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What is the promoted object error on Facebook ads?

What is the promoted object error on Facebook ads?

The promoted object error on Facebook ads refers to an issue where an ad set, campaign, or ad account is incorrectly flagged as promoting banned products or services. This results in the ad being disapproved and unable to run. The error message usually states “Your ad set, campaign, or ad account isn’t running because it doesn’t follow our Advertising Policies. We don’t allow ads that promote products, services, schemes or offers using deceptive or misleading practices”.

What causes the promoted object error?

There are a few potential causes of the promoted object error on Facebook ads:

  • Using misleading ad copy or imagery that appears to promote banned products or services
  • Promoting products or services that violate Facebook’s advertising policies
  • Running engagement bait campaigns that ask users to like, share or comment to gain entry into a contest or unlock content
  • Having ad accounts or Pages with a history of policy violations
  • Using black hat tactics meant to artificially inflate ad performance

Even if you aren’t directly promoting anything prohibited, Facebook’s automated review system may sometimes mistake innocuous ads for policy violations based on certain words, phrases or images used in the ads. For example, ads promoting credit repair services often get flagged even though they are allowed, simply due to the association with “credit” and “repair” keywords.

How to fix the promoted object error

Here are some tips on how to resolve the promoted object error on Facebook ads:

  1. Carefully review your ad content and landing pages to ensure you aren’t inadvertently promoting anything prohibited. Remove any questionable text, images or claims.
  2. Delete any ads or ad sets that are causing the issue. You may need to pause or delete the campaign or ad account as well.
  3. Appeal the disapproval by requesting another review through Ads Manager or ad set level. Provide additional context explaining your offer.
  4. Make sure your ad accounts, Pages and domain are in good standing. Resolve any prior policy violations.
  5. Avoid engagement bait tactics. Instead, focus on driving conversions through your ads.
  6. Consider working with a Facebook Marketing Partner who can help troubleshoot and prevent promoted object errors.

Best practices to avoid promoted object errors

Here are some best practices advertisers should follow to avoid running into promoted object errors:

  • Thoroughly read and understand Facebook’s Advertising Policies. Don’t attempt to promote prohibited products or services.
  • Avoid using sensationalized language or shocking/misleading images.
  • Be transparent about your offer in ad text and only make claims you can backup.
  • Use a compliant landing page. Don’t say one thing in your ad and something different on your site.
  • Have a review process for ad copy, creatives and landing pages before running ads.
  • Don’t reuse ad accounts or assets from prior banned accounts.
  • Monitor ad accounts closely for any policy violations or flags.

Carefully following Facebook’s guidelines and maintaining advertiser integrity can help minimize mistakes that lead to promoted object errors.

Common prohibited products and services that lead to this error

Here are some common prohibited products and services that frequently trigger the promoted object error:

  • Weapons: Firearms, ammunition, gun parts, chemical weapons, etc.
  • Adult products: Pornography, adult entertainment services, sex toys, escort services, etc.
  • Drugs: Illegal, recreational, and pharmaceutical drugs.
  • Unsafe supplements: Weight loss pills, muscle building supplements, etc.
  • Binary options: Trading platforms that are often misleading.
  • Misleading health claims: Miracle cures, inappropriate COVID claims, unproven medical treatments.
  • Online pharmacies: Pharmacies operating without proper licensing.
  • Multi-level marketing: Programs with compensation for recruitment.

This list is not exhaustive, but promoting any of the above products or services will frequently lead to a promoted object error. Always thoroughly check Facebook’s policies before advertising restricted categories.

Should you appeal the error or create new ad accounts?

If you receive a promoted object error, you generally have two options:

  1. Appeal the error: You can submit an appeal to Facebook through Ads Manager explaining why you feel the ad was mistakenly disapproved. Provide additional context and be willing to make any necessary changes to ad content. Appeals work best for minor first-time violations.
  2. Create new ad accounts: In cases of serious or repeat violations resulting in ad account suspension, you may need to create new ad accounts, assets and campaigns. Use completely new ad copy, creatives and landing pages. Ensure prior policy violations are resolved.

For minor or moderate violations, appealing the specific disapproved ad objects is generally the quickest resolution. But for advertisers with a history of violations or promoting prohibited products, starting fresh with new ad accounts is likely needed to resolve the issue.

Steps to take when appealing a promoted object error

If you decide to appeal a promoted object error, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the disapproved ad set, ad, campaign or account in Ads Manager.
  2. Click “View detail” to see the specific policy violation.
  3. Select “Ask for review” to appeal the error.
  4. Carefully review the ad content again and make any necessary changes.
  5. Write an explanation of your offer and why you feel the ad was mistakenly disapproved.
  6. Include any supporting details or context needed to properly evaluate the ad.
  7. Be cooperative, polite and understanding in your appeal message.
  8. Wait for Facebook to re-review your appeal request. This can take 1-3 days.
  9. Consider pausing other ads until the appeal results are known.

With a clear, detailed appeal explaining your offer, many minor promoted object errors can be successfully resolved. However, appeals are not guaranteed to work, especially for serious or repeat violations.

Why you must create all new ad accounts after multiple violations

Getting hit with the promoted object error multiple times often signals deeper issues that require starting completely fresh with new ad accounts and campaigns. Here are some reasons why:

  • Your accounts are likely flagged for review: Multiple violations will lead Facebook to flag and closely scrutinize your accounts.
  • Associated assets also flagged: Ad copy, creatives, landing pages from flagged accounts are also suspicious.
  • Your integrity is in doubt: Repeated violations make Facebook unsure you will follow policies.
  • Difficult to overcome negative history: Appeals become much less likely to work after multiple violations.
  • Algorithm suppresses flagged accounts: Your ads may see reduced reach and performance in flagged accounts.

Making minor tweaks is usually insufficient after multiple promoted object errors. The best approach is to demonstrate a clean break from past violations by starting over.

Use brand new ad accounts, ad copy, creatives, landing pages and assets. Ensure you fully understand and comply with all Facebook policies moving forward. Work closely with a Facebook Marketing Partner if needed.

Steps to create brand new compliant ad accounts

If you need to start fresh with new ad accounts due to policy violations, follow these steps:

  1. Pause and archive existing ad accounts associated with violations.
  2. Create brand new Facebook ad accounts and Business Manager under a new email and payment method.
  3. Make sure all new assets are original and compliant. Don’t reuse anything from old accounts.
  4. Have someone thoroughly review new ad copy, creatives and landing pages.
  5. Only promote offers fully compliant with current Facebook advertising policies.
  6. Consider working with a Facebook Marketing Partner to manage your new accounts.
  7. Monitor new ad accounts closely for any policy violation flags.
  8. Maintain squeaky clean ad account reputation and integrity moving forward.

Completely separating yourself from past violations gives your new ad accounts the best chance of success without promoted object errors.

Key takeaways

  • The promoted object error occurs when Facebook believes an ad violates their Advertising Policies.
  • Carefully review your ads to identify any potential violations triggering the error.
  • Appealing the error can work for minor first-time violations.
  • Multiple violations often necessitate creating brand new compliant ad accounts.
  • Avoid policy violations by closely following Facebook’s guidelines.

Understanding and properly resolving promoted object errors helps ensure your Facebook advertising success. Let this guide equip you to navigate these frustrating but avoidable issues.

Table summarizing key information

Causes of Error How to Fix Prevention Tips
Misleading/deceptive ad copy or images Review and edit ad content Transparent ad copy
Promoting prohibited products or services Delete violating ads or ad sets Check Facebook policies
Engagement bait campaigns Appeal error and explain offer Focus on conversions
Ad accounts with prior violations Create brand new compliant accounts Maintain ad account reputation
Algorithm thinks ad is suspicious Work with Marketing Partner Have review process for ads

Having a clear understanding of what causes promoted object errors, how to fix them, and prevention best practices will help Facebook advertisers minimize issues and keep their accounts in good standing.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some common reasons for the promoted object error?

Common reasons include misleading/deceptive ad practices, promoting banned products, engagement bait tactics, ad accounts with prior violations, and algorithmic errors falsely flagging compliant ads.

How long does it take for a promoted object error appeal to be reviewed?

Appeals typically take 1-3 days for Facebook to thoroughly re-review the ad and make a determination. Complex cases may take longer.

Can you get your ad account back after being banned for violations?

If your account is banned for policy violations, you will likely need to create brand new ad accounts. Multiple violations make it very difficult to overturn a ban.

Are all advertising policies the same across Facebook and Instagram?

Facebook and Instagram have the same advertising policies and restrictions. Violations impact ad accounts across both platforms.

Can promoted object errors impact your Facebook page’s organic reach?

Yes, having ad accounts and Facebook pages associated with policy violations can negatively impact organic page reach. Maintaining integrity across both paid and organic activity is crucial.


Promoted object errors can be frustrating but are avoidable with a strong understanding of Facebook’s Advertising Policies. Regularly review your ad accounts, creatives and landing pages to ensure full compliance. Master the nuances of appealing minor violations vs. starting fresh when necessary. And leverage the expertise of Facebook Marketing Partners if needed to regain your account’s good standing.

Staying on the right side of Facebook’s guidelines takes diligence. But doing so helps build your brand’s reputation and unlock the full potential of Facebook advertising.