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What is the Facebook Help Star contributor program?

What is the Facebook Help Star contributor program?

The Facebook Help Star contributor program is an initiative by Facebook to crowdsource help content from knowledgeable users around the world. It allows selected contributors to provide helpful information that can be displayed to people who ask questions or search for help on Facebook.

How does the Facebook Help Star program work?

The Facebook Help Star program lets contributors create and submit help content in the form of articles, guides, tips, and other formats. This content goes through a review and approval process by Facebook before being published on the Facebook Help Center.

Once published, the content can be surfaced to people who need help or have questions about using Facebook. For example, if someone searches “how to post a video on Facebook”, they may see an article written by a Help Star contributor explaining the process step-by-step.

Who can become a Help Star contributor?

The Facebook Help Star program is open to Facebook users who:

  • Are knowledgeable about using Facebook and can provide helpful tips
  • Have a strong grasp of English grammar and communication skills
  • Are active daily Facebook users
  • Are willing to commit to regularly writing and submitting help content

Facebook looks for contributors who are passionate about helping others and knowledgeable about Facebook products and features. The ideal Help Star has in-depth experience using Facebook over an extended period.

How to apply to become a Help Star

To apply for the Facebook Help Star program:

  1. Go to the Facebook Help Star application page
  2. Log in using your Facebook account
  3. Complete the application questions and submit
  4. If selected, agree to Facebook’s contributor terms
  5. Complete the required training modules
  6. Start writing and submitting help content

The application includes questions about your Facebook experience, help topics you can write about, writing skills, and availability. Not everyone who applies will be accepted into the program.

Benefits of being a Facebook Help Star

As a Facebook Help Star contributor, you can enjoy several benefits, including:

Help and educate people

The greatest reward is knowing your articles, tips, and guides are helping real Facebook users around the world. Help Stars enable people to have better experiences on Facebook.

Get recognized by Facebook

Facebook recognizes active Help Star contributors by showcasing their profiles, featuring their content, and sending them swag and gifts. Top contributors may be invited to exclusive Facebook events.

Earn money for contributions

Facebook pays Help Star contributors based on the amount, quality, and usefulness of the content provided. While pay rates can vary, regular contributors can earn supplemental income through the program.

Content Type Payment per Item
Article (500+ words) $25
Short tip (50-200 words) $5
Edit or update existing content $5

Gain writing experience

Writing for a public audience on a major platform like Facebook can enhance writing abilities. Help Stars have to carefully craft informative, easy-to-understand help content.

Facebook Help Star program policies

To ensure content quality and accuracy, Facebook sets policies that Help Star contributors must follow. Key program policies include:

Original content only

All content submitted must be original work created specifically for the Help Star program. Contributors cannot reuse work from other sites or programs.

Cite sources when necessary

Articles should be based on contributors’ personal knowledge and experience. If referencing factual information from external sites, sources must be properly cited.

Follow the Facebook Terms of Service

Content must adhere to Facebook’s Terms of Service and Community Standards. No false information, spam, plagiarism or abuse is tolerated.

Obtain permission for third-party content

If including any third-party text, images or other content, contributors must obtain proper permission or license to use.

Maintain confidentiality

Contributors must keep all non-public Facebook information, data, tools and systems completely confidential.

Why Facebook created the Help Star program

With over 2.9 billion monthly active users, Facebook has an enormous amount of people seeking help and support every day. Some key reasons why Facebook developed the Help Star program include:

Scale help content creation

The program allows Facebook to scale help content production. Tens of thousands of contributors can create significantly more content than just Facebook employees.

Leverage user expertise

Passionate Facebook users often know the platform as well as employees. Tapping into their expertise creates authentic, insightful help resources.

Localize content globally

Contributors from different countries can write help content tailored specifically for their regions, languages, and cultures.

Increase user satisfaction

More and better help content directly leads to happier, more satisfied Facebook users who can find solutions easily.


The Facebook Help Star program allows experienced Facebook users to create help content that assists people around the world. As a contributor, you can help educate others, get recognized by Facebook, earn money, and enhance your writing skills.

If you’re passionate about Facebook and enjoy creating helpful articles, guides and tips, consider applying to become a Facebook Help Star contributor.