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What is the Facebook chat support plugin for WordPress?

What is the Facebook chat support plugin for WordPress?

The Facebook chat support plugin for WordPress allows websites to add Facebook Messenger as a built-in live chat support channel. This plugin integrates Facebook Messenger with WordPress, enabling real-time conversations between website visitors and support agents or sales reps.

Why use the Facebook chat support plugin?

There are several benefits to using the Facebook chat support plugin for WordPress websites:

  • Leverage Facebook’s popularity – Facebook Messenger is used by over 1.3 billion people worldwide, so integrating it can allow you to reach more potential customers.
  • Instant setup – The plugin can be installed and activated in just a few minutes, with minimal configuration required.
  • Mobile friendliness – Facebook Messenger works seamlessly on mobile devices, enabling chat support via smartphones.
  • Familiar interface – Website visitors are likely already familiar with Facebook Messenger, lowering the barrier to starting a conversation.
  • Live chat capabilities – Real-time conversations allow for instant answers to questions and a more personalized support experience.
  • Sales opportunities – Chat conversations can lead to sales conversions by providing quick assistance.
  • Enhanced support – Chat enables more complex customer issues to be resolved through back-and-forth messaging.

Overall, the Facebook chat plugin makes it easy to immediately connect with website visitors and provide better support, boost engagement, and increase sales.

How does the Facebook chat plugin work?

The Facebook chat support plugin works by integrating with a Facebook Page to power chat conversations. Here is an overview of how it functions:

  1. Install and activate the plugin within the WordPress dashboard.
  2. Connect the plugin with a Facebook Page you control to provide the chat experience.
  3. A chat widget is added to your website, allowing visitors to initiate live chats.
  4. When a visitor starts a chat, messages are sent to your connected Facebook Page.
  5. You can respond in real-time through Facebook Messenger on your mobile device or desktop.
  6. The conversation appears on your website and Facebook Page, providing seamless messaging.

So in summary, the plugin connects your website to your Facebook Page to enable chatting through a familiar interface. All conversations can be managed centrally through Facebook Messenger.

What are the key features?

Some of the major features of the Facebook chat support plugin include:

  • Smart Chat Widget – A customizable widget prompts visitors to start chats and shows when agents are actively online.
  • Conversation History – Full chat history is stored and accessible through the plugin and Messenger.
  • Team Accounts – Add multiple support agents to manage chats from your Facebook Page.
  • Customizable Trigger – Set rules for when the chat widget appears, like time on page or scroll percentage.
  • CRM Integrations – Integrate with CRMs like HubSpot to collect lead data from chats.
  • Messenger Tools – Take advantage of Messenger features like quick replies, file sharing and canned responses.

These capabilities allow sites to customize the chat experience, improve chat workflows and create a more personalized customer experience.

What are the benefits?

Here are some of the top benefits of using the Facebook chat support plugin:

  • Increase sales and conversion rates by capturing sales leads from live chats.
  • Lower support costs by resolving more customer inquiries through automated bots.
  • Reduce reliance on phone and email support by using chat as an instant first line of communication.
  • Improve customer satisfaction through quick, personalized and effective conversations.
  • Boost brand loyalty by providing positive chat support interactions.
  • Expand customer reach by leveraging Facebook Messenger’s broad user base.
  • Increase agent efficiency by integrating CRM data into chat workflows.
  • Generate more leads with chat-triggered email collection and CTA buttons.
  • Enable mobile-friendly support with Messenger’s omni-channel availability.

Chat support provides immediate assistance for customers while capturing sales opportunities – an extremely valuable combination for ecommerce sites.

What platforms and software does it integrate with?

The Facebook chat plugin can integrate with a variety of platforms and software, including:

Platform Integration Features
Facebook Connect to Facebook Pages to manage chats
WordPress Seamless setup as a plugin within WordPress dashboard
HubSpot Capture lead data and sync conversations
Zendesk Integrate chat data into support tickets
WooCommerce Connect customer data from purchases
Mailchimp Add email signups triggered by chat
Zapier Build connections and automations with 2000+ apps

These integrations enable powerful combinations like capturing lead information directly from chats into CRMs.

What options are available for customization?

The Facebook chat plugin provides numerous customization options, including:

  • Change widget size, position, color and styling
  • Modify the widget greeting text and messages
  • Set triggers to change when the widget appears
  • Limit widget to appear on certain pages or posts
  • Require name and email before a chat session
  • Set office hours and modify automated replies
  • Translate all text into local language
  • Add chat event tracking with Google Analytics
  • Customize Facebook Page linked to chats

Advanced customization is also available by modifying the plugin code. Experienced WordPress developers can tweak the HTML/CSS/PHP files for greater widget personalization.

What are some usage examples?

Here are some examples of how the Facebook chat support plugin can be used:

  • An ecommerce site adds the chat to provide assistance with purchases and shopping cart issues.
  • A software company uses the plugin for technical support and guides users through setup and configurations.
  • A nonprofit enables supporters to ask questions and engage through Messenger chats.
  • A health site offers wellness consultations and diet/fitness advice via chat.
  • A marketing agency connects chat to CRM to capture lead details from website queries.
  • An events company uses Messenger to sell more tickets and provide attendee information.

The flexible nature of the chat plugin enables a wide variety of conversation types – from sales to support and everything in between.

What are best practices for configuration and user experience?

Here are some best practices to optimize the plugin setup and user experience:

  • Clearly indicate when agents are available with online/offline display.
  • Set up canned responses for common questions to streamline conversations.
  • Train all agents on workflows to ensure consistent customer experiences.
  • Add chat at logical points like product pages and shopping carts.
  • Use proactive messages if visitors are idle to re-engage them.
  • Integrate CRM to quickly access previous interactions during chats.
  • Monitor and analyze chat metrics to optimize hours and placement.
  • Set up automatic emails after chats to collect feedback.
  • Provide chat transcripts after conversations for reference.
  • Follow-up offline on complex issues requiring research or escalation.

Optimizing both the technical setup and personal interactions is crucial for driving more value from chat conversations.

What tips help increase sales conversions?

Here are powerful tips for boosting sales conversions with the chat plugin:

  • Offer special discounts or coupons via chat to incentivize purchases.
  • Pay close attention to visitor browsing before proactively engaging.
  • Use friendly greetings and clear calls-to-action in chat messages.
  • Mention benefits of purchasing when assisting with questions.
  • Share product images and details through Messenger media attachments.
  • Collect contact information early in chat to follow up later.
  • Set up chat event tracking to monitor sales conversion metrics.
  • Train agents on conversation techniques optimized for sales.
  • Follow up via email after sale for product reviews and feedback.
  • Remind visitors of secure purchasing and money-back guarantees.

Skillful chat conversations can guide interested visitors down the sales funnel towards becoming customers.


The Facebook chat support plugin provides an invaluable tool for immediately connecting with visitors to boost sales, improve support and increase engagement. With powerful built-in features and deep customization options, sites can craft targeted messaging experiences that serve their unique business needs.

Choosing the right use cases and optimizing the chat setup takes some forethought. But the ability to leverage Facebook’s massive platform and the popularity of Messenger delivers huge benefits for minimal effort. As more commerce and content shifts online, integrating messaging capabilities will only grow more important.

Website owners looking for personalized, scalable live chat should strongly consider implementing the seamless Facebook plugin. With the right strategy, it can elevate digital experiences and business performance metrics.