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What is the most popular profile picture?

What is the most popular profile picture?

In the era of social media, profile pictures have become an important way for people to express themselves and present an image to others online. With so many different social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and more, billions of people are faced with the question – what should my profile picture be? According to recent surveys and data analysis, there are some clear favorites when it comes to the most popular profile pictures worldwide.

Selfies Lead the Pack

One of the most common choices for a profile picture is a simple selfie. Selfies allow you to easily take a close-up photo of yourself using your smartphone camera. According to a 2020 survey by OnePulse, selfies were the most popular profile photo choice at 42% amongst their respondents. The ease of taking a selfie compared to setting up a more composed portrait shot likely contributes to their popularity. Selfies also allow people to showcase themselves in a casual, approachable way. The prevalent use of front-facing cameras on mobile devices makes selfies the convenient go-to option.

Portraits and Headshots

While selfies may dominate, many users still opt for more formal portrait and headshot style photos for their profiles. These present the person in a posed manner, typically looking directly at the camera with good lighting and background. According to the OnePulse survey, portrait or headshot photos were the second most popular choice at 23% of respondents. These tend to portray a more polished, professional image compared to selfies. They also allow users to showcase clearer facial features compared to full body shots. However, portraits do require more planning, equipment, skills and often another person to take the photo.

Pet Pictures

Using a picture with your pet can be another popular profile photo option, coming in third in the OnePulse survey at 12% of respondents. For pet owners, using a photo with their dog, cat, or other pet projects a sense of warmth and approachability. People know universally that pets require care and compassion, so featuring your furry friend can make you appear more friendly and responsible. Pet photos also allow owners to show off their companion in a cute, amusing or heart-warming pose. This personal touch helps convey more about your interests and personality compared to a standard headshot. Of course, non-pet owners miss out on this choice.

Couple and Group Photos

Some social media users like to set their profile picture to them with their significant other or with a group of friends. This allows them to highlight their relationships and connections with others. Couple photos were the choice for 11% of respondents in the OnePulse poll, with group photos at 8%. While not as commonly used, these photos can help portray your most important relationships. That said, they less clearly showcase yourself compared to solo shots. Those not currently in a relationship or with close friendships miss out on these options entirely.

Travel Photos

Using a photo in an exotic, beautiful travel location can also be desirable for a profile picture. This allows users to project an adventurous, exciting spirit and showcase experiences others might aspire to. Only 3% of respondents chose a travel photo according to the OnePulse survey, likely because many people simply don’t have such photos handy or lack major travel experiences. Still, jet-setting social media influencers often utilize glamorous travel photos to project their image. For everyday users, though, selfies and portraits tend to be easier options.

Funny or Meme Photos

Some users lean in a sillier direction with funny faces, meme-inspired images or pop culture references. These humorous photos allow people to show their personality and interests through comedy. They also prompt reactions and engagement from others who appreciate the joke. However, only 2% of respondents in the OnePulse poll chose these funny photos, perhaps because they can come across as unprofessional in certain contexts. They work best for younger demographics and personal accounts rather than formal business profiles.

Factors Impacting Popularity

When considering the most popular profile pictures overall, there are some key factors that likely influence what options users prefer:

Ease of Use

Selfies dominate partly because they are so easy to take on the spot with a smartphone camera. More complex portraits require extra effort. Easy photos also allow frequent updating to showcase fresh looks.

Visual Focus

Solo portraits and selfies allow users to highlight facial features and expression more clearly than group or activity shots.

Personality and Interests

Photos with pets or humor allow conveying personality, while travel pics highlight experiences and interests


For business contexts like LinkedIn, portraits project more professionalism than casual selfies with varied backgrounds

Relational Impact

Couple and friend photos highlight important relationships, though may not focus just on the individual

Photo Type Popularity Key Advantage Key Disadvantage
Selfies 42% most popular Convenience Less composed
Portraits 23% Professionalism Requires effort
Pet Photos 12% Personality Not for everyone

Usage Differences by Platform

The ideal or most popular profile picture can also differ based on the specific social media platform, as they serve varied purposes:


On Facebook, selfies and casual group shots are highly popular, though some prefer portraits here as well. The broad friend and family audience makes comfortable selfies a safe bet.


Instagram leans heavily toward posed selfies and portraits with an artistic aesthetic. However, travel glamor shots are popular here too.


Twitter profile photos feature a mix of selfies, portraits, and meme-style images fitting the quirkier platform vibe.


LinkedIn strongly favors professional headshots depicting users in business attire. Some do include creativity like brands/logos though.

Dating Apps

Dating app photos tend to feature flattering portraits and full-body shots. Group photos are less desirable as they can be confusing.

Tips for an Effective Profile Photo

No matter which type of photo you select, following some best practices can help ensure your profile picture looks its best:

  • Use a high-quality camera or recent smartphone model – Avoid grainy, pixelated pics
  • Ensure adequate, flattering lighting on your face – Avoid shadows or harsh lighting
  • Pick a solid, neutral background – Avoid distracting/cluttered environments
  • Check your posture and expression – Relaxed with a warm smile is recommended
  • Consider editing to refine cropping, brightness, color, etc.
  • Select a current photo – Keep your look updated over time


In the end, selfies and professional portraits rise above as the top profile photo choices for most platforms and users. Their visual focus on the individual in an appealing but comfortable manner makes them flexible picks. However, personalized photos with pets, humor or travel can help some users express more about their identity and interests. Following basic photography best practices helps maximize the impact of your chosen social media profile picture.