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What is the prayer request feature on Facebook?

What is the prayer request feature on Facebook?

The prayer request feature on Facebook allows users to request prayers from their friends and connections on the platform. It is a way for Facebook users to share prayer needs and requests within their social circles and faith communities on Facebook.

How does the prayer request feature work?

The prayer request feature is simple to use. When composing a post on Facebook, users have the option to select “Ask for Prayers” under the sharing options. This allows them to tag the post specifically as a prayer request.

The post is then shared with the user’s friends, family, and broader network on Facebook as a prayer request. Depending on the user’s privacy settings, the prayer request may be visible to their entire friend list or a more limited audience.

When people see the prayer request in their feeds, they can react to it with a “Pray” reaction button. This lets the user who posted it know that people are praying for them. People can also leave comments of prayer and support.

Facebook groups focused on prayer and faith can also leverage the prayer request feature. Members can post prayer requests to the group, enabling the entire group to see it and pray.

What types of prayer requests do people share?

Facebook users share all kinds of prayer requests covering many aspects of life. Here are some common examples:

  • Health concerns – Requests for healing, upcoming medical procedures, chronic illnesses, etc.
  • Emotional needs – Prayer for encouragement, anxiety, depression, grief, etc.
  • Life circumstances – Job loss, financial strain, family issues, major life changes, etc.
  • Spiritual needs – Requests for spiritual growth, discernment, rededication, etc.
  • World events – Prayers for national tragedies, crises, social justice issues, etc.

The prayer feature is used to share personal, family, community, national, and global prayer needs. The possibilities are endless because people experience needs across all aspects of human life.

Why do people use the prayer request feature?

There are several key reasons why people utilize the prayer request feature on Facebook:

Connect with their faith community

For many people of faith, sharing prayer requests is a way to connect with their broader spiritual community on Facebook. Friends and connections can surround them in prayer even if they don’t attend church together regularly or live near each other.

Solicit prayers and support

Times of hardship or need often provide an impetus for asking others to pray. Making specific prayer requests allows a person’s network to know how to best pray for them during a difficult season of life.

Share publicly

Posting on Facebook allows prayer needs to be shared in a public way with many people simultaneously. This saves the effort of reaching out individually to ask for prayer.

Difficult to share elsewhere

Some people find it easier to share vulnerable prayer requests on Facebook rather than in person. The semi-public but slightly removed nature of Facebook makes it less intimidating.

Receive encouragement

Commenters often leave uplifting messages when they see prayer requests in their feed. This provides encouragement and hope to the person requesting prayer.

How to post a prayer request on Facebook

Posting a prayer request is simple. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the Facebook app on your phone or computer.
  2. Go to your profile page or a group page where you want to share the request.
  3. Click on “Write something” or the “Create Post” box.
  4. Type your prayer request message.
  5. Click on the arrow or options menu near the post button.
  6. Select “Ask for Prayers” from the menu.
  7. Click “Share Now.”

Your prayer request will now post with a prayer icon and text identifying it as a prayer request. People will be able to react and leave comments to support you.

Tips for sharing meaningful prayer requests

To spark more meaningful prayer and engagement, consider these tips:

  • Be specific – Give details about the situation to guide prayer.
  • Be concise – Long blocks of text are unlikely to be fully read.
  • Share updates – Let people know if and how prayer is being answered.
  • Thank pray-ers – Express gratitude in comments and follow-up posts.
  • Make it personal – Share your heart and feelings, not just facts.
  • Keep privacy in mind – Avoid oversharing details publicly.

Benefits and drawbacks of public prayer requests

Posting on Facebook comes with both advantages and disadvantages:


  • Reach a wider audience with your request
  • Receive encouragement from community
  • Spark connection with old and new friends
  • Share easily without having to reach out individually
  • Gain support no matter your location

Potential drawbacks

  • Lacks the intimacy of individual prayer
  • Overshares details you may regret making public
  • Possibility of insincere or shallow engagement
  • Harder to truly know who is praying for you

Facebook alternatives for private prayer requests

For a more intimate approach, consider these alternatives:

Text or email small group

Texting or emailing prayer requests to close friends or a small group keeps it personal while still soliciting prayer.

Talk one-on-one

Confide in a trusted friend or leader who can pray for you and possibly share selectively with others.

Call prayer line or group

Many churches have phone prayer chains or hotlines. This grants live, personal prayer.

Prayer apps

Apps like Echo provide a private place to request prayer from your close connections on the app.

Write in a journal

Journaling prayers and requests you’re comfortable making semi-public on Facebook can provide clarity and comfort.

Etiquette for responding to prayer requests

When someone you know makes a prayer request on Facebook, keep these etiquette tips in mind:

  • Take time to pray – Offer sincere, focused prayer for them.
  • Click “Pray” to react – This lets them know you’re lifting them up.
  • Leave an encouraging comment – Offer kind words, Scripture, etc.
  • Avoid public criticism – Message privately if needed.
  • Respect privacy – Don’t overshare or gossip about requests.
  • Follow up – Check back in with them later about the situation.

Privacy and safety considerations

When posting prayer requests, it’s important to consider privacy and safety:

  • Use privacy settings – Limit your audience where appropriate.
  • Avoid specific locations/times – Don’t share details that could compromise safety.
  • Keep personal details limited – Share judiciously, not impulsively.
  • Remember public visibility – Anyone can see public posts.

Also keep in mind that while most responders have good intentions, prayer requests can attract insincere or predatory responses in some cases.


Facebook’s prayer request feature provides a public way to tap into the power of shared prayer. It allows people to instantly invite their community to support them spiritually during life’s ups and downs. While not a replacement for private prayer, it remains a meaningful option for broadcasting needs and connecting through social media.