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What is the maximum number of pages you can create on Facebook?

What is the maximum number of pages you can create on Facebook?

Facebook allows users to create both personal profiles and pages for businesses, brands, organizations, and public figures. While personal profiles are limited to one per user, the number of pages you can create is much higher.

Personal Profiles

Each Facebook user is limited to having only one personal profile. This is the account you set up with your personal information when you first joined Facebook. Your personal profile allows you to connect with friends, share updates, photos, videos, and more.

Facebook’s Terms of Service state that each user should only maintain one personal account. Having multiple personal profiles would go against their policies. Some key facts about personal Facebook profiles:

  • Each user can only have one personal profile.
  • The name on your profile should match your real identity.
  • Profiles represent individual people, not businesses or organizations.
  • Fake or duplicate profiles are against Facebook’s policies.

So when it comes to personal accounts, the limit is one per person. Having multiple profiles to represent yourself as an individual would risk getting your accounts disabled by Facebook.

Facebook Pages

In contrast to personal profiles, you can create an unlimited number of Facebook pages. Pages allow businesses, brands, celebrities, organizations, and other entities to establish an official presence on Facebook.

Some key facts about Facebook pages:

  • Pages represent businesses, organizations, products, etc. – not individual people.
  • There is no limit on the number of pages you can create.
  • You can create pages for multiple businesses you own/manage.
  • Pages can be handed off to other eligible owners if needed.

Facebook allows you to create as many pages as you want to represent brands, businesses, organizations, publishers, public figures, and other entities. There is no limit on the number of pages per account.

Types of Facebook Pages

Facebook allows different types of pages to cater to different needs. Some common types of Facebook pages include:

  • Business/brand pages – Promote a business or brand.
  • Community pages – Connect people with a shared interest.
  • Artist/public figure pages – Represent an individual artist, celebrity, influencer, or public figure.
  • Company pages – Represent an organization and allow easier collaboration.
  • Product/service pages – Promote a specific product or service.

You can have multiple pages across any of these categories. For example, you could have a page for your small business, another page for a community group you manage, and another for your personal blogger profile – all within the same Facebook account.

Page Creation Limits

While Facebook does not enforce a strict limit on the total number of pages you can create, there are some boundaries in place:

  • Each user account can only create up to 25 pages in a single day. This prevents spammy page creation behavior.
  • After creating 25 pages on a given day, you have to wait 24 hours before creating any more pages from that account.
  • Creating duplicate or misleading pages is prohibited.
  • Creating pages on behalf of other entities you are not officially affiliated with is not allowed.

So in summary, you can create an unlimited number of Facebook pages over time as long as you follow these boundaries:

  • Up to 25 pages per day per account
  • Must wait 24 hours after hitting the 25 page/day limit
  • No duplicate, fake, or spammy pages
  • Only create pages representing entities you have an official affiliation with

Following these rules allows you to gradually build up a large number of Facebook pages to represent any brands, businesses, organizations, publishers, public figures, or other entities you are officially associated with.

Tips for Managing Multiple Pages

Here are some tips if you plan to create and manage multiple Facebook pages:

  • Use Facebook Business Manager – This tool makes it easier to control multiple pages from the same account. You can control access, share resources, and get insights across all your connected pages.
  • Use tools to save time – Social media management platforms like Hootsuite can schedule content across multiple pages. This saves you time instead of posting to each page individually.
  • Analyze performance – Use page analytics to see which pages are performing best. Double down on promoting your most popular pages.
  • Have a maintenance plan – Check pages regularly for comments, messages, and engagement. Inactive pages should be updated or hidden from public view.
  • Build a social media team – For a very high number of pages, consider having a team to share the workload. Multiple people collaborating can manage a high volume of pages more efficiently.

Facebook Page Limit Examples

To illustrate Facebook page limits in action, here are some examples of organizations with multiple Facebook pages:

Example 1: Local Business Owner

Sarah owns three businesses in her local town:

  • Bakery
  • Restaurant
  • Craft shop

Even though these are all owned by the same person, Sarah creates three separate Facebook pages – one for each business. This allows her to post unique content tailored to each brand. There is no limit on how many pages Sarah can manage for her various businesses.

Example 2: Franchise Company

ABC Company has 100 franchise locations across the country. They decide to make a Facebook page for each franchise to allow local customers to connect:

  • ABC Burgers Cleveland
  • ABC Burgers Houston
  • ABC Burgers Miami
  • ABC Burgers San Francisco

And so on. Each location gets its own page, managed locally, totaling 100 pages. The parent company uses Facebook Business Manager to access insights across all pages.

Example 3: News Publisher

123 News Company publishes 10 niche websites:

  • Tech news
  • Business news
  • Sports news
  • Fashion news
  • Gaming news

They create a unique Facebook page for each site to share content – 10 pages total. The publisher can post articles on each page and analyze how content performs by niche.


In summary, the maximum number of pages you can create on Facebook depends on the type of page:

  • Personal profiles: 1 per person
  • Facebook pages: Unlimited, but with a limit of 25 pages/day per account

Proper use of pages allows businesses, brands, organizations, publishers, public figures, and other entities to establish an official presence on Facebook. By following Facebook’s boundaries and best practices, you can create as many pages as needed to represent all of your brands, ventures, and organizations.