’s 3D photo algorithms will use both the left and right images in the stereo pair to generate the 3D interactive effect.

3D photos require specialized capture techniques to properly shoot the left/right image pairs. But when viewed on Facebook, they can bring still images to life in an impressive simulated 3D space.


To summarize, the default resolution used by Facebook for most uploaded videos is 720p HD. While 1080p and 4K are supported, few viewers experience playback higher than 1080p in reality. Good lighting, composition, and compelling visuals are just as important as maximum resolution.

Optimizing your videos for Facebook’s recommended 4:5 aspect ratio can improve their feed performance on both mobile and desktop. Testing your video posts on both platforms is helpful to see how they render in real-world use.

Analyzing video metrics like completion rates and engagement can provide data-driven insights to inform your optimal upload resolution and strategy on Facebook.

With Facebook’s encoding process in mind, aim for a balance between quality and file size that looks great while reachable across varying devices and connections. Focus on crafting memorable moving stories that connect with audiences at any resolution.