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What is the Facebook policy on scamming?

What is the Facebook policy on scamming?

Facebook has strict policies in place to protect users from scams and spam on their platform. The company recognizes that scams and spam can originate both internally from bad actors misusing the Facebook platform, as well as externally from other sites and sources. Facebook employs a mix of automated systems and human review to detect and remove content that violates their policies.

Facebook’s Anti-Scam Policies

Facebook outlines their main policies around scams and spam in their Community Standards under the False News section. Some key elements of their anti-scam policies include:

  • Prohibiting misrepresentation – Users cannot misrepresent their identity or purpose on Facebook, use fake accounts, or impersonate others. This includes creating duplicate or multiple accounts.
  • Restricting third-party spam – Facebook restricts the posting of unsolicited commercial content or content that engages in deceptive/disruptive tactics like clickbait.
  • Regulating sales practices – Users cannot utilize Facebook to scam or defraud others through deceptive sales practices. This includes violating Facebook’s commerce policies.
  • Banning malicious bots – The use of bots, scripts, plug-ins or other automated means to scrape data, generate spam or distribute unsolicited communications is prohibited.

In addition to these platform policies, Facebook also has rules around regulated goods and services, inappropriate content, and community standards that reinforce their anti-scam goals. Violating any of these policies can result in content removal or account suspension/termination.

How Facebook Detects Scams

Facebook utilizes both automated technology and human teams to review content across their platforms for scam violations. Some of their detection methods include:

  • Computer vision – Advanced AI and machine learning can identify known scam images, text patterns, and other signals indicative of fraudulent accounts/activity.
  • Behavior monitoring – Systems track account behaviors like sending high volumes of friend requests or messages to identify bot/spam behavior.
  • User reporting – Users can report accounts, pages, groups, events and content as scams or spam.
  • Proactive targeting – Teams proactively search for terms, behaviors and patterns that may represent emerging scams to stop them before they spread.
  • Information sharing – Facebook partners with banks, law enforcement, and industry partners to share intelligence on scam threats.

Combining these approaches allows Facebook to dynamically detect new scam tactics and quickly eliminate existing scams at scale. The company reports that the majority of scam content its systems detect is removed before users even see it.

How You Can Report a Scam on Facebook

While Facebook works diligently to combat scams, some bad content will inevitably slip through the cracks. Here are some ways you can identify and report suspected scams on Facebook:

  • Watch for too-good-to-be-true offers – Scammersoften use tactics like extreme discounts or guaranteed rewards to lure victims.
  • Check for poor spelling/grammar, Photoshopped images – Scams oftencontain sloppy text errors or unrealistic images.
  • Beware pressured selling tactics – Scams may employ aggressive tactics insisting you act fast or miss out.
  • Look for new/suspicious accounts – Scam accounts tend to be recently created and have little authentic activity.

If you encounter an account, post, or message you suspect is a scam, you can report it to Facebook by:

  • Clicking the three dots next to the content and selecting “Report”
  • Going to the profile/page and clicking “Report”
  • Using the Report links found under “Help & Support” in Facebook Settings

Facebook reviews all user reports and will remove content confirmed to violate their scam policies. Reporting scams helps Facebook strengthen their detection abilities.

What Happens When You Report a Scam?

Here’s a quick rundown of what happens after you report a potential scam to Facebook:

  1. Your report is reviewed by Facebook’s Community Operations team.
  2. They investigate the reported content against Facebook’s known scam indicators.
  3. If the content is confirmed as a scam, it will be removed immediately.
  4. The scam account may be disabled or restricted from posting temporarily or permanently.
  5. You will receive a notification that your report was reviewed and action was taken.

Facebook prioritizes reviewing reports from real accounts over “fake” or anonymous reports. Having multiple users report the same scam can also help expedite Facebook’s response.

What to Do if You Are Scammed on Facebook

If you unfortunately fell victim to a scam on Facebook, here are some important steps to take right away:

  1. Report it to Facebook – Report the scam content and account so Facebook can investigate and take action.
  2. Change your password – Reset your Facebook password in case your account was compromised by the scammer.
  3. Review privacy settings – Make sure your profile and posts are not set to public to prevent further issues.
  4. Cancel payments – If you paid via credit card or other means, quickly contact the provider to cancel any transactions.
  5. Check accounts – Monitor your financial accounts closely for signs of fraudulent use or theft related to the scam.
  6. Alert authorities – File complaints with the FTC, IC3, and local law enforcement to report the scam.

Taking swift action can help limit the damage from any scam. Ongoing vigilance of your accounts, profile, and friend networks is also crucial to prevent repeat issues. Unfortunately, once money is paid, it is very difficult to get back from scammers. This makes prevention and early detection critical.

Best Practices to Avoid Facebook Scams

While Facebook works to enhance their scam detection and takedowns, users should exercise caution to protect themselves. Here are some best practices to avoid scams:

  • Be skeptical of “too good to be true” offers or pressure to act fast on deals.
  • Don’t accept friend requests from strangers or engage with suspicious accounts.
  • Avoid posting sensitive personal or financial details on your profile.
  • Don’t click odd links or open attachments from strangers.
  • Use strong passwords and enable two-factor authentication.
  • Beware of posts promoting investment “opportunities” or otherwise asking for money.
  • Don’t provide your credit card or other financial info to those you don’t trust.
  • Monitor friend requests, posts/messages to your wall, and notifications for suspicious activity.
  • Report any scams you encounter to Facebook so they can investigate.

Exercising caution around online interactions and taking advantage of Facebook’s security controls can reduce your risk of being scammed. Staying alert to red flags and warning signs is also key to avoiding emerging scams that aim to capitalize on the Facebook platform’s reach.

Facebook Scams to Watch Out For

While scammers employ an array of tactics, some common Facebook scams to be aware of include:

Phishing Scams

Phishing scams aim to steal personal information through fraudulent links and websites. On Facebook this includes emails or messages with links claiming your account was compromised to try and steal your login info.

Fake Pages/Profiles

Scammers create fake business pages, celebrity profiles, or other accounts to mislead users. They use these pages to drive traffic to malicious sites or steal login/financial details.

Discount/Reward Scams

Posts or ads that offer inflated discounts, gift cards, or rewards for taking a survey are highly risky scams aiming to profit off users.

Romance Scams

Scammers use fake profiles to form online relationships and eventually ask for money for emergencies, travel, or other fictional needs.

Facebook Live Scams

Scam live videos often promote fake investment, discount, or money-making opportunities aimed at driving viewers to malicious sites or profiles.

Charity Scams

Fake fundraisers and crowdsourcing campaigns try to pull at heartstrings to get users to donate money that goes straight to scammers, not legitimate causes.

Staying vigilant for current scam tactics, trusting your instincts, and using common sense is the best way to beat scammers at their own game. Outsmarting those looking to take advantage of Facebook users for their own gain takes awareness, action, and a sense of shared responsibility across the community.


Facebook recognizes the threats scams pose to its global user community. Through a combination of policies, technology, human review, partnerships, and user reporting, the company has made significant strides in combating scam content at scale. However, new scam tactics are constantly emerging as bad actors seek to exploit vulnerabilities and trick users.

Maintaining vigilance, security smarts, and healthy skepticism are crucial for all Facebook users to avoid falling victim to scams. By staying informed on the latest scam trends and techniques, reporting suspicious activity, and using tools like two-factor authentication, users can stay safe and get the most from their Facebook experience. On the community level, increased scam awareness and reporting helps strengthen Facebook’s abilities to combat this unwanted activity threatening its users.