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What is the Facebook extension for delete all posts?

What is the Facebook extension for delete all posts?

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms, with billions of users worldwide. Over time, many Facebook users accumulate hundreds or even thousands of posts on their profiles. While these posts can serve as memories or a digital record of your life, some people may eventually want to delete old or embarrassing posts en masse. This is where Facebook post delete extensions can come in handy.

What are Facebook browser extensions?

Facebook browser extensions are add-ons that can be installed to your web browser (like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox) to add extra functionality when using Facebook. There are many different types of Facebook extensions that provide a range of useful features.

Some common capabilities of Facebook browser extensions include:

  • Enhancing privacy and security settings
  • Blocking ads or sponsored posts
  • Customizing the look and feel of the Facebook interface
  • Adding extra tools and options to posts and profiles
  • Automating or scheduling actions like posting and liking

Extensions are available for free install on places like the Chrome Web Store or Firefox Add-ons site. They are produced by third-party developers and can provide a more customized Facebook experience.

Why delete old Facebook posts?

There are a few key reasons why people may want to delete their old Facebook posts:

  • Privacy – Old posts can reveal personal information you’d rather keep private now.
  • Security – Deleting old posts reduces your digital footprint and attack surface for potential hacking.
  • Job seeking – Employers sometimes screen candidates via social media, so old unprofessional posts could hurt your chances.
  • Embarrassing content – Posts you made years ago may no longer reflect who you are or your beliefs.
  • Reduce clutter – Deleting old posts cleans up your profile and makes newer posts easier to find.

Cleaning up your old Facebook posts allows you to curate your profile and online presence. Removing outdated, irrelevant, or unflattering content can empower your privacy and self-expression moving forward.

How to delete Facebook posts manually

Facebook does provide options to delete posts manually. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile and click on “Posts” in the left menu.
  2. This will bring up your timeline post history. Find the post want to delete.
  3. Click the three dots “…” icon in the top right of the post.
  4. Select “Delete” from the dropdown menu.
  5. Confirm that you want to delete the post.
  6. The post will be removed from your profile and won’t show up in other users’ feeds.

However, this process needs to be repeated for each individual post you want to delete. That can be extremely time consuming if you want to remove hundreds or thousands of old posts.

Facebook post delete extensions

Facebook extensions provide a quicker way to delete all your posts in bulk. Here are some top extensions to consider:

Social Book Post Manager

Social Book Post Manager is a robust Facebook extension with over 1 million users. Features include:

  • Bulk delete old posts by date range or number of posts.
  • Bulk delete posts based on specific keywords or filters.
  • Schedule future posts.
  • Download your profile data.
  • Available as a Chrome extension or Firefox add-on.

FB Purity

FB Purity is designed to delete posts in bulk and provide other Facebook customizations like:

  • Removing ads & sponsored content from your feed.
  • Altering color schemes and layouts.
  • Blocking specific post types.
  • Available for Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Microsoft Edge.


FBScrubber focuses solely on deleting Facebook elements en masse. Key features:

  • Delete all your posts and comments at once.
  • Selectively delete posts based on criteria like min/max characters.
  • Chrome-only extension.

How to use Social Book Post Manager

Social Book Post Manager has the most comprehensive post deletion options. Here is how to install and use it:

  1. Open the Chrome Web Store or Firefox Add-ons site.
  2. Search for “Social Book Post Manager”.
  3. Click “Add to Chrome” or “Add to Firefox” to install.
  4. A SBPM icon will now show in your browser toolbar. Click it.
  5. Click “Go to App” on the Social Book Post Manager popup.
  6. Log into your Facebook account so SBPM can access your profile.
  7. In the left SBPM menu click “Delete Posts”.
  8. Here you can filter delete options like date range, number of posts, keywords, and more.
  9. Click “Delete Posts” to permanently remove posts based on your chosen filters.

Social Book Post Manager makes it easy to mass delete years’ worth of old Facebook posts in just a few clicks. Always be very careful and double check your delete filters before purging posts.

Other bulk Facebook post deletion methods

Aside from browser extensions, there are some other options to delete Facebook posts in bulk:

Facebook’s “Manage Activity” tool

Facebook has its own “Manage Activity” tool where you can filter and delete your posts and activity.


  1. Go to the “Manage Activity” section under Facebook Settings.
  2. Filter by date range and post types.
  3. Select items to delete.
  4. Click “Delete” and confirm.

This works much like the extensions but is built directly into Facebook. However, it lacks some of the sophisticated filtering options of top extensions.

Third-party Facebook post deletion services

Services like Social Delete and TweetDelete offer to delete your Facebook posts for a fee. This can save time but does require giving an external company access to your account.

Important tips for deleting Facebook posts

Here are some key tips to manage your expectations and safely delete Facebook posts:

  • Deleted posts may still show up in Google search results until the index updates, so don’t expect immediate SEO impact.
  • Avoid “” links – these old-style profile URLs can cause posts to reappear after being deleted.
  • Double check filters before deleting so you don’t mistakenly remove posts you wanted to keep.
  • Consider downloading an archive of your profile data first for your records.
  • Deactivated and deleted Facebook accounts can cause all posts to reappear if reactivated later.

Proceeding carefully allows you to thoroughly clear your old Facebook presence. However, total erasure is difficult – always assume any public posts could have been archived or copied even after deletion.


Removing outdated and unflattering Facebook posts improves your privacy while presenting your best self online. Facebook browser extensions like Social Book Post Manager provide the most efficient way to bulk delete old Facebook posts.

Carefully using post delete extensions to purge your Facebook activity can reclaim control over your profile. But comprehensive removal of all archived posts is nearly impossible. Post selectively moving forward, and don’t share anything you wouldn’t want to go viral!