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What is the resolution of a square post on Facebook?

What is the resolution of a square post on Facebook?

When uploading images to Facebook, it’s important to understand image resolution, especially when creating square-shaped posts. The resolution of an image determines its quality and clarity on screen. For square images on Facebook in particular, there are recommended resolutions to follow in order to optimize the appearance of your posts.

What is Image Resolution?

Image resolution refers to the amount of detail an image can convey. It is measured in pixels, or individual dots that make up a digital image. The more pixels in an image, the higher the resolution and the sharper it will look.

Resolution can be expressed in different ways:

  • Pixels per inch (PPI) – How many pixels fit within a linear inch of an image
  • Total pixel dimensions – The total number of horizontal vs. vertical pixels (e.g. 1000 x 1500 pixels)
  • Print resolution – Used for images intended for print (typical standard is 300 PPI)
  • Screen resolution – Used for images displayed on screens (standard is 72 or 96 PPI)

A high resolution image contains more pixels than a low resolution image. Images with higher resolution have finer detail and appear sharper.

Facebook Image Resolutions

When uploading images to Facebook, there are recommended image resolutions to follow for optimal quality:

  • Profile pictures – 180 x 180 pixels
  • Cover photos – 820 x 312 pixels
  • Shared images – 1200 x 1200 pixels
  • Shared portrait images – 600 x 600 pixels
  • Event images – 1920 x 1080 pixels
  • Advertisements – 1200 x 628 pixels

However, one of the most common image types uploaded to Facebook is the square post. This is an image cropped into a perfect square, which displays nicely in the user feed. So what resolution should you use for square images?

Ideal Resolution for Square Images

When cropping images into squares for Facebook, it’s best to adhere to these guidelines for resolution:

  • Minimum size: 600 x 600 pixels
  • Recommended size: 1080 x 1080 pixels
  • Maximum size: 2048 x 2048 pixels

Here are some benefits of using resolutions within those ranges:

600 x 600

  • Small file size makes it easy to upload and share
  • Fast loading time
  • Displays clearly on mobile screens

1080 x 1080

  • Crisp, high-quality appearance
  • Legible text and detailed images
  • Ideal for desktop and laptop screens

2048 x 2048

  • Highest level of detail
  • Will look sharp when viewed at full size
  • Larger file size may mean slower loading

A resolution of 1080 x 1080 pixels provides the best balance between image quality and file size for square Facebook posts. This size will look sharp on most devices and won’t take too long to load.

Creating Square Images for Facebook

When creating square images for Facebook, you have a couple options:

Take a square photo

Some smartphones and digital cameras allow you to take photos in a native 1:1 square format. This ensures the image proportions are perfect for sharing directly to Facebook.

Crop a photo into a square

If you don’t have a way to take a square photo, you can crop a regular photo into a square shape using editing software like Photoshop, Canva, PicMonkey etc. Make sure the finished resolution meets Facebook’s recommendations.

Design square graphics

You can create custom square graphics, illustrations or designs using graphic design software. This allows full control over the image size and resolution.

Uploading Square Images to Facebook

When you go to upload a square image to Facebook, you have two options:

Upload directly

You can upload your square image directly to Facebook without any resizing. Facebook will display the image as-is if the file meets the recommended resolution.

Resize upon upload

If your image does not meet the recommended size, Facebook gives you the option to resize it upon upload. You may lose some quality, but it will reformat the image to be square.

Keep in mind Facebook will compress and downsample very large images to optimize file size and loading time. So images over 2048 x 2048 pixels will end up resized anyway.

Maintaining Quality of Square Images

When saving square images for Facebook, follow these tips for best quality:

  • Save images at the highest resolution possible (at least 1080 x 1080).
  • Use JPG file format at 90-100% quality.
  • Avoid excessive compression to prevent pixelation.
  • Maintain proper lighting and focus when taking square photos.
  • Leave extra space around important subjects to allow for cropping.

Also, when uploading to Facebook, avoid resizing or compressing images multiple times as this can degrade quality.

Image Resolution Considerations by Device

The optimal image resolution also depends on what device your audience will be viewing Facebook on. Here are some considerations:

Computer Monitors

  • Higher resolutions recommended (1500+ pixels)
  • Viewers can see images at full size
  • Small text and fine details are legible


  • Medium to higher resolutions recommended (1000-1500 pixels)
  • Retina displays show sharp images
  • Details and text still visible


  • Smaller resolutions work well (600-1000 pixels)
  • Fast loading time important
  • Hard to see tiny details and text

Testing your images on different devices can help you find the right balance. As a general rule, 1080 x 1080 resolution will look great across most screens.

Image Sizes for Other Facebook Uses

While square images are commonly used in the Facebook feed, there are other special sizes to keep in mind:

Use Size
Profile picture 180 x 180 pixels
Cover photo 820 x 312 pixels
Shared portrait image 600 x 600 pixels
Shared landscape image 1200 x 630 pixels
Event image 1920 x 1080 pixels
Advertisement 1200 x 628 pixels
App ads 600 x 315 pixels

Refer to Facebook’s latest image specifications when creating graphics for any specific use.

Image Optimization for Facebook

In addition to proper image resolution, you can optimize images for Facebook through:

  • File format – Use JPG or PNG for photos
  • File compression – Maximize quality without large file sizes
  • Color profiles – sRGB is standard
  • Metadata – Can include titles, descriptions, location info

Also, run images through optimization tools to further compress file sizes without visible quality loss.

Checking Actual Image Resolution on Facebook

When an image is uploaded to Facebook, you can check its actual resolution being displayed:

  1. Right click on the image and select “Open image in new tab” or “View image”
  2. In the image URL, look for the dimensions after the filename:

    Example: image_file_name_1000×1000.jpg
  3. This shows the image resolution Facebook is displaying it at

The displayed resolution may differ from the original if Facebook compressed or resized it. This can help you detect if quality was lost.


When creating square images for Facebook, a resolution of 1080 x 1080 pixels is ideal. This provides high quality images that render well across most devices. Using proper image resolution along with optimizing compression and file types can help your images stand out in the Facebook feed.