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What is the green dot next to a contact on Messenger?

What is the green dot next to a contact on Messenger?

The green dot next to a contact’s name on Messenger indicates that the person is currently active on the platform. It lets you know that they are online and available to chat in real-time if you send them a message. The green dot provides a quick visual cue about your contacts’ availability and makes it easy to see who you can interact with instantly on Messenger.

When Does the Green Dot Appear?

The green dot will show up next to a contact’s name under the following conditions:

  • They have the Messenger app open on their device
  • They are actively using the Messenger website on their desktop
  • They have enabled Active Status in their Messenger settings

As long as the contact has Messenger open and the Active Status setting turned on, the green dot will be present to indicate they are currently online and ready to chat. This provides a real-time awareness of your contacts’ availability.

How Is the Green Dot Different From Active Status?

While the green dot shows a contact is currently active on Messenger, Active Status indicates how recently they were using the app. Active Status displays time frames like “Active now,” “Active today,” or “Active yesterday.”

The green dot and Active Status work together to provide a comprehensive view of a contact’s activity on Messenger:

  • Green dot = they are actively online at this very moment
  • Active Status = how recently they were using Messenger overall

If a contact has the green dot illuminated, their Active Status will also show “Active now.” The green dot gives you real-time insight, while Active Status shows their usage over a broader timeframe.

What Does No Green Dot Mean?

If a contact does not have a green dot next to their name, it means one of several possibilities:

  • They have closed the Messenger app
  • They are idle or inactive in the Messenger app
  • They have disabled Active Status in their settings
  • Their account is offline or deactivated

The absence of the green dot simply indicates the person is not currently active on Messenger in that moment. Unless they have turned off Active Status, you’ll be able to see their last time using Messenger through the Active Status display.

Why Doesn’t the Green Dot Always Appear?

There are a few reasons why a contact might not show the green dot, even when actively using Messenger:

  • They have disabled Active Status in their settings. This stops the green dot from being displayed to others.
  • They are using Messenger in invisible mode. This hides them from being seen as online.
  • It’s taking time for their active status to update across Messenger’s servers.

In most cases, the green dot should appear accurately whenever a contact is online and has Active Status turned on. But occasionally it may not show instantly if they have changed settings or there is a delay in status updating.

Can You Hide Your Own Green Dot?

If you don’t want others to see when you’re online, you can disable your own green dot in Messenger preferences:

  1. Open the Messenger app on your mobile device or navigate to on your desktop.
  2. Access your account settings – either from your profile pic or the menu icon.
  3. Go to the Active Status section of settings.
  4. Toggle off the option for “Show when you’re active.”

This will prevent your green dot from being displayed to contacts when you are active on Messenger in the future. You can still see other people’s green dots while yours remains hidden.

How to Use the Green Dot

Here are some tips on how to utilize the green dot indicator for more effective Messenger communication:

  • Check for a contact’s green dot before sending time-sensitive messages. If it’s present, you know they can likely respond right away.
  • Click on the green dot to open a chat window instantly with an active contact.
  • Hover over a contact’s profile picture to view Active Status if no green dot is present.
  • Remember that absence of a green dot doesn’t necessarily mean someone isn’t checking Messenger throughout the day.

The green dot gives you an at-a-glance way to gauge your contacts’ immediate availability on Messenger. Keep in mind it’s not a definitive indicator of whether someone is actively using Messenger overall throughout the day. But it remains a useful visual cue that helps your messaging be more timely and effective.


The green dot next to a contact name in Messenger indicates real-time active status – they currently have the app open and are online. This allows you to see at a glance when your contacts are available for instant messaging and conversation. It’s a simple yet powerful feature for streamlining communication and understanding your contacts’ availability.