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What is the minimum payout in Facebook monetization?

What is the minimum payout in Facebook monetization?

Facebook monetization allows publishers to earn money from their content on Facebook. There are several ways publishers can monetize their content, including In-Stream ads, Instant Articles, and Facebook video ads. However, there is a minimum threshold publishers must reach before they can receive their earnings from Facebook.

Minimum Payout Requirements for Facebook Monetization

The minimum payout threshold for Facebook monetization is $100. This means publishers must earn at least $100 before Facebook will issue a payment. Once the earnings balance reaches $100, Facebook will issue a payment around the 15th of the following month.

For example, if a publisher earns $90 in January, they will not receive a payout. However, if they earn another $20 in February to bring their balance up to $110, Facebook will issue a payment in mid-March for the full $110.

In-Stream Ad Earnings

In-Stream ads are video ads that play before, during or after other videos on Facebook. They monetize video content. The minimum payout threshold for In-Stream ad earnings is also $100.

Instant Article Earnings

Instant Articles allow publishers to host their articles directly on Facebook for a fast, seamless viewing experience. Publishers can monetize Instant Articles with ads. The minimum payout for Instant Article earnings is $100.

Facebook Video Ad Earnings

Facebook Video ads play before, during or after videos posted directly to Facebook. Video ads are another way for publishers to monetize their video content. The minimum payout threshold is also $100 for Facebook Video ad earnings.

How Long Does it Take to Reach the Minimum Payout?

How quickly a publisher reaches the $100 minimum payout depends on their traffic and revenue. Publishers with more views and engagement will likely reach the threshold faster. Here are some estimates for how long it may take to reach the minimum payout threshold:

  • High traffic publisher (over 1 million pageviews per month): 1-2 months
  • Medium traffic publisher (500K – 1 million pageviews per month): 3-4 months
  • Low traffic publisher (under 500K pageviews per month): 6-12 months

Keep in mind these estimates can vary widely depending on ad rates, viewability, and other factors. But in general, higher traffic publishers will be able to accumulate Facebook monetization earnings faster to hit the minimum payout sooner.

Tips for Reaching the Minimum Payout Faster

Here are some tips publishers can use to reach the Facebook monetization minimum payout threshold faster:

1. Increase Traffic

Focus on growing your traffic through SEO, social media marketing, and content distribution. More traffic equals more ad impressions and higher revenues.

2. Improve Viewability

Ensure ads are viewable to users by placing them above the fold and in the first half of articles/videos. Viewability improves your ad rates.

3. Optimize for Ad Placements

Place ads in positions that maximize visibility and click-throughs, such as in between paragraphs in articles or before/after videos.

4. Create High-Quality, Engaging Content

Good content keeps users engaged and viewing more pages or videos, which provides more opportunities to serve ads.

5. Monitor Performance

Check your Facebook Insights regularly to see which content and placements are performing best. Double down on what works.

6. Promote Content on Facebook

Use Facebook posts, ads and other methods to promote your top performing content and drive more organic reach.

What Happens if You Don’t Reach the Minimum Payout

If a publisher fails to reach the $100 minimum payout requirement within 12 months, Facebook will issue a payment for any balance at that point, even if under $100. After that, the balance resets to zero and the 12-month period starts over.

For example, if a publisher earned only $80 after 12 full months, Facebook would issue a $80 payment at that point. The balance would then reset to $0 for the next 12-month cycle.

Ways to Use Earnings Before Hitting $100

Since publishers don’t receive Facebook monetization earnings until hitting $100, they may wonder how best to reinvest earnings before reaching the payout threshold. Here are some ways to put that money to use:

Reinvest in Content Production

Allocate earnings to produce more high-quality content. This content can help generate more traffic and revenue.

Improve Infrastructure

Use earnings to pay for website hosting, content management systems, analytics, security, CDNs, etc. A high-performing infrastructure leads to more ad revenue.

Fund SEO Initiatives

Put earnings towards hiring an SEO agency or consultant to improve organic search traffic to your content.

Pay Freelancers

Hire freelance writers, designers, developers to help create compelling content.

Promote Traffic Sources

Allocate funds towards promoting your content on social media, paid advertising, email newsletters, etc. to drive more traffic.

Save for Future Investment

Set aside earnings each month to build up funds that can be reinvested into more significant website improvements and initiatives once the $100 minimum payout is reached.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I check my Facebook monetization earnings balance?

You can check your estimated Facebook earnings balance in your Facebook Ad account under the “Monetization” tab. However, the balance shown is an estimate. Facebook calculates final payments based on confirmed earnings data.

When will I get my first payout?

Most publishers receive their first payout from Facebook within 2-4 months after being approved for monetization, assuming they meet the $100 minimum earnings threshold during that time period.

What payment methods does Facebook offer?

Facebook sends monetization payments electronically via PayPal, wire transfer or direct deposit. Payments are issued in your local currency.

Can I change the payment method for my payout?

Yes, you can change your Facebook monetization payment method at any time in your Monetization settings.

Is there a way to get paid before I reach $100?

Unfortunately no, Facebook strictly enforces the $100 minimum payout threshold for all publishers. There is no way to request early payment or exceptions.

What are the tax implications of Facebook earnings?

Facebook earnings are considered taxable income. You will receive a 1099 tax form reporting your total annual earnings from Facebook. You are responsible for paying any taxes owed on this income.


Earning money from content on Facebook can be lucrative for publishers, but requires reaching the minimum $100 payout threshold. Focus on producing engaging, high-quality content, driving traffic, and optimizing monetization to reach this target faster. Monitor your progress in Facebook Insights and be strategic with reinvesting earnings before hitting the $100 mark. With persistence and optimization, publishers can build a steady revenue stream from Facebook monetization over time.