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What is the pixel size for FB cover photo?

What is the pixel size for FB cover photo?

Facebook cover photos are a great way to customize the look of your profile and timeline. With cover photos, you can use images that represent your personality, interests, or business. When designing a Facebook cover photo, it’s important to understand the proper dimensions so that the photo displays correctly on desktop and mobile.

The Basics of Facebook Cover Photos

Facebook cover photos appear at the top of a Facebook profile or page. On desktop views, the cover photo spans the entire width of the page from left to right. On mobile devices, it appears much smaller above the profile picture and name.

Some key facts about Facebook cover photos:

  • They provide branding and customization for a profile or page
  • The optimum pixel size is 820 pixels wide by 312 pixels tall
  • The minimum width is 640 pixels for desktop
  • On mobile, cover photos are displayed at a width of 640 pixels
  • Cover photos are public and do not have privacy settings

Recommended Pixel Size for Desktop

To ensure your Facebook cover photo looks great on desktop, the recommended size is 820 pixels wide by 312 pixels tall. At this size, the cover photo will stretch nicely across desktop screens and devices without becoming distorted or pixelated.

Here are some key facts on the recommended Facebook cover photo size:

  • Width: 820 pixels
  • Height: 312 pixels
  • Aspect ratio: 2.63:1 (820:312)
  • File size: under 100 kilobytes recommended
  • File types: JPG or PNG

Designing your image at 820 x 312 pixels will provide enough resolution for retina and high resolution screens. The photo will look sharp and optimized across desktop layouts.

Minimum Size for Desktop

If you are unable to design a cover photo at 820 x 312 pixels, the absolute minimum size Facebook requires is 640 x 360 pixels. At this smaller size, the cover image will still stretch across desktop, but image quality may suffer on high resolution displays.

Here are the minimum Facebook cover photo dimensions for desktop:

  • Width: 640 pixels (minimum required)
  • Height: 360 pixels (recommended minimum)
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9

Keep in mind, the 640 x 360 size is Facebook’s required minimum for desktop. For best quality and impact, an 820 x 312 image is still highly recommended.

Mobile Size and Appearance

On mobile devices like smartphones, Facebook cover photos appear much smaller above the profile picture and name. They display at a static width of 640 pixels, with the height cropped to center the focal point of the image.

When designing your cover photo, keep these mobile display factors in mind:

  • Width will always be 640 pixels
  • Height may be cropped or zoomed to focus on key subject
  • Central focal point should contain essential details
  • Text and logos need to be legible at smaller scale

Be sure to preview your cover photo on a mobile device to see how it scales down and ensure important elements are not lost or cropped out.

How to Add a Facebook Cover Photo

Adding a cover photo to Facebook is easy and can be done from desktop or mobile. Here are step-by-step instructions:

  1. Have your 820 x 312 pixel cover photo file ready in JPG or PNG format.
  2. Go to your profile and click the camera icon to upload a photo.
  3. Select “Upload Photo” and choose your cover photo from your computer files.
  4. Click “Use as Cover Photo” once the image has uploaded.
  5. Position and scale the photo with the on-screen tool.
  6. Click “Save Changes” to set the cover photo.

Once set, your Facebook cover photo will appear on your profile or page across all devices. Keep in mind you can update and change it at any time as you wish.

Tips for Creating Great Facebook Cover Photos

Optimizing your Facebook cover photo for both desktop and mobile can help it stand out and make an impact. Here are some useful tips for creating great looking cover images:

  • Use high resolution source images for maximum quality
  • Design the photo at the recommended 820 x 312 pixel size
  • Include important text, logos, or details in the center focal point
  • Add sufficient contrast between background and foreground elements
  • Use minimal text and include it prominently near the central area
  • Include a relevant call-to-action for your brand or profile
  • Preview the image on both desktop and mobile to check quality
  • Pick an image that represents your brand identity or personal interests

Taking the time to create a customized Facebook cover photo can help elevate your profile and social media presence. An eye-catching and effective cover photo may improve engagement rates and clicks.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if my photo is too small?

If you upload a cover photo that is smaller than the minimum 640 x 360 pixel size, Facebook will stretch and enlarge it to fit the space. However, this can cause significant loss of image quality, pixelation, and blurriness.

What’s the best file format for cover photos?

JPG and PNG are the recommended file formats for Facebook cover photos. These compressed formats provide great image quality at relatively small file sizes. Other formats like GIF will also work.

Can I customize the mobile cover photo view?

No, the mobile cover photo size and display cannot be changed or customized. The image will always appear at 640 pixels wide, with adjustable cropping and scaling to highlight the central area of focus.

Is there a limit to how many times I can change the photo?

No, you can change your Facebook cover photo as often as you like. There is no limit to the number of times you can upload and swap out the image.

Do cover photos need to be approved by Facebook?

No, Facebook does not approve cover photos before they are set and displayed. However, they may remove any images that are found to violate their content policies.


Facebook cover photos offer a great way to customize your profile or page with images that express your brand or personality. Optimizing your cover photo for both desktop and mobile requires an understanding of the right dimensions and display factors. A cover photo size of 820 x 312 pixels is ideal, but the minimum is 640 x 360 pixels. Design your image with the central area of focus in mind, since this will be highlighted on mobile screens. With an eye-catching, high quality cover photo that looks great across devices, you can help boost your Facebook presence.