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What is the point of a temporary profile picture on Facebook?

What is the point of a temporary profile picture on Facebook?

Facebook allows users to set a temporary profile picture that will automatically revert back to their previous profile picture after a set number of days. This feature was introduced in 2013 and allows users more flexibility in changing up their profile picture for a certain event or occasion without having to permanently alter their page.

Why Would You Want a Temporary Profile Picture?

There are several reasons why someone might want to use a temporary profile picture on Facebook:

  • To show support for a particular cause or event – For example, many people will temporarily change their profile picture to support various health causes that have yearly events like Breast Cancer Awareness Month or Mental Health Awareness Month. This allows them to draw attention to the cause without having to permanently alter their profile picture.
  • To commemorate a holiday or event – Holidays like Christmas, Halloween, birthdays, anniversaries, etc. are popular times for people to temporarily change their profile pictures. It’s a fun way to get into the spirit of a particular holiday/event and then easily revert back to your regular profile pic when it’s over.
  • To indicate you’re on vacation or traveling – A temporary profile pic featuring you on a beach or in front of a famous landmark is a quick way to let your friends know you’re out of town without having to change your profile pic long-term.
  • To signify change or new beginnings – Major life events like graduations, new jobs, engagements/marriages, etc. sometimes warrant a temporary profile picture change to highlight the new chapter you’re entering.
  • To commemorate milestones or achievements – Completing a marathon, winning a championship, earning a new certification are examples of milestones people may wish to highlight temporarily on their profile picture.
  • To participate in viral trends – Viral photo trends often encourage people to temporarily change their profile picture, such as adding a border or overlay to show solidarity around a particular issue.
  • To try out new looks – Sometimes people just want to change up their profile photo for a little while to show off a new haircut, clothing style, or just a different look before switching back to their old pic.

How to Set a Temporary Profile Picture

Setting a temporary profile picture is easy to do by following these steps:

  1. Go to your profile page and click on your current profile picture. This will open up the profile picture update window.
  2. Click “Update Profile Picture” and select a new photo you want to use as your temporary profile picture.
  3. Once selected, click “Use as Profile Picture”.
  4. This will open the “Options” window. At the bottom, toggle the option on to “Make This Photo Temporary”.
  5. A box will pop up allowing you to select how many days you want the profile picture to remain active before it reverts back to your previous photo.
  6. Click “Save” and your selected photo will now be set as your temporary profile picture!

At any point, you can follow the steps again to revert back to your previous profile picture before the end date or select a new temporary picture if you choose.

Ideal Length of Time for a Temporary Profile Picture

When deciding how long to keep a temporary profile picture active, most experts recommend sticking to the following guidelines:

  • 1-7 days – For viral trends, awareness campaigns, or minor events/causes.
  • 1-4 weeks – For major holidays, vacations, events, or causes.
  • 1-2 months – For big life events or milestones you want to highlight for a longer period of time.

Anything longer than 2 months starts to negate the purpose of a “temporary” change. You don’t want your profile picture reverting after people have already gotten used to your new look. The sweet spot for many users is between 1 week and 1 month. This provides enough time to get good visibility but not so long that it starts feeling permanent.

Should You Use the Same Temporary Profile Picture on Other Social Platforms?

Consistency across platforms can help reinforce your intended message or purpose behind a temporary profile picture change. However, it’s not strictly necessary to use the exact same temporary pic across every platform. Here are a few guidelines to keep in mind:

  • If changing for a holiday/event, using the same pic across multiple platforms creates cohesion.
  • If changing for a trending meme, using it on all platforms spreads the trend farther.
  • If changing for personal milestones, consistency is less important. You can customize the pic to each platform.
  • Using the same pic is more critical on platforms you’re most active on where followers expect consistency.

So tailor your approach based on the purpose behind your temporary change, but don’t feel obligated to use the same exact image across every single social media account you have. Cohesiveness is ideal, but the flexibility to customize for each platform is also an option.

Best Practices for Temporary Profile Pictures

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when leveraging temporary profile pictures:

  • Choose images relevant to the reason/event for changing your picture – Don’t use a random selfie if you’re trying to commemorate a holiday, for example.
  • Optimize the picture for clarity in small thumbnail sizes – Zoom in on key elements and reduce clutter.
  • Use images you have rights to share and post online – Avoid copyright-protected images.
  • Remember your audience and their expectations of your page – Stay on brand and consider how it impacts your overall social media presence.
  • Have a plan for what your profile picture will change back to – Pick something that works as a default fallback image.
  • Set an end date that makes sense – Don’t drag out temporary changes too long or cut them too short.
  • Use tools to manage and schedule changes – Facebook’s built-in tools or third party apps like Hootsuite can schedule future profile picture changes.

By following these best practices, you can effectively use temporary profile pictures to achieve your intended purpose without disrupting your permanent social media presence.

Potential Downsides of Temporary Profile Pictures

While temporary profile pictures can be fun and engaging when used properly, there are some potential downsides to be aware of:

  • Can cause confusion if changed too frequently – Followers may get frustrated if your profile picture seems to change daily and they can’t keep track of who you are.
  • May be disruptive to your personal brand – If image changes are too random or frequent, it diminishes brand familiarity and recognition.
  • Harder to stand out – With so many people using temporary pics, it can be difficult to get yours noticed.
  • Creates extra work – Having to manually change back and forth between pictures takes more effort than leaving one profile pic unchanged.
  • Could lose relevance over time – A picture relevant today may not have the same impact weeks/months down the road.
  • Can appear disingenuous – Some followers may perceive constant changes as attention-seeking behavior.

Being cognizant of these potential risks can help you avoid pitfalls and use temporary pictures successfully. Moderation and thoughtful timing are key.

Facebook’s Policy on Temporary Profile Pictures

Facebook’s policy on temporary profile pictures includes:

  • Users are permitted to set a profile picture expiration between 1 hour and 14 days.
  • Past that timeframe, users must manually revert back to their previous picture.
  • Users can select any photo from their camera roll or Facebook uploads to use.
  • There are no restrictions on the number of times a user can change their temporary profile picture.
  • Facebook reserves the right to remove any temporary profile pictures that violate their community standards or terms of use policies.

As long as temporary pictures adhere to Facebook’s policies around appropriate content, users have broad flexibility in leveraging the temporary profile picture feature as they see fit.


Temporary Facebook profile pictures give users creative license to change up their profile image for holidays, events, causes, personal milestones, trending memes, and more. Utilizing the feature strategically can increase engagement and highlight important moments, but care should be taken not to overdo it. With mindful timing and selection, temporary profile pictures can be an effective tool on Facebook without disrupting your core personal brand. Just don’t forget to change it back when the time is up!