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What is the pending friend request limit on Facebook?

What is the pending friend request limit on Facebook?

Facebook is the world’s largest social media platform, with over 2.9 billion monthly active users as of the third quarter of 2022. On Facebook, users can send friend requests to connect with other users. However, there are limits to how many pending friend requests you can have at one time.

The Pending Friend Request Limit

According to Facebook’s Help Center, there is a limit to the number of pending friend requests you can have at one time. The exact pending friend request limit depends on your account status:

  • Standard accounts: The limit is 5,000 pending friend requests
  • Business and organization accounts: The limit is 10,000 pending friend requests

So for a standard personal Facebook account, you can only have up to 5,000 pending friend requests at any given time. Once you hit that limit, you will not be able to send any more friend requests until your pending list drops below 5,000.

Why Facebook Limits Pending Friend Requests

Facebook limits the number of pending friend requests for a few key reasons:

  • To protect users from spam/phishing attempts – By limiting pending requests, Facebook restricts how quickly spammers can send massive numbers of requests.
  • To ensure request notifications are meaningful – Keeping requests capped means every notification should come from an actual acquaintance.
  • To manage server load – Massive pending request lists can strain Facebook’s infrastructure.

In essence, the limit prevents abuse of the friend request system and keeps the social network running smoothly.

Managing Your Pending Friend Requests

If you are approaching the 5,000 request limit, there are a few things you can do to manage your pending list:

  • Go through your list and delete old requests – This instantly frees up room for new connections.
  • Respond to requests by either accepting or ignoring them – Responding removes requests from the pending queue.
  • Turn off ability for people to request you – This gives you total control over who goes in your friends list.

You may also want to tighten your privacy settings and restrict who can see your friends list. A long pending list can signal that your profile is not secured.

Removing Requests from People You Know

If you want to remove a pending friend request from someone you know, there are two options:

  1. Click the dropdown arrow next to Friend Request on their profile and select Cancel Request.
  2. Go to your pending requests list, hover over their name, and click Remove.

This permanently cancels the request. However, the other person can always send you a new friend request if they want to connect again later.

What Happens When You Hit the Limit?

Once your pending friend requests reach the 5,000 limit, you will see the following if you try to send a new request:

  • A notification that you have reached the limit
  • An option to review your pending requests
  • Inability to actually send the new request

You will have to clear out some pending requests before being able to send any new ones. Any requests over the limit will be blocked until your total drops back under 5,000.

Does Deleting Requests Free Up Space?

Yes, deleting pending friend requests instantly frees up space for new requests under the limit. For example:

  • You have 4,500 pending requests
  • You delete 500 pending requests
  • You now have only 4,000 pending requests
  • You have 1,000 slots open to send new requests

Deleted requests are permanently removed from your pending list and no longer count against your limit.

Can You See Who Has Requested You?

Unfortunately there is no built-in Facebook feature to see a list of users who have sent you pending friend requests. However, there are a few workarounds:

  • Use the FollowerWonk Facebook analysis tool – This provides a list of your pending friend requests.
  • Install a browser extension like FB Purity – It shows pending requests next to Find Friends.
  • Use a third party Facebook management tool – Social Report is one option for seeing pending requests.

While you cannot view a simple list on Facebook itself, the above tools make it easy to see who has requested to connect.

Does Ignoring Requests Free Up Space?

Simply ignoring a friend request does not remove it from your pending list. You have two options for freeing up space from ignored requests:

  1. Delete the Request: As mentioned above, deleting a request permanently removes it from pending.
  2. Mark as Spam: If you hover over the name and click “Report/Block” you can mark it as spam. This both removes it from pending and blocks that user.

But merely ignoring a request without taking additional action will not open up a slot in your pending limit.

What Happens if You Have Max Pending Requests?

Here’s what happens if you’ve reached the maximum number of pending friend requests:

  • You cannot send any new friend requests until your pending list is below the limit.
  • Incoming friend requests will be blocked – you won’t receive any new requests.
  • You may miss requests from people you want to connect with.
  • It can be inconvenient to manage your contacts and networking.

Basically, you lose the ability to grow your network until you clear out some pending requests. Be sure to regularly prune your pending list to avoid maxing out.

Impact on Your Account

Having the maximum pending friend requests can negatively impact your account in a few ways:

  • Hurts your account credibility if connections cannot request you.
  • Prevents networking opportunities by blocking incoming requests.
  • Can be perceived as weird or spammy behavior.
  • People may think your account is fake or a bot.

To avoid this, keep your pending requests well under the 5,000 limit. Optimize your friend management.

How to Remedy the Situation

Here are some tips to fix having a full pending list:

  • Delete old, unknown requests in batches.
  • Respond to requests from people you know.
  • Tighten privacy settings if you cannot manage requests.
  • Use tools to identify and remove unwanted requests.

The key is regularly checking and clearing your pending list. Don’t let it reach maximum capacity.

Limits for Pages and Groups

In addition to personal accounts, there are pending request limits for Facebook Pages and Groups:

  • Page request limit: 10,000
  • Group join request limit: 300

These higher limits accommodate the greater volume of requests businesses and communities receive. But they still cap the maximum pending.


For Facebook Pages with lots of Likes/Follows, having 10,000 pending requests is reasonable. Businesses can engage fans while limiting spam.


The 300 request limit for Groups ensures moderators can easily review applicants. Too many pending requests would overwhelm small communities.

Advertisers and Developers

Here are the pending friend request limits for advertisers and developers on Facebook:

  • Advertisers: 1,000
  • Developers: 100

These limits are much lower than normal accounts. This prevents spammy marketing connections.


The 1,000 pending friend request limit allows advertisers to connect with relevant contacts without spamming end users. This protects the user experience.


Developers have a very small 100 request limit. This is because developer accounts are meant for building apps, not social connections.

Changing the Limit

Facebook has not publicly stated any plans to change friend request limits. The current limits have remained consistent for many years.

However, Facebook frequently experiments with new features. Some possibilities for the future include:

  • Different tiers based on user engagement
  • Higher limits for more active accounts
  • Lower limits for inactive profiles
  • VIP accounts with unlimited pending requests

But unless Facebook makes an announcement, the standard 5,000 request limit remains in place indefinitely.


Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about Facebook’s pending friend request limit:

Why does Facebook limit pending requests?

To protect users from spam, ensure notifications are meaningful, and manage server load. The limit prevents abuse.

What happens when I reach the limit?

You cannot send new friend requests until pending requests drop below the limit again. Incoming requests will also be blocked.

How do I remove pending requests?

You can delete requests or click “Report/Block” on them to mark them as spam. This frees up space under the limit.

Can I increase the limit?

No, regular users cannot increase the limit beyond 5,000 requests for a standard Facebook account. Only Facebook can change the standard limit.

Does ignoring requests remove them?

No, ignoring requests does not remove them from your pending list. You must delete or mark them as spam to clear them.


Facebook’s pending friend request limit helps protect the user experience and limit spammy behavior. Standard personal accounts can have up to 5,000 pending requests. Pages, Groups, advertisers, and developers have different limits tailored to their needs.

If you are approaching the request limit, be sure to prune your pending list by deleting or marking unwanted requests as spam. Keep your pending requests well below the maximum to avoid issues and keep your account in good standing.