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What is the game where you are paparazzi?

What is the game where you are paparazzi?

Opening Paragraphs

The game where you play as a paparazzi photographer is called Paparazzi. It is a life simulation game developed by Last Day of Work and released in 2010 for iOS and Android devices. The goal of the game is to take photos of celebrities around a city and sell them to tabloid magazines for money. As you progress through the game, you can upgrade your camera equipment, vehicles, and skills to become the top celebrity photographer.

Some quick facts about Paparazzi:

– Genre: Life simulation/photography game
– Platforms: iOS, Android
– Developer: Last Day of Work
– Release date: 2010

Overview of the Paparazzi Game

Paparazzi places the player in the role of an aspiring celebrity photographer looking to make a name for themselves in the city. At the start of the game, the player begins with a simple point-and-shoot camera and an old car. The core gameplay involves driving around the city to find celebrities, taking pictures of them in various situations, and then selling the photos to magazines.

As the player earns more money, they can upgrade to better cameras with zoom lenses, faster cars and motorcycles to keep up with celebrities, and skill upgrades like increased speed or stamina. The city is populated with a variety of fictional celebrities the player must identify and photograph in the act – whether that’s filming movies, going shopping, partying at nightclubs, or having romantic rendezvous.

The goal is to build your reputation as a top paparazzi photographer by getting your pictures published by the tabloids and magazines that offer assignments. Selling hot exclusive photos earns the player more money to upgrade their gear. The better photos you take using skill and well-upgraded equipment, the higher price they command.

Gameplay Mechanics

Here are some key gameplay mechanics in Paparazzi:

– Driving around the city – The player drives different vehicles around the urban environment searching for celebrities. Vehicles can be upgraded for handling, speed, and durability.

– Taking photos – When a celebrity is located, the player must get close enough to snap photographs of them going about their business or in compromising situations. The quality of photos depends on camera type, photo composition, and player skills.

– Photo assignments – Various magazines provide the player with assignments to photograph specific celebrities under certain conditions for big payouts.

– Upgrading equipment – As the player earns more money, they can buy better cameras, lenses, vehicles, and gear upgrades like stamina. This allows them to improve photo quality.

– Increasing skills – The player levels up photography-related skills with experience like Increased Zoom, Faster Shooting, Quick Reflexes, etc.

– Celebrity Types – The city is populated with different classes of fictional celebrities like A-list movie stars, fashion models, singers, athletes. Getting rare photos of elite celebrities nets more money.

– Hiding/evading paparazzi – Some celebrities will attempt to avoid or hide from the player, requiring stealth and skill to photograph them.

– Selling photos – The player must sell their best photos each day to tabloid newspapers and magazines for income based on quality and subject matter.

Progressing Through the Game

As the player progresses through Paparazzi by completing photo assignments and earning money, they are able to unlock new gameplay content and options. These include:

– New vehicles – From cheap starter cars to high speed sports cars to signature celebrity vehicles. Makes it easier to keep up with subjects.

– Camera upgrades – Better cameras, lenses, zoom capabilities, etc. Improve photo quality and ability to shoot from further away.

– New cities – Besides the starter city, others can be unlocked such as a Hollywood-themed Los Angeles map.

– Celeb homes – Gain access to celebrity homes, movie sets, and other private areas.

– Hideout locations – Safe houses allow the player to lay low when celebrity heat gets too high from constant photo taking.

– New magazines – Sell photos to more tabloids with specialized interests like fashion or sports.

– Photo filters & effects – Unlock special filters to enhance photos and increase their value.

– Celebrity contacts – Befriend celebrities to gain inside information on their whereabouts and activities.

– Upgrades – Additional upgrades to handling, speed, stamina, photo skills, and more.

By utilizing all the tools and skills available, the player can rise to the top of the paparazzi ranks and become rich and famous for their up-close celebrity photos. But they must also avoid the wrath of the celebrities they stalk or risk getting caught, beat up, or having their gear destroyed.

Paparazzi Game Features

Some key features that define the Paparazzi game experience include:

Celebrity Photographing Gameplay

The core gameplay revolves around locating, following, and photographing computer-controlled celebrity characters as they go about scripted activities. Players must utilize skill, equipment, vehicles, and planning to capture celebrities in private, embarrassing, or revealing moments that tabloids will pay top dollar for. This includes candid photos, wardrobe malfunctions, romantic encounters, on set filming, versionaddeding clothes or products, and potentially disreputable behavior.

Upgradable Camera Equipment

As players earn money in the game, they can purchase better equipment to help them take more valuable photos from further away or in trickier situations. This includes new camera bodies, lenses, zoom and focus upgrades, and other gear. Special light meters and filters also help compose better pictures.

Vehicle Selection

A range of upgradeable vehicles suited for chasing celebrities are available. Cheap starter cars can be replaced with faster sports cars and even celebrity signature cars. Different bikes and boats are also available for added mobility. Vehicles can be upgraded for speed, handling, durability, and other attributes to aid the paparazzi.

Diverse Urban Setting

The game takes place in a detailed urban setting populated with buildings, locations, roads, alleys, crowds, and scenery that make it feel like a living, breathing city. Multiple cities can be unlocked. There are also indoor locations like celeb homes, clubs, restaurants, movie studios, and more.

Celebrity Types and Activities

The game features a diverse range of fictional celebrity archetypes like Hollywood stars, singers, models, athletes, socialites, and more. Each celebrity has scripted behaviors, activities, and occurrences for the player to discover and capture on film such as shooting movies, partying, shopping sprees, dates, and scandalous moments. Locating and recognizing celebrities is part of the challenge.

Magazine Assignments

Various magazine editors give the player assignments to photograph specific celebrities under certain conditions, like getting photos of two stars on a date or a punk rocker behaving badly. This provides side objectives beyond general paparazzi photos. Completing assignments unlocks rewards and pays much more than random candid shots.

RPG Elements

As the player takes more photos and earns money, they gain experience points to level up their photography skills. Skills that can be upgraded include zoom proficiency, running speed, stamina, blending into crowds, quicker photo taking, and more. This allows accessing previously blocked areas.

Economic Progression

Money made from selling photos allows the player to buy better equipment and vehicles. More expensive cameras, lenses, cars, bikes, etc. make it easier to capture top tier celebrities and exclusive photos that pay even more. There is a clear economic progression from amateur to professional paparazzi.

Development History

Paparazzi was developed and published by Last Day of Work, an independent mobile game company founded in 2003. Some key points about the game’s development history:

– Initial release – Paparazzi was first released for iOS devices in September 2010, followed by an Android launch in December 2010.

– Lead designer – The game was designed and directed by Steven Green, CEO and founder of Last Day of Work.

– Independent development – As an indie studio, a small team of under 10 people worked on Paparazzi over a development cycle of approximately 8-10 months.

– Built for mobile – Paparazzi was designed from the ground up for touchscreen mobile devices, focusing on short gameplay sessions rather than extensive long play.

– Updated regularly – Following launch, Paparazzi received regular content and bug fix updates that added new features, vehicles, celebs, and photography assignments. Support continued for over 2 years.

– iOS success – Paparazzi reached the #1 paid app spot on the U.S. App Store within months of release. It was a top grossing iOS game for multiple years until being removed in late 2015.

– Multi-platform – After the strong iOS performance, Last Day of Work ported Paparazzi over to the Android platform in late 2010 to expand the user base.

– Real world fame – Paparazzi’s success even got it featured briefly on an episode of the TV sitcom Modern Family in 2010.

– Lasting influence – The game influenced other photography simulation titles and helped shape the growing mobile photography game market of the early 2010s.

While no longer available for download, Paparazzi remains a memorable early photography simulator that captured the thrill of celebrity life. Its focus on upgradable gear and skills in a dynamic urban setting helped pave the way for more complex mobile photography games to come.

Tips and Tricks for Paparazzi

Mastering Paparazzi involves learning some key tips and techniques. Here are some suggestions for taking your celebrity photographer skills to the next level:

Prioritize Upgrades

– Focus first on upgrading your cameras for zoom, clarity, flash, etc. Good photos rely on quality gear.

– Buy newer vehicles next for speed and durability. You need to keep up with celebs on the move.

– Don’t neglect skills like increased stamina and quicker photo taking to be an effective paparazzi.

Study Celebrity Behavior

– Note where specific celebrity types tend to hang out and make it a point to patrol those areas.

– Learn each celebrity’s schedule and movements to predict where to ambush them next.

– For assignments, prep the locations where scripted events are likely to occur.

Master Tracking & Pursuit

– Disable other vehicles or block roads with your car to stop celebs in their tracks.

– Change routes and predict shortcuts to catch up with fleeing celebrities.

– On foot, hide behind objects and use crowds for cover when pursuing on foot.

Take Rapid High Value Photos

– Burst shoot and use rapid fire skills for action shots and wardrobe malfunctions.

– Photo duplicate celebs together for relationship rumors and bonus payouts.

– Get celebs doing inappropriate activities for tabloid scandals.

Avoid Wrath of Celebrities

– Keep your distance and use max zoom lenses to remain hidden.

– Retreat and switch vehicles if a celebrity notices you and becomes hostile.

– Don’t constantly chase the same celebs – mix up your targets.

Mastering these tips along with skillful driving and economic progression will help you become the top paparazzi in the game!


Paparazzi provides a unique gaming experience by putting players in the shoes of a ruthless celebrity photographer. Its gameplay focused on skillful pursuit, upgradable equipment, photo composition, driving abilities, economic progression, and learning celebrity patterns made it highly engaging and addictive. While no longer available, it influenced an entire subgenre of mobile photography games and simulated the shady, high-risk worlds of tabloid photojournalism in stylish fashion. For any gamer who enjoyed the celebrity gossip boom of the late 2000s, Paparazzi was a landmark title that captured the thrill of chasing fame. With the right skills and strategy, you too could rise to the top of the paparazzi food chain. So sharpen your lenses and rev your engines, because the chase is on to photograph the stars at their most vulnerable and profit off the lucrative tabloid industry. The life of a paparazzo awaits!