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What is the padlock on Facebook profile?

What is the padlock on Facebook profile?

The padlock icon that sometimes appears next to a Facebook user’s name indicates that their profile is private. When a Facebook profile is set to private, their photos, posts, and other information can only be seen by their approved friends.

What does the padlock on Facebook mean?

The padlock icon on Facebook indicates that a user has set their profile privacy settings to “Friends Only.” This means that only people that the user has confirmed as friends can see the posts they’ve shared, photos they’ve uploaded, and other personal information on their profile.

Here’s a quick rundown of what the padlock icon means for privacy:

  • Profile picture – Only visible to friends
  • Cover photo – Only visible to friends
  • Posts – Only visible to friends
  • Photos and videos – Only visible to friends
  • Friends list – Hidden from non-friends
  • About info – Hidden from non-friends
  • Check-ins and location info – Hidden from non-friends

So in summary, the padlock indicates that the user has increased their privacy settings so that people who are not Facebook friends cannot see anything on their profile.

Why do some Facebook profiles have a padlock?

There are a few main reasons why some Facebook users choose to lock down their profile with the padlock icon:

  • Privacy – To prevent random strangers, acquaintances, or colleagues from being able to view personal photos, posts, and information
  • Security – To protect against identity theft, stalking, or harassment by limiting profile visibility
  • Employment – To ensure current or prospective employers cannot access private social content
  • Drama avoidance – To stop exes, former friends, or other unwanted connections from snooping
  • Kids’ safety – To protect children and teens from interacting with unknown adults

In general, locking down a Facebook profile by making it private is about controlling who can see your info and who can’t. Some users are more comfortable sharing personal details and photos with a vetted friends list only.

How to put a padlock on your Facebook profile

Putting that blue padlock icon on your own Facebook profile is an easy process. Just follow these steps:

  1. Click on the upside down triangle in the top right corner and choose “Settings”
  2. On the left side menu, click “Privacy”
  3. Set the privacy for individual items like posts, friends list, photos, etc. to “Friends Only”
  4. Under “How people find and contact you,” limit who can send friend requests and who can see your friends list
  5. Check that your basic info like email, phone, gender, etc. is not set to “Public”
  6. Double check that your profile visibility is set to “Friends Only” in the dropdown menu

Once you’ve made all those adjustments to your various privacy and visibility settings, the padlock will appear automatically to indicate your profile is locked down. You can always go back and tweak who can see what as needed.

Who can see a private Facebook profile?

When a Facebook profile is marked private with the padlock icon, the only people who can see the profile content are confirmed friends of that user. Here’s a breakdown of who can and can’t view a private profile:

Can View Private Profile Cannot View Private Profile
Confirmed friends Non-friend connections
Friends of friends Strangers/public
Someone you’ve messaged Acquaintances
Family members who are friends Former friends who you unfriended
Coworkers who are friends Search engines

So in summary, a private profile is a friends-only zone. Even if someone is friends with your friends, they still won’t be able to see your profile unless you’ve confirmed them as a friend as well.

Can I tell who viewed my private profile?

Unfortunately, Facebook does not have a built-in feature that shows you exactly who has viewed your private profile. Facebook’s default profile visibility settings only allow you to see who has viewed your public posts and information, not your entire private profile.

There are a few options to get an idea of who might be looking at your private profile:

  • Check post viewers – See who has looked at public posts even if your profile is private
  • Use social media analytics tools – Track metrics like profile clicks and impressions
  • Install a browser plugin – Some third-party tools will show profile visitors
  • Look for indirect clues – Such as sudden friend requests, messages, etc. from people you don’t know well

But ultimately, Facebook does not provide concrete data on who specifically is accessing your private profile and what exact content they are looking at. The benefit of having a friends-only profile is restricting what non-friends can see, even if you can’t confirm exactly who may be peeking.

Should businesses have private profiles?

For most businesses and brands, having a private Facebook profile marked with a padlock is not ideal. The main goals for companies using Facebook are typically to:

  • Promote products/services
  • Build brand awareness
  • Engage with customers
  • Drive sales

By making company profiles private, it will limit the reach to only existing followers and customers. This can hinder engagement and growth.

However, there are some cases where a private business profile could make sense:

  • B2B companies marketing only to other businesses
  • Restricting access to sensitive info like pricing sheets
  • Reducing spam or unwanted messages

But in general, most brands and businesses should aim to have public-facing Facebook pages that are open and accessible to all. Strong content filtering and moderation tools can also help limit spam without limiting visibility.

Is a private profile better for job search?

Job seekers often wonder if having a private Facebook profile with maximum privacy settings will help or hurt their job search. Here are a few pros and cons to weigh:

Potential pros

  • Prevents employers seeing private content that could be unprofessional
  • Reduces chances of discrimination if sensitive info is hidden
  • Shows awareness of protecting personal information

Potential cons

  • employer may see it as trying to hide something
  • Removes chance for employer to see positive professional content
  • Could limit networking opportunities

Overall, it’s typically recommended to do a thorough cleanup before a job search rather than locking down everything. Making some content friends-only but keeping professional pages public can offer a balance.

Can I tell if someone took a screenshot of my profile?

When you have a private Facebook profile, is there any way to know if someone took a screenshot of your pictures or posts? Unfortunately, no.

Facebook does not have any built-in features that alert you when someone takes a screenshot on their device of your profile content. Even with full privacy settings, you have no way of confirming if a friend, acquaintance, or stranger snapped a pic of your page.

Some things to keep in mind about screenshots:

  • Friends can easily screenshot anything you share, privacy settings or not
  • Facebook won’t notify you or stop someone from taking screenshots
  • Watermarks, blurring, and other protections don’t work against screenshots
  • Once content is screenshotted, it can be shared or posted anywhere

Ultimately, being thoughtful about what details you share even with friends is the main way to protect your privacy. Restricting profile access limits visibility, but it does not prevent screenshots.

What happens when you delete Facebook with a private profile?

If you choose to delete your Facebook account while you have a private profile enabled, here is what will happen:

  • Your profile will immediately become inaccessible to anyone else on Facebook
  • For the first 30 days after deleting, your profile and data remains recoverable if you log back in
  • After 30 days, your account will be permanently deleted including profile info, posts, photos, messages, etc.
  • Friends will no longer be able to search for or view your former private profile
  • Facebook will remove you and your info from the platforms, ads, and recommendations
  • Third-party apps and sites will no longer have access to your Facebook profile data

In summary, having a private locked down profile when you delete Facebook provides an extra layer of security and prevents your info from being visible. Just like with any Facebook account, permanent deletion happens after 30 days.


The padlock icon on Facebook profiles indicates that a user has increased their privacy settings to limit profile visibility to friends only. Private profiles keep personal posts, photos, and information away from prying eyes and give users more control over who can interact with them on Facebook. While lockdown profiles do not prevent determined snooping via screenshots, they do create a friends-only experience that many Facebook users prefer for privacy, security, and peace of mind.

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