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What is the fastest way to unfriend someone on Facebook?

What is the fastest way to unfriend someone on Facebook?

Social media allows us to connect with friends, family, and acquaintances from all parts of our lives. However, sometimes connections turn sour or people post content we find offensive. When this happens on Facebook, unfriending or unfollowing the person is an option to limit contact.

Should I unfriend or unfollow?

Unfriending and unfollowing both reduce the content you see from someone, but there are some differences:

  • Unfollowing hides their posts from your News Feed but you stay connected.
  • Unfriending removes them from your friends list and cuts contact.

So unfollowing is less drastic than unfriending. Unfollow if you just want to mute them. Unfriend if you want to cut the online friendship entirely.

How to unfriend on Facebook

Here are the fastest ways to unfriend someone:

  1. Go to their profile page and click Friends below their cover photo.
  2. Select Unfriend from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click Confirm when prompted.

This removes them from your friends list right away. They won’t be notified but may notice if they try to view your profile.

Unfriending from News Feed

You can also unfriend from your News Feed:

  1. Click the three dots next to a post by the person in your News Feed.
  2. Select Unfollow or Unfriend from the menu.
  3. Click Confirm on the pop-up.

This lets you quickly unfriend them as soon as an annoying post appears.

Unfollowing vs. Snoozing

Instead of unfollowing, you can snooze a friend for 30 days to temporarily hide their posts. Just click the three dots by their name and select Snooze.

Snoozing is handy if you just need a short break from their content.

How to Unfriend on Facebook Mobile

The process works the same on mobile:

  1. Go to their profile.
  2. Tap Friends below their cover photo.
  3. Select Unfriend.

You can also unfriend right from the News Feed by tapping the three dots icon by their post.

What happens when you unfriend?

Here’s what happens when you unfriend someone:

  • They are removed from your friends list.
  • You no longer see their profile updates.
  • Your name is removed from their friends list.
  • They can still message you, unless you block them.

So unfriending removes the person from your social circle only. To cut contact, consider also blocking them.

Should I block too?

Blocking prevents all contact with the person:

  • They can’t view your profile or contact you.
  • You can’t view their profile or contact them.
  • Useful for stopping harassment.

Blocking is more severe than unfriending. Only block if you want to prevent all communication going forward.

How to block someone

Follow these steps:

  1. Click the three dots icon next to a post or comment from the person.
  2. Select Block User.
  3. Specify whether to also block them from messaging you.

On mobile, go to their profile, tap the three dots, and select Block.

What if I change my mind?

You can add a person back anytime after unfriending or blocking them. Just send a new friend request or follow these steps:

  1. Click the three dots on their profile.
  2. Select Unblock if blocked or Add Friend if unfriended.

The connection is restored once they accept your request or follow you back.

Preventing unwanted friend requests

To avoid getting friend requests from someone, adjust your privacy settings:

  1. Go to Settings & Privacy.
  2. Select Blocking.
  3. Enter the name of the person.
  4. Click Block.

This prevents them from finding your profile or sending you requests.

Unfriending on Messenger

Unfriending someone on Facebook does not block them from messaging you on Messenger. To block messages:

  1. Open your Messages list.
  2. Tap the name of the conversation.
  3. Tap their name at the top.
  4. Select Block Messages.

This stops conversations while keeping them in your contacts list. Or select Block Contact to remove them completely.

Unfriending vs. Deleting

Deleting your account is more drastic than unfriending. It:

  • Permanently removes your profile.
  • Deletes all your content.
  • Cancels your friendships.

Only delete if you want to close your account permanently. Unfriend if you just want to remove specific connections.

How to delete Facebook

If you do want to delete for good, follow these steps:

  1. Click the triangle icon in the top right.
  2. Select Settings & Privacy > Settings.
  3. Click Your Facebook Information in left column.
  4. Select Deactivation and Deletion.
  5. Choose Delete Account, then Continue to Account Deletion.
  6. Enter your password and click Delete Account.

Your profile is gone for good after 30 days. You can log in to cancel deletion during that period.

Should I post about unfriending?

Avoid making public posts about unfriending someone. This could spark drama, rather than resolving it. It’s better to unfriend quietly.

If you want to explain, send a private message clarifying why you unfriended them and wish them well. Posting publicly often backfires by fueling the conflict.

Alternative to Unfriending

If you don’t want to fully unfriend, consider these alternatives instead:

  • Lists: Organize friends into lists like Close Friends and Acquaintances to control what they see.
  • Groups: Add friends to custom Groups for sharing specific posts.
  • Snooze/Unfollow: Hide their posts temporarily.
  • Restrict: Limit what they see about you in Settings.

Using lists or snoozing is less drastic than unfriending. Try those methods first if you just need a break from their posts.

Signs It’s Time to Unfriend

When is it appropriate to unfriend someone? Here are some common signs:

  • They post inappropriate or offensive content.
  • They pick fights and drama constantly.
  • Interactions with them make you unhappy or anxious.
  • Seeing their updates is affecting your mental health.
  • The friendship ended badly on or offline.

In general, unfriend if keeping them around causes more harm than good. Don’t feel obligated to stay connected.

Handling Pushback

Some people take unfriending personally or try to start drama over it. If faced with backlash:

  • Reiterate it’s for your own well-being and nothing personal.
  • Avoid hostile conversation and don’t respond to accusations.
  • Politely decline reconnecting if you stand by your decision.
  • Consider blocking them if they won’t accept it.

Stay composed and stand your ground. You have every right to curate your space on Facebook.

Unfriending with Dignity

Aim to unfriend with maturity and grace. Here are some tips:

  • Don’t make a big show or announcement about it.
  • Consider sending a polite private message explaining why.
  • Wish them well and part on good terms if possible.
  • Avoid insulting, shaming, or venting emotions.
  • Take time to reflect before reacting to any backlash.

Handling it calmly and thoughtfully preserves the dignity of both people involved.

When is it Bullying?

Mass unfriending or blocking someone can cross into bullying territory. Signs of ganging up include:

  • Coordinating with others to all unfriend the person.
  • Making posts shaming them or calling for others to unfriend.
  • Asking your whole friend group to block them.
  • Ganging up to isolate the person.

Talk privately with the person first before taking group action if possible. Bullying and shaming should always be avoided.

Friending Rules of Thumb

Here are some general social media friendship tips:

  • Keep it to real friends and family you know personally.
  • Unfriend if you lose touch for an extended time.
  • Limit work connections to colleagues you interact with.
  • Don’t accept sketchy requests from strangers.
  • Check settings allowing friends to tag and post about you.

Curating your social circle thoughtfully from the start prevents problems down the road.

The Bottom Line

Unfriending and blocking should be reserved for cases of genuine harassment, toxicity, or your own mental health. Use with care and compassion. Other options like lists and snoozing can temporarily reduce an annoying connection’s presence.

Cut ties politely and privately when possible. Shaming or venting frustrations publicly often escalates issues. Handled maturely, unfriending can be a way to set healthy boundaries online.

Action Impact on You Impact on Them
Unfollow Hides their posts No change, stay connected
Unfriend Removes connection Removes you from their friends
Block Prevents all contact Prevents all contact with you

In summary:

  • Unfollow or snooze to temporarily hide someone’s posts.
  • Unfriend to remove them from your friends list.
  • Block to prevent all contact in both directions.
  • Do it gracefully and maturely whenever possible.
  • Avoid public callouts or venting frustrations.

With care and compassion, unfriending can help set boundaries and improve your online experience.