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What is the Facebook logo font?

What is the Facebook logo font?

The Facebook logo font has become one of the most recognizable fonts in the world. As one of the largest social media platforms, Facebook’s wordmark is seen by billions of users across desktop, mobile, and app interfaces. The company’s clean, sparse aesthetic makes the Facebook font an integral part of its brand identity. But what exactly is the Facebook logo font called?

The History of the Facebook Logo

Since Facebook’s launch in 2004, the company has used several variations of its logo. The original Facebook logo used a simple serif font and was modeled after traditional American college lettering. This logo remained until Facebook’s first major redesign in 2005.

In 2005, Facebook introduced a new logo using a sans-serif typeface. This helped transition Facebook towards a more contemporary aesthetic. The logo also incorporated Facebook’s now-iconic lowercase “f” symbol next to the wordmark. This new logo marked Facebook’s official changeover from a college-oriented site to a broader social media platform.

Facebook kept this basic logo design for several years. Minor updates were introduced in 2008 and 2013. In 2015, Facebook rolled out a major redesign of its brand identity. The new wordmark uses a customized sans-serif font without serifs. This current Facebook logo introduces a more rounded, friendlier look. The “f” icon was also updated with a less industrial appearance. This refreshed design reflects Facebook’s focus on community and connecting people.

Identifying the Facebook Logo Font

So what font does the current Facebook logo use? The typeface is a customized variation of the public domain font Klavika. Klavika is a geometric sans-serif font created by type designer Eric Olson in 2004.

Facebook works with an in-house design team and outside agencies to customize fonts. The company’s logo uses a modified version of Klavika with customized letterforms. This customized font is not available for public download or licensing.

Here are some key features of the Facebook logo font:

  • Sans-serif, geometric letterforms without serifs
  • Slightly condensed letter width
  • Uppercase letters have high X-height relative to cap height
  • Rounded terminals on lowercase letters a, c, f, g, and s
  • Two-story lowercase g
  • Subtle curvature to strokes

These subtle design choices create a friendly, approachable look. The font balances simplicity with just enough personality in key letters like the lowercase f.

Using Alternatives to the Facebook Logo Font

Unfortunately, the official Facebook logo font is not available. But several free alternatives can provide a close match:

Proxima Nova

Proxima Nova is a geometric sans-serif designed by Mark Simonson. It has a similar rounded aesthetic. Proxima Nova comes in a complete family of weights and styles.

Futura PT

Futura PT is a well-known geometric sans-serif typeface by Isabella Chaeva. It shares the Facebook font’s roundness and simplicity, though the letterforms are a bit more stylized.


Metric is another open-source geometric sans-serif. Designed by Ben Mitchell and Phil Baines, Metric has clean lines and excellent legibility. The regular weight is closest to the Facebook font.


Gotham delivers a straightforward sans-serif look. Inspired by classic 20th century architecture, Gotham has a strong geometric structure. The rounded letters o and s resemble the Facebook font.

While not perfect matches, these fonts can mimic the style of the official Facebook typeface. When choosing a font, prioritize clean lines, friendly letterforms, and excellent legibility. For most digital projects, Futura PT will provide the closest approximation. Gotham also offers the same highly readable simplicity at small sizes.

Using the Facebook Logo Font in Design Projects

The official Facebook logo font should only be used when legally permitted. For personal design projects referencing Facebook, use accurate logo reproduction and fonts like Futura PT for the surrounding text. Never directly copy the unique customized Facebook typeface without permission.

If designing a project around social media, the Facebook font or similar alternatives can convey this theme. For most applications, aim for legible font pairing rather than directly imitating brand letterforms. While the Facebook logo font has recognizable personality, it is designed primarily for the company’s own brand identity.

Here are some examples of how you could incorporate the Facebook font style into projects:

  • Social media graphics with Futura PT or similar clean sans-serif
  • Interface fonts for a social app design concept
  • Display typography for posters or presentations related to Facebook or social media
  • Page headers in reports, articles, or documentation about Facebook

When applying a Facebook-esque font:

  • Use weights and styles precisely – avoid bold or italics
  • Limit font pairing to 2-3 maximum
  • Aim for straightforward, easy to read typography
  • Use letterspacing, sizing, and color for visual hierarchy

The Facebook font’s success comes from its clean simplicity and recognizable, friendly personality. Embracing a pared down aesthetic and geometric letterforms can reflect today’s digital communication landscape beyond just the Facebook brand.

The Facebook Logo in Marketing Designs

For marketing designs featuring the Facebook brand, it’s essential to use the logo correctly. Reproducing the Facebook logo requires following brand guidelines closely:

  • Use the right logo files provided in Facebook’s media kit
  • Don’t alter or distort the logo’s proportions
  • Allow adequate clear space around the logo
  • Follow logo color guidelines (blue and white)
  • Only use the logo to reference Facebook’s services
  • Don’t modify or recreate the logo font

When featuring Facebook prominently in marketing assets like ads, flyers, presentations, and signage, the logo should be instantly recognizable. Avoid anything which could weaken brand recognition of the mark.

For marketing emails, graphics, and multi-page layouts, pairing the Facebook logo with supporting typography is also important:

Do Don’t
– Use simple geometric sans-serifs like Futura PT – Avoid serif fonts
– Stick to 1-2 typeface families – Mix too many fonts
– Use straightforward typographic hierarchy – Overlay text on images

Clean, minimalist typography allows the Facebook logo to stand out and anchors the brand identity. The logo itself only uses a single weight and variation – don’t introduce unnecessary font styles that compete with logo legibility.


The Facebook logo font helps make the brand identifiable at a glance. This customized geometric sans-serif projects approachability and personality. While the unique font is not publicly available, free alternatives like Futura PT capture a similar spirit. When working with Facebook’s brand assets, be sure to reproduce the logo correctly. Pairing it with pared down typography reinforces recognition. Ultimately, the font’s simplicity and accessibility reflect the platform’s global reach while retaining a friendly style characteristic of the brand.