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What is the giveaway picker for Facebook likes?

What is the giveaway picker for Facebook likes?

A giveaway picker for Facebook likes is a tool or service that allows you to randomly select winners for a contest or giveaway from people who have liked your Facebook page or post. It provides an easy way to run a giveaway promotion on Facebook and incentivize likes in order to grow your audience.

How does a Facebook giveaway picker work?

A Facebook giveaway picker connects to your Facebook page and imports the names of all the people who have liked your page or a specific post. You set the parameters for the giveaway, including the number of winners you want to pick. The giveaway picker will then randomly select winners from the list of people who have liked your page or post.

Here is a typical workflow for running a giveaway with a Facebook like giveaway picker:

  1. You create a giveaway post on your Facebook page announcing the prize(s) and how to enter (by liking the page or post).
  2. Interested participants like your page or the giveaway post to enter.
  3. You connect your Facebook page to the giveaway picker tool and import the list of people who have liked the page or post.
  4. The giveaway picker randomly selects the predefined number of winners from the list of people who liked.
  5. You announce and contact the winners through Facebook.

The giveaway picker automates the process of selecting random winners from the pool of people who have liked your page or post. This saves you the hassle of manually selecting winners and ensures a transparent, fair selection process.

What are the benefits of using a Facebook like giveaway picker?

Here are some of the key benefits of using a Facebook like giveaway picker:

  • Increases Likes – Giveaways are a proven way to quickly get more likes on your Facebook page or posts. The incentive of entering to win a prize motivates people to like your page.
  • Saves Time – Manually selecting winners and checking likes would be extremely time consuming. The giveaway picker automates the process.
  • Random Selection – Automated random selection ensures a fair giveaway and reduces risk of manual bias or error.
  • Easy to Run – After the initial setup, running a giveaway is as simple as clicking a button to pick winners.
  • Flexible – You can run giveaways requiring likes on your Page, individual Posts, or both.
  • Engages Followers – Giveaways encourage more engagement and build a more active, loyal following.

The bottom line is that Facebook like giveaway pickers provide an easy way to grow your audience and run promotions on Facebook.

What should you look for in a Facebook giveaway picker?

Here are some key features to look for when choosing a Facebook like giveaway picker:

  • Secure connection – The ability to securely connect to your Facebook page through APIs.
  • Import likes – The option to import Page likes, Post likes, or both.
  • Random winner selection – Ensure the selection process is truly random.
  • Number of winners – Ability to choose how many winners you want to select.
  • Filtering options – Options to filter entries (e.g. by date range, location).
  • Shareable results – Ability to generate shareable winner announcements.
  • Customer support – Responsive customer support in case any issues come up.

Choosing a giveaway picker that offers the right combination of features, security, and support will ensure your Facebook giveaway goes smoothly.

What are some examples of popular Facebook giveaway pickers?

Here are a few top Facebook giveaway pickers to consider:

Giveaway Picker Key Features
Rafflecopter Trustworthy name in giveaways. Imports likes from Pages & Posts. Multiple winner options. Easy setup.
Woobox Robust set of giveaway customization and integration options. Flexible entry options.
Wishpond Automated winner selection and notification. Detailed campaign analytics and reports.
Gleam Free plan available. Clean, simple interface. Integrates with other apps.
ViralSweep Unique options like integrating video. International giveaways supported.

Research reviews and compare features when choosing the best Facebook giveaway picker for your needs and budget. Many have free trial options to test out.

What steps should you take to set up and run a Facebook giveaway?

Follow these key steps to successfully set up and execute a giveaway using a Facebook like giveaway picker:

  1. Choose your giveaway picker – Select the giveaway app that best fits your needs and sign up for an account.
  2. Connect your Facebook – Authenticate and connect the app to your Facebook page.
  3. Create a giveaway – Use the app to set up the parameters like number of winners and entry requirements.
  4. Promote the giveaway – Create a Facebook post and advertise the giveaway to generate likes.
  5. Import likes – Once the giveaway ends, import the list of people who liked the page or post into the picker app.
  6. Select winners – Use the app to randomly pick the defined number of winners.
  7. Announce winners – Post the list of winners on Facebook and contact them directly.
  8. Send out prizes – Ship out the prizes to the randomly selected winners.

Planning ahead, promoting effectively, and following up professionally are key to running a smooth, successful Facebook giveaway.

What are some best practices for running Facebook giveaways?

Follow these best practices when running Facebook giveaways with a like giveaway picker:

  • Clearly state giveaway rules and eligibility requirements in official rules.
  • Comply with Facebook’s promotions policies and any local laws.
  • Use attention-grabbing images and copy in giveaway posts.
  • Promote the giveaway through Facebook ads to maximize reach.
  • Send winner notifications through Facebook and email.
  • Request winners provide shipping details within 48 hours to claim prize.
  • Announce winners publicly on your Facebook page.
  • Follow up with a thank you post tagging giveaway participants.
  • Measure results and collect feedback to improve your next giveaway.

Following best practices helps ensure your giveaway is successful, your winners have a good experience, and you get maximum impact from the promotion.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when running Facebook giveaways?

Steer clear of these mistakes when running a Facebook giveaway:

  • Failing to read Facebook’s giveaway policies – Make sure to follow their rules.
  • Not defining clear giveaway terms and eligibility – Leads to confusion.
  • Announcing winners too late – Can cause participants to disengage.
  • Forgetting to follow up with winners – They may miss the notification.
  • Running too many giveaways – Can cause audience fatigue.
  • Picking fake winners or biased winners – Gets you in legal trouble.
  • Asking for shares instead of likes – Against Facebook policies.
  • Not promoting adequately – Won’t generate sufficient buzz or likes.
  • Poor prize quality – Reflects poorly on your brand.

Avoiding common missteps like these will help your giveaway go more smoothly and effectively.


Facebook like giveaway pickers provide a quick, easy way to run promotions on Facebook and incentivize likes. Choosing a reputable giveaway app, following best practices, clearly communicating rules, and avoiding common mistakes will lead to successful giveaways and grow your audience. With the right preparation and promotion, you can leverage giveaways to significantly increase engagement and expand your Facebook following.