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What is the maximum file size for Facebook cover photo?

What is the maximum file size for Facebook cover photo?

Facebook cover photos are the large banners displayed at the top of a Facebook profile or page. They allow users to customize their profiles and express themselves. When uploading a cover photo, it’s important to understand Facebook’s requirements for the file size.

What is the file size limit for Facebook cover photos?

The maximum file size for a Facebook cover photo is 100MB. Any image larger than 100MB will be automatically compressed or resized to fit under the limit when uploaded. The recommended minimum size for cover photos is 720px by 315px, which ensures the image is high quality and displayed properly across devices.

Why does Facebook have a file size limit?

There are several reasons why Facebook enforces a 100MB limit for cover photos:

  • To ensure fast page loading times – Large files take longer to upload and download which can impact site performance.
  • To reduce server storage demands – Storing millions of high-res photos takes up considerable server resources.
  • To maintain consistent quality – Excessively large files often don’t improve image quality significantly, especially once compressed for web use.

The 100MB limit provides a good balance between allowing high quality images while managing site performance and storage capacity behind the scenes.

What happens if you exceed the 100MB limit?

If you attempt to upload a cover photo larger than 100MB, one of two things will happen:

  1. The image will be automatically compressed to a smaller file size under 100MB before uploading.
  2. The upload will fail and you will get an error message prompting you to select a smaller file.

In either case, the original oversized image will not be accepted. To avoid errors, it’s always best to resize large images properly before uploading.

What are the recommended specifications?

To ensure your cover photo looks great, follow these recommended specifications:

  • File Size: Less than 100MB
  • Dimensions: At least 720px wide x 315px tall
  • Resolution: 72 ppi minimum
  • Format: JPG or PNG

720px x 315px is the minimum size that will display properly across all devices and screen sizes. For best quality, use images that are 1080px x 315px or larger and compress/resize photos to optimize file size before uploading.

How can I compress cover photos?

If your chosen cover photo exceeds 100MB, you’ll need to compress it before uploading. Here are some tips:

  • Use image editing software like Photoshop, GIMP, Pixlr or others to resize and optimize the file.
  • Change the image dimensions to 1080px x 315px or lower.
  • Adjust the image quality setting to find a good balance between quality and file size.
  • Save the compressed photo as a progressive JPG at 60-80% quality.
  • Try limiting file size to 10-20MB for fast, efficient uploading.

You may need to experiment with different resolution and quality settings to find the sweet spot under 100MB.

How do I create a cover photo?

To create an eye-catching Facebook cover photo:

  1. Choose an interesting, high quality image that represents you or your brand.
  2. Design with key dimensions in mind – 1080px x 315px is optimal.
  3. Use photo editing tools to refine the image – adjust lighting, crop, etc.
  4. Add text or logos if desired, but don’t clutter the design.
  5. Compress and resize the image to under 100MB.
  6. Upload and test how it looks on desktop and mobile.
  7. Make tweaks as needed until you have a stunning cover photo.

The cover image is valuable social media real estate, so take the time to create something eye-catching and on-brand.

What types of photos work best?

The most effective Facebook cover photos tend to have these qualities:

  • Visually interesting – unique perspectives, vibrant colors, compelling textures
  • Relevant imagery – reinforces your brand identity or purpose
  • Good lighting – bright, crisp, not too busy or dark
  • Minimal text – only essential text/logos; too much text gets crowded
  • People’s attention – faces, products, animals and places that grab interest

Consider using Facebook’s suggested cover photo sizes and learn from covers that perform well with your target audience. Stay on brand and test different images to find your perfect fit.

Can I use the same cover photo for Facebook Page and Profile?

You can use the same cover photo for your personal Facebook profile and business page if you wish. The cover dimensions are identical for profiles and pages.

However, using different photos is recommended if you want to clearly distinguish between accounts and better match each photo to the account’s purpose.

For example, your profile cover may be more casual, fun and focused on you or your family. Your page cover should represent your business branding and imagery that resonates with customers.

How often should you change your Facebook cover photo?

Most experts recommend updating your Facebook cover photo every few months or so. Reasons to change it up include:

  • To showcase new products, promotions or initiatives
  • To reflect seasonal or holiday-specific marketing
  • To prevent your cover from getting stale after prolonged use
  • To better align with new aspects of your brand as it evolves

Aim for at least 2-4 fresh cover photos per year. Staying current and giving followers new visual content keeps your profile engaging.

Should I include text on my cover photo?

Minimal text can work well on Facebook covers, but it’s generally best to keep text to a minimum. Reasons to use caution with text include:

  • Cover text can get cluttered and crowded on the narrow banner
  • Too much text overwhelms the image behind it
  • Text renders differently on desktop vs. mobile
  • Viewers glancing quickly may not take time to read cover text

If including text, choose a clear, legible font in a dark contrasting color. Ensure text stands out and conveys your key message at-a-glance.

Effective cover text examples:

  • Company name/logo
  • “Grand Opening”
  • “25% Off This Weekend Only!”
  • “Voted #1 Restaurant in Town”


Optimizing your cover photo is an important part of fine-tuning your Facebook presence. By understanding Facebook’s cover requirements, resizing images properly and creating compelling designs, you can make a great first impression.

The key guidelines to remember are:

  • Cover size should be 720px x 315px minimum, 1080px x 315px optimal
  • File size must be under 100MB
  • Use high quality, relevant photos that represent your brand
  • Design with minimal text and compelling visuals
  • Refresh your cover regularly to keep your profile engaging

With these tips in mind, you can quickly customize a cover that looks fantastic, performs well and stays within Facebook’s limits.