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What is the new name for Facebook Ireland Limited?

What is the new name for Facebook Ireland Limited?

Facebook Ireland Limited, Facebook’s international headquarters, recently changed its name to Meta Platforms Ireland Limited. This name change comes as Facebook rebrands itself as Meta, reflecting its focus on building the metaverse.

When did Facebook Ireland Limited change its name?

Facebook Ireland Limited officially changed its name to Meta Platforms Ireland Limited on November 8, 2021. The company filed for the name change with the Irish Companies Registration Office in late October 2021.

Why did Facebook change the name of its Irish subsidiary?

Facebook changed the name of its Irish subsidiary to align with its new corporate brand. On October 28, 2021, Facebook announced it was changing its corporate name to Meta. This rebranding reflects the company’s focus on building the metaverse and expanding beyond social media.

Since Facebook Ireland serves as the company’s international headquarters, it made sense to update its name to match the new corporate branding. The Irish subsidiary handles Facebook’s operations outside of the US and Canada. Changing its name to Meta Platforms Ireland Limited brings it in line with the parent company’s new identity.

What does this name change signify?

The renaming of Facebook’s Irish subsidiary to Meta Platforms Ireland Limited signifies a few key things:

A New Corporate Focus

Firstly, it reflects Facebook, now Meta’s, new focus on the metaverse. The metaverse refers to a vision of an immersive virtual environment accessed through online social platforms. Meta wants to be seen as a metaverse company rather than just a social media company.

Expanding Beyond Social Media

Secondly, the rebranding signals Meta’s ambitions to expand beyond social media into areas like virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). The new corporate name better encompasses all of Meta’s products and services, not just the Facebook social media platform.

A Single Brand Identity

Additionally, having the Irish subsidiary named Meta Platforms Ireland Limited creates a unified brand identity. It brings the international headquarters in line with the new Meta corporate brand.

What does Meta Platforms Ireland Limited do?

Meta Platforms Ireland Limited handles most of Meta’s operations outside of the US and Canada. Key functions include:

– International headquarters – Provides an operational base and office for personnel working outside North America.

– Corporate services – Handles various corporate functions like legal, finance, and marketing for international markets.

– Sales and advertising – Manages ad sales and operations in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia.

– Research and development – Runs several R&D teams working on emerging technologies.

– Content review – Operates a team of moderators who review content from users outside North America.

– Data center – Hosts data center operations serving European users.

So in summary, Meta Platforms Ireland Limited manages a broad range of functions that allow Meta to operate globally across multiple regions. It will continue serving this key role even after the name change.

Where is Meta Platforms Ireland Limited located?

Meta Platforms Ireland Limited is located in Dublin, Ireland. Its international headquarters office is located at:

Grand Canal Square
Grand Canal Harbour
Dublin 2

Dublin serves as the perfect location for Meta’s international headquarters given Ireland’s business-friendly environment and proximity to Europe.

Why is Meta’s international headquarters in Ireland?

There are several key reasons why Meta chose Dublin, Ireland as the site for its EMEA headquarters:

Favorable Corporate Tax Rate

Ireland has a relatively low 12.5% corporate tax rate. This makes it an attractive location for large multinational corporations. Setting up the international HQ in Ireland allowed Facebook to save on taxes compared to locating it in other European countries.

English-Speaking Workforce

With English as one of Ireland’s official languages, tech companies have access to a talented workforce fluent in English. This is essential for a company like Meta that requires strong English language skills.

Pro-Business Environment

Ireland offers an attractive environment for international business thanks to investment-friendly policies and strong trade relationships. It’s easy for foreign companies to set up operations and do business from Ireland.

Gateway to Europe

Due to its membership in the European Union, Ireland provides an ideal entry point and base for companies wanting access to the European market. Meta can efficiently manage its operations across Europe from its Dublin HQ.

Technology Hub

Dublin has established itself as a major tech hub, home to the EMEA offices of many top US tech companies. Clustering with other large tech players makes hiring and partnerships easier.

So in summary, Ireland offers Meta financial incentives, human capital, business-friendly policies, and strategic access to Europe – all key factors that make Dublin an optimal international home base.

How many employees does Meta Platforms Ireland have?

Meta Platforms Ireland Limited employs over 3,000 people as of 2021. Here is a breakdown of the employee headcount:

Year Employees
2017 Over 2,000
2019 Over 3,000
2021 Over 3,000

So the employee base has grown over the past five years as Meta has expanded its Irish operations. Given its critical role as international headquarters, Meta Platforms Ireland seems likely to continue increasing its headcount going forward.

What is Meta’s impact on Ireland’s economy?

Meta Platforms Ireland Limited has had a very positive impact on Ireland’s economy and workforce:

– **Investment** – Meta has invested over €1 billion in its Irish operations, including building data centers. This is a major boost to foreign direct investment.

– **Jobs** – By employing over 3,000 people directly, Meta has created high-paying jobs and opportunities in fields like engineering, sales, marketing, and content review.

– **Exports** – Meta contributes billions annually to Ireland’s service exports thanks to the ad sales handled out of Dublin.

– **Visibility** – Having an international giant like Meta based in Ireland raises the country’s profile and attracts other foreign companies.

– **Tax revenue** – While the corporate tax rate is low, Meta still contributes tax money to Ireland’s budget. Estimates put Meta’s total tax contribution at around €100 million annually.

– **Real estate** – Meta leasing prime office real estate in Dublin has a positive knock-on effect on the commercial property market.

So Meta Platforms Ireland Limited has been a major success story for Ireland’s continued economic growth and ability to attract top tech multinationals. It seems likely to continue playing this important role under its new name.

What is the relationship between Meta and Ireland moving forward?

The relationship between Meta Platforms Ireland Limited and Ireland seems poised to remain strong going forward.

Meta has continued investing in growing its Irish headquarters. In 2020, it purchased an additional 420,000 square feet of office space in Dublin.

Ireland will remain an attractive location for Meta due to the favorable tax rates, availability of skilled talent, English proficiency, and access to the European market.

The Irish government seems committed to keeping policies business-friendly in order to benefit from companies like Meta locating there.

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg has expressed his gratitude and admiration for Ireland as being the perfect base for international expansion over the years.

Barring any major policy or economic changes, the two parties appear committed to a mutually beneficial relationship that is likely to thrive under Meta’s new branding.


In summary, Facebook Ireland Limited changing its name to Meta Platforms Ireland Limited reflects the parent company’s major rebranding as it shifts towards building the metaverse. However, this change does not significantly impact the role of the Irish subsidiary as Meta’s international headquarters responsible for markets outside North America.

With over 3,000 employees based in Dublin, Meta Platforms Ireland Limited continues to provide jobs and economic benefits as a major player in Ireland’s tech sector. Both parties seem committed to continuing this successful relationship in the years to come.