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What is the photo that is banned in Facebook?

What is the photo that is banned in Facebook?

Facebook has strict policies around prohibited content and regularly removes photos, videos, posts, and other media that violate these standards. There are a few infamous photos that have been banned on Facebook over the years for graphic violence, nudity, or other offensive material.

The Napalm Girl Photo

One of the most well-known banned photos is the Pulitzer Prize-winning “Napalm Girl” image taken during the Vietnam War in 1972. The iconic black-and-white photo by photographer Nick Ut shows a group of children running from a napalm bombing, including a naked 9-year-old girl named Phan Thị Kim Phúc.

The graphic image of the young girl’s burned body was widely published at the time, but in 2016, Facebook removed posts containing the photo saying it violated their standards on nudity. After public outcry over censorship, Facebook later reversed the ban, saying the historical importance of the photo outweighed the nudity concerns.

Beheadings and Other Violent Images

Facebook has long prohibited extremely graphic and violent content like depictions of beheadings, mutilations, torture, and other gory imagery. This includes photos and videos from terrorist organizations and cartel violence. The platform ramped up restrictions of this type of shocking violent content in 2016 after facing backlash over live streamed violence.

Animal Abuse

Photos or videos showing animal abuse, cruelty, or violence toward animals are strictly prohibited on Facebook. Imagery of illegal poaching, dog fighting, or other harmful acts toward animals will be removed. Hunting photos are generally allowed if following legal regulations.

Sexual/Pornographic Content

Facebook has extensive guidelines banning pornography, from photos showing explicit sexual acts, uncovered genitalia, and female nipples to digitally created pornography and sexual emoji. While benign images of paintings and sculptures showing nudity are generally permitted, the platform takes down most nude, sexualized photos of individuals.

Hate Speech/Symbolism

Facebook removes photos containing hate speech, slurs, and dangerous organizations. This includes imagery related to terrorist groups and criminals. Photos promoting hate groups and offensive symbols like blackface, swastikas, and white supremacy are banned. Users also cannot post mugshot photos to shame others.

Fake News/Misinformation

False or misleading photos meant to spread hoaxes, fake news, and disinformation are prohibited on Facebook. This includes photos purporting to show recent tragedies and natural disasters that are actually recycled from years past, doctored political photos, and manipulated health content.

Ban Evasion

Trying to re-post an image that was previously banned can lead to penalties for ban evasion. Facebook may remove the new post and restrict accounts attempting to share content that clearly violated previous takedown decisions.

Copyright Violations

Users cannot post photos or videos on Facebook without owning the copyright or having permission from the copyright holder. Photos and videos copied from other sources will be removed for copyright infringement if flagged.

Illegal Activities

Imagery promoting dangerous or illegal activities is not allowed on Facebook. This includes photos related to terrorism, human trafficking, organized crime, assault, theft, and other crimes. Photos depicting vandalism, robbery, drugs, and underage drinking may also be removed.

Regulated Goods

Facebook prohibits attempting to sell regulated goods on its platform. So photos showing sales of guns, ammunition, explosives, alcoholic beverages, tobacco, pharmaceuticals, and recreational drugs are banned under its commerce policies.

How Does Facebook Enforce Its Photo Ban?

Facebook relies on a mix of automated technology and human content moderators to review billions of posts per day and flag banned material. AI looks for policy violations in photos, while moderators check context. Users can also report inappropriate photos for review.

The platform is constantly updating how it detects and handles banned photos as new issues arise. But with so much content, prohibited imagery still slips through as Facebook aims to balance censorship concerns with safety.

What Happens When You Post a Banned Photo on Facebook?

If you post a photo violating one of Facebook’s policies, here is the enforcement process:

  • The photo will be removed from Facebook.
  • You will get a notification explaining the content violated the platform’s Community Standards.
  • The photo removal goes on your account record – multiple infractions could lead to account restriction or suspension.
  • Attempts to re-post the banned photo may result in penalties.
  • You can appeal the decision if you disagree with the policy violation.

Controversies Over Facebook’s Photo Policies

Facebook has faced ongoing controversies regarding its policies on banned photos:

  • Critics argue its vague “community standards” are arbitrarily enforced by moderators.
  • Activists say restrictions limit free expression and historical documentation.
  • Misinformation and hoaxes still spread rapidly through fake photos on Facebook.
  • The company admits to making “mistakes” in removing certain permissible photos.
  • There are calls for Facebook to be more transparent about its internal photo review processes.

Avoiding Prohibited Photos on Facebook

To avoid posting banned photos that could get removed from Facebook:

  • Carefully review Facebook’s public Community Standards and photo policies.
  • Use common sense judgment on graphic, explicit sexual, dangerous, or hateful imagery.
  • Fact check photos spreading misinformation or breaking news.
  • Confirm you have rights to share photos and attribute copyright.
  • Flag disturbing photos you see for Facebook to review.


Facebook has implemented photo restrictions to maintain a safe community environment free of graphic violence, adult content, hate speech, misinformation, and other concerning imagery. But the company recognizes balancing freedom of expression with policy enforcement is an ongoing challenge on such a massive platform. Understanding what types of photos get banned by Facebook can help users avoid violating its rules.