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What is the like limit on Facebook pages per day?

What is the like limit on Facebook pages per day?

Facebook pages have limits on how many likes a page can receive in a given day as a way to prevent artificial inflation of page likes through automated bots or services. The exact like limit is not publicly disclosed by Facebook, but through research and experience managing Facebook pages, some general guidelines have emerged.

The Base Like Limit

For most Facebook pages with a reasonable number of real followers, the base daily like limit appears to be around 150-200. Going above this number of likes in a day can trigger limits from Facebook. This base limit is not an absolute cap, but exceeding it consistently can lead to restrictions.

New Pages

When a Facebook page is brand new, the base like limit may be even lower, around 50 per day in the very beginning. This is likely to prevent fake pages from quickly amassing likes. As a page builds up its audience organically, the base limit tends to increase.

Established Pages

For larger, well-established pages with thousands of followers, the base limit can be higher, around 300-400 likes per day on average. However, even very popular pages can still encounter limits if they exceed that baseline level consistently.

Factors Influencing the Limit

The specific daily like limit for a page depends on a few key factors:

  • How old the page is
  • How many real followers it has
  • How fast the page has been growing recently
  • Any past restrictions or limits on the page

Facebook’s systems look at these factors holistically to determine what the reasonable organic like levels should be for each page. Anything exceeding expected patterns can trigger limits.

Age of the Page

Older pages that have been on Facebook for years tend to have higher limits than newly created pages. Facebook’s algorithms do not expect new pages to suddenly receive hundreds or thousands of likes right away.

Number of Followers

Pages with a lot of established followers and high engagement will have higher like limits than smaller pages. But even at hundreds of thousands or millions of followers, excessive likes in a short period can still be flagged.

Growth Patterns

If a page has been growing at a steady, consistent pace, sharply exceeding that expected trajectory can trigger limits. Facebook analyzes growth curves to identify when like patterns look unnatural.

Past Restrictions

If a page has had restrictions or limits placed on it in the past around likes or followers, it can remain under tighter scrutiny even after limits are lifted. Too many restrictions can lead to permanent page bans.

Exceeding the Limits

When the daily like limit is exceeded, a few things tend to happen:

  • Likes stop registering to the page beyond a certain point
  • The ability to actively like the page is temporarily restricted
  • A notice is sent to page admins about unusual activity

These effects are usually temporary, lasting 1-7 days. But repeat violations can lead to longer restrictions, limits on posting ability, or permanent bans in extreme cases.

Likes Not Registering

The most common limit is that likes simply stop accruing to the page beyond a certain threshold for the day. So you can still see likes coming in, but the page’s like count doesn’t go up.

Limits on Liking Ability

In some cases, Facebook will actually limit the ability for anyone else to like the page for a period of time after hitting the limit. This is essentially a temporary lockout to avoid further inflating the like count.

Notices to Page Admins

If a page hits its limit repeatedly, Facebook will send notifications to the page admins letting them know “unusual activity” has been observed. This is a warning that continuing to hit the limits may result in further restrictions.

Number of Days Limit Exceeded Typical Restriction
1-3 days 1-2 day limit on likes registering
4-6 days 3-7 day limit on likes registering
7-14 days Restriction on posting abilities for a week
14+ days Permanent ban from Facebook

Avoiding Limits

Here are some tips to avoid triggering Facebook’s daily like limits on pages:

  • Grow pages slowly and steadily over time
  • Avoid sudden spikes in likes from promotions or campaigns
  • Watch for notifications from Facebook about unusual activity
  • Analyze page analytics to understand normal organic growth rates
  • Don’t use services that promise thousands of fake likes

Steady Organic Growth

The #1 way to avoid limits is to grow a page’s audience consistently over time. Big sudden jumps in likes are sure to be flagged. Take a long view on social media marketing.

Limit Promotional Spikes

Promotions like giveaways or campaigns can attract lots of likes rapidly, exceeding growth rate limits. Make promotions occasional, not constant, and be conservative with goals.

Heed Facebook Warnings

If you do receive warnings from Facebook about unusual activity, take them seriously. Analyze your growth and tone it down before harsher limits are imposed.

Review Growth Analytics

Use page analytics to understand your normal daily and monthly like growth rates. Refer to these baselines before running promotions to avoid major spikes.

Avoid Fake Likes

Never use third-party services to buy fake likes, followers, or page engagement. This is strictly prohibited by Facebook and can lead to permanent page deletion.


While the exact daily like limit is not disclosed by Facebook, most pages can safely stay under 200 without issue. Analyze your page’s growth trends, avoid suspicious spikes, and heed Facebook’s warnings. With some caution, you can grow your page’s audience consistently without triggering restrictive limits on likes.