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What is the format for Facebook username?

What is the format for Facebook username?

Facebook usernames, also known as Facebook vanity URLs, allow users to choose a custom URL for their profile instead of using the default ID that is assigned when an account is created. The format and requirements for Facebook usernames have evolved over the years as the platform has grown and changed.

History of Facebook Usernames

When Facebook first launched in 2004, user profiles were accessed by entering the user’s ID number into the URL. For example:

In 2009, Facebook rolled out the ability for users to create custom vanity URLs for their profiles. This allowed users to choose a username to make their profile URLs more memorable and personal. For example:

Initially, Facebook vanity URLs had to include the user’s real name. So users could not create usernames like “musicfan123” for example. The names had to match the display name on the user’s Facebook profile.

In 2011, Facebook relaxed the vanity URL policy to allow usernames that did not exactly match a user’s name. Creative and generic usernames became permitted, opening up many new possibilities for Facebook URL customization.

Over the years, as Facebook has continued to evolve, there have been some key changes to the requirements and formats for Facebook usernames.

Current Rules for Facebook Usernames

Here are the current guidelines for Facebook usernames as of 2023:

  • Usernames must be 5-50 characters in length
  • Usernames can include numbers, letters, periods, and underscores
  • Usernames cannot include spaces or special characters aside from periods and underscores
  • Usernames cannot include solely numbers – there must be at least one letter
  • Usernames cannot use periods consecutively (e.g. john..doe)
  • Usernames are unique – no two users can have the same custom URL
  • Usernames cannot include trademarked or celebrity names
  • Usernames cannot impersonate official Facebook pages
  • Usernames cannot include offensive or harassing language
  • Usernames are subject to Facebook’s Terms of Service

Facebook reviews all new vanity URLs to ensure they meet these requirements. URLs that do not comply will be rejected by Facebook during the creation process.

How to Change Your Facebook Username

Changing your Facebook username to a custom vanity URL is easy to do:

  1. Go to your profile page
  2. Click “Username” under your name
  3. Type in your desired new username
  4. Click “Change Username”

Facebook will check if your selected username is available and meets their requirements. If so, your URL will be updated immediately. You can repeat this process to change your username to something new at any time.

Tips for Creating a Good Facebook Username

Your Facebook username allows you to craft a URL that is personal to you. Here are some tips for coming up with a good one:

  • Use your real name or a version of it if available. This makes it easy for friends to find you.
  • Reference your interests, hobbies, occupation or location. For example, philadelphiamark or soccernerd.
  • Use a unique nickname if you have one that fits within the character limit. For example, hungryjo.
  • Include your graduation year if you’re a student. For example, marysmith2025.
  • Use your initials. A username like ejsmith is simple and clear.
  • Make sure it’s easy to spell so people can find your profile.
  • Use hyphens, numbers and periods to modify common names. Example: sarah-beth123.
  • Stay on brand by aligning with your Instagram or other social media handles.

A creative, personalized username makes your Facebook profile easy to find and memorable for other users.

Examples of Good Facebook Usernames

Here are some examples of Facebook vanity URLs that meet the platform guidelines and are catchy and descriptive:

  • katiejobs
  • john-smith89
  • mary.robinson.921
  • sanfranciscogirl
  • smith_david88
  • balletdancer2012
  • nyc.musician
  • londonfashionschool
  • rollersk8ter
  • ilovebooks

Common Username Mistakes to Avoid

It’s important to follow Facebook’s guidelines closely when creating a custom username. Here are some common mistakes that could get your URL rejected:

  • Using a very common name like joejohnson or sarajones that is probably already taken
  • Including special characters like &, %, $, #, etc.
  • Using a URL that impersonates or misleads people to think you are a celebrity, public figure, or official brand
  • Trying to buy or sell the username
  • Including offensive, harassing or hateful language
  • Making it confusing by incorporating hard to read abbreviations or odd capitalization
  • Using a URL that encourages illegal activity or violates laws

Facebook aims to prevent user impersonation, trademarks violations, offensive content, and misrepresentation. Following their rules helps ensure your custom username gets approved.


Facebook currently allows usernames of 5-50 characters including letters, numbers, underscores and periods. By choosing a unique, personalized URL, you can make your Facebook profile easy to access and remember. Be creative but also follow the platform guidelines closely when selecting your custom username.

With over 2 billion users, there are many great Facebook vanity URLs already taken. But by using variations on your name, nicknames, interests or locations, you can likely find a URL that suits your personal brand.

Facebook will review all proposed new usernames to ensure they meet requirements around length, permitted characters, impersonation, trademarks, and offensive content. So be sure to follow all Facebook rules to get your ideal URL approved on the first try.

Your Facebook username lets you shape the custom web address of your profile. A good one should be memorable, representative of you, and meet Facebook’s strict standards. With this format in mind, you can craft the perfect short URL to make your Facebook profile easy to promote and share.

Facebook is one of the largest and most influential social networks in the world. Having a personalized, branded username can be beneficial for establishing your unique presence on the platform among billions of users. The format may be restricted, but the right shortened URL can help your profile stand out.

Your Facebook username functions as the web address that directs people to your profile. It represents you in the digital space, just like your actual name. While Facebook imposes structure on how these usernames should be formatted, the platform also gives you 50 characters to get creative.

With some thought and effort, you can craft a Facebook username in line with the platform’s policies that properly represents your personal or professional brand. The limitations on structure and format exist to avoid impersonation and misuse. But there are still ample options for customization if you know the rules.

Choosing your Facebook username requires balancing creativity with the platform’s guidelines. But a thoughtful, personalized URL can benefit your profile and contribute to a cohesive social media brand. Consider all the factors and requirements outlined above when selecting the perfect username for your distinctive presence on Facebook.

A Facebook username may seem short and simple, but it functions as your personal web address on the world’s largest social network. The format limitations imposed by Facebook aim to protect users and prevent misuse. However, you still have considerable flexibility in crafting a username that adheres to the rules while reflecting your unique identity.

With knowledge of the allowed structure and elements for Facebook usernames, you can optimize your custom URL. A username should not be an afterthought – it represents you in the digital world. Put care into choosing a username that abides by Facebook’s policies but also does your personal or professional brand justice.

Your Facebook username is your identity on one of the biggest social networks worldwide. Make sure yours aligns with Facebook’s format requirements but also gives people an indication of who you are. The platform puts structure around usernames to maintain protections. But you can still find creative ways to customize your URL within the allowed parameters.

Knowing how Facebook usernames work sets you up to choose one that benefits your profile. Select a URL that is representative of you while following Facebook’s rules. Ultimately your username functions as your personalized web address and digital identifier, so put thought into finding one that suits your needs.

The Facebook username format follows defined rules and limitations to prevent misuse. All usernames must be 5-50 characters in length and can only contain letters, numbers, periods and underscores. Facebook reviews all new URLs to ensure they do not include offensive language, impersonate others, or encourage illegal activities.

Within the required structure for usernames, you have flexibility to get creative. Reference your name, interests, location or other elements that express your identity. Avoid common mistakes like hard to spell names or impersonating others. With some thought, you can craft the perfect username to customize your Facebook URL.

Your Facebook username essentially serves as your personal web address on the platform. Follow the format requirements while also choosing a URL that reflects who you are. A customized username allows you to shape your identity and brand on the world’s largest social network.

With over 2 billion users, picking the right Facebook username involves finding creative ways to customize your URL within the required format. But the effort pays off, with the perfect username making your profile easy to find and memorable.