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What is the Facebook page category for artist?

What is the Facebook page category for artist?

When setting up a Facebook Page for an artist, it’s important to select the right category so that people can easily find and connect with you. Facebook offers several category options that are relevant for artists, musicians, authors, and other creative professionals. Choosing the category that best represents your work helps fans discover you and allows Facebook to better understand your content so they can serve your posts to the right audiences.


The Musician category is a good choice for musical artists like singers, songwriters, producers, DJs, and bands. This signals to Facebook that your page will primarily share music content like songs, albums, live performances, and music videos. Fans looking for musicians to follow will be able to find you when browsing this category.


Select Author if you are a writer sharing your published books and writing. Use this category for fiction and nonfiction writers, poets, journalists, bloggers and other literary creators. Fans can follow their favorite authors in one place to get updates on new releases, events, and writing news.

Artist, Band or Public Figure

The Artist, Band or Public Figure category is a broad option suitable for many creative professionals like painters, sculptors, illustrators, graphic designers, photographers, filmmakers, actors, models, bloggers, influencers, motivational speakers, and more. This signals you are a public figure with art, media, or performance-focused content.


For individuals working in film, television, theater, and modeling, the Actor/Director category indicates your page will feature acting-related updates. Use this selection for actors, directors, casting directors, modeling agencies, and more. Fans can follow their favorite stars and get the latest pop culture and entertainment news.


While not specifically geared toward artists, the Athlete category is a good choice for professional dancers who want to share sports-focused dance content like competitions, practices, fitness tips, and more. Select this if dance is your athletic discipline.


Coaches and instructors in creative disciplines like dance, music, acting, writing, art, and performance can choose the Coach category. This signals you provide coaching services in your field but don’t necessarily compete as a professional athlete. Share your expertise, training programs, and coaching philosophy.

Community Organization

For collaborative arts groups like theater troupes, dance companies, orchestras, choirs, bands, galleries, studios, production companies, and more, the Community Organization category indicates you’re an arts collective rather than an individual. Promote your productions, exhibits, classes, and team updates.


Schools, colleges, universities, academies, conservatories, and other educational institutions focused on the arts, music, dance, writing, and performance can select the Education category. Share your programs, faculty, student news, alumni updates, and campus events.

Entertainment Website/Brand

Entertainment websites, magazines, blogs, news outlets, agencies, podcasts, and other media platforms related to arts, music, film, TV, theater, and pop culture should choose the Entertainment Website/Brand category. This signals your page will share entertainment industry news, interviews, reviews, and pop culture content.

Other Potential Categories

Here are a few other categories that may apply depending on the specifics of your work:

  • Designer
  • Producer
  • Movie
  • Tv Show
  • Studio
  • Promoter
  • Label
  • Distributor
  • Festival
  • Venue
  • Store
  • Brand
  • Product/Service

Tips for Selecting Your Category

When deciding how to categorize your artist page, here are a few tips:

  • Pick the category that most closely matches your core focus and content.
  • Consider your primary profession and audience.
  • Review how other similar pages in your field categorized themselves.
  • Choose a specific category when possible vs. a broad one.
  • Select the category that best describes you even if multiple could apply.
  • You can change your category later if needed.

Optimizing Your Artist Page

Once you’ve chosen the ideal category, follow these best practices to optimize your Facebook Page:

  • Fill out your bio, profile and cover photos, contact info, and other page details.
  • Post content regularly to engage your audience.
  • Use relevant hashtags so people can find your posts.
  • Promote your page and invite friends to like it.
  • Analyze your metrics in Facebook Insights to see what resonates.
  • Run Facebook ads to expand your reach and get followers.
  • Set up your shop tab if you sell merchandise, music, books, art, etc.


Categorizing your artist page helps fans connect with you and gives Facebook insight into your content. Select the option that best represents your work and optimize your presence to effectively promote yourself as an artist, musician, author or creative professional. With a properly categorized page and compelling content, you can grow your audience and drive engagement with your art on Facebook.