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What is the max fps for reels?

The maximum frames per second (fps) for Reels on Instagram is 60 fps. This allows for smooth, high quality video that takes full advantage of modern smartphone cameras. Shooting and exporting video at 60 fps ensures your Reels have a polished, professional look.

Understanding FPS

FPS stands for frames per second and refers to the number of individual still images that comprise a video. The higher the frame rate, the smoother the motion in the video. Standard video is usually 24-30 fps. Modern smartphones can now easily shoot 60 fps video resulting in smoother motion and improved video quality.

For reference, here are common fps rates:

  • 24 fps – The standard for film and cinema.
  • 30 fps – The standard for TV broadcasts.
  • 60 fps – Considered high frame rate, great for action videos.
  • 120 fps – Ultra high frame rate, only supported by some newer smartphones.

Why 60 fps for Reels?

Instagram added support for 60 fps Reels in late 2020. This was an increase from the previous 30 fps limit. There are several advantages to using the maximum 60 fps for Reels:

  • Smoother motion – With twice as many frames per second, 60 fps makes movement more fluid.
  • Reduced blur – Fast moving objects and camera pans look crisper at 60 fps.
  • Improved quality – The extra frames provide more visual information and resolution.
  • Smaller file sizes – Modern video encoders can compress 60 fps video efficiently.
  • Consistency with video ads – Instagram video ads also require 60 fps video.

Visually, 60 fps video has a distinct smooth, fluid look compared to standard 30 fps. This is especially beneficial for Reels featuring high motion like dance videos, sports clips, or fast camera movements. The higher frame rate captures the extra detail and motion that 30 fps will miss.

Shooting 60 FPS Video

Here are some tips for shooting high quality 60 fps video for Reels on your smartphone:

  • Use the rear camera – The rear camera can capture 60 fps, the selfie camera may be limited to 30 fps.
  • Enable 60 fps in settings – Locate the video settings and choose the 60 fps option.
  • Shoot in landscape – Vertical video doesn’t support 60 fps on some phones.
  • Use adequate lighting – Higher frame rates require more light to expose properly.
  • Watch your focus – At 60 fps, improper focus is more obvious.
  • Use a tripod or stabilizer – To minimize shaky footage from handheld shooting.

If supported, 60 fps will be one of the frame rate options in your camera app’s video settings. On iPhone for example, you can switch to 60 fps under Settings > Camera > Record Video.

Editing and Exporting 60 FPS Video

After shooting your 60 fps footage, you need to maintain that frame rate when editing and exporting the final video:

  • Edit in a 60 fps timeline – Edit your clips in a 60 fps sequence in an app like iMovie or Premiere Rush.
  • Don’t reduce frame rate – Don’t lower or conform the fps during export.
  • Export final video at 60 fps – Use 60 fps presets to export your final render.
  • Maintain constant frame rate – Don’t mix and match frame rates within a video.

Many mobile editing apps like ClipChamp, InShot, or Splice make it easy to maintain 60 fps through the editing and export process. On desktop video editors, export using presets like H.264 60 fps or MP4 60 fps.

Uploading and Posting 60 FPS Reels

The final step is uploading your 60 fps video to Instagram and posting as a new Reel:

  • Supported formats – MP4 and MOV files work best.
  • Recommended resolution – 1080×1920 (9:16 aspect ratio).
  • Minimum resolution – 600×1050 pixels.
  • Max file size – Up to 30 seconds and 50MB.
  • Trim clip if needed – Instagram will limit videos longer than 30 seconds.

You can upload via the Instagram app by tapping the + button and selecting Reel. You can also upload videos from your camera roll. The key is maintaining 60 fps from start to finish for that smooth, high quality look on your Reels.

Troubleshooting 60 FPS Reels

Here are some common issues and fixes for working with 60 fps Reels:

  • Pixelated or blurry video – May be caused by poor lighting, incorrect focus, or image stabilization. Use adequate lighting and disable stabilization features.
  • Frame rate reduced to 30 fps – Check your sequence, export, and upload settings to confirm 60 fps is selected.
  • Inconsistently choppy playback – Try re-encoding the exported video at a constant frame rate.
  • Large file size – Reduce length under 30 seconds or lower resolution slightly to decrease file size.
  • Media upload errors – If errors occur on upload, confirm video is encoded properly in a supported format like MP4.

Troubleshooting your 60 fps workflow can help isolate where errors may be inadvertently reducing quality or frame rate. Working step-by-step from shooting to export ensures your Reels maintain that smooth, high quality 60 fps look.

Maximizing Impact with 60 FPS

Shooting natively at 60 fps unlocks the full creative potential for Reels. You’re able to capture fast action and motion with lifelike clarity. The fluid look stands out, especially for content focused on dancing, sports highlights, energetic scenes, or moving cameras.

With the pristine image quality of newer phones, 60 fps gives your Reels a noticeably better look than standard frame rates. Maintaining 60 fps from shooting through to upload provides a seamless high resolution viewing experience for your audience.

At the end of the day, the 60 fps frame rate is just one piece of creating compelling Reels content. Focus first on an engaging concept, fun clips, and creative editing techniques. Then let 60 fps provide that finishing polish that takes your Reel to the next level.

By combining thoughtful production values with maximum technical quality, you’ll be ready to make Reels that capture viewers’ attention. Have fun experimenting with the possibilities 60 fps opens up to showcase your passion and talents in the best way possible!