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What is the Facebook 5 friend code?

What is the Facebook 5 friend code?

The Facebook 5 friend code refers to a security feature that was implemented by Facebook in 2018. When someone tries to log into a Facebook account from a new device or browser, Facebook will sometimes require the user to enter a security code that is sent to 5 friends associated with that account.

Why does Facebook use the 5 friend code?

Facebook introduced the 5 friend code as an additional security measure to protect user accounts. It helps prevent unauthorized logins by requiring the account owner to get a special security code from 5 of their friends.

If someone tries to log into your Facebook account from a suspicious location, Facebook may require a security code to be entered that is sent to 5 of your friends. This makes it much harder for hackers or scammers to access your account, as they would need to know and contact 5 of your friends to get the full code.

When does Facebook trigger the 5 friend code?

Facebook does not prompt for the 5 friend code every time you login. It is only triggered under certain circumstances that indicate an unauthorized person may be attempting to access the account. This includes:

  • Logging in from a new device, IP address, or location, especially if it is in a different city or country.
  • Logging in after a long period of account inactivity.
  • Multiple failed login attempts to the account.
  • Detected suspicious or malicious activity associated with the account.

So if you regularly use Facebook from the same locations and devices, you likely won’t have to deal with the 5 friend code very often. It’s mainly targeted at unauthorized access attempts.

How does the Facebook 5 friend code work?

When the 5 friend code is triggered, the process works like this:

  1. You attempt to login to Facebook from a new device or location.
  2. Facebook detects the suspicious login and prompts you for the special security code.
  3. Facebook randomly selects 5 of your friends and sends them each a unique code via Facebook message.
  4. You need to contact those 5 friends through Facebook, text, phone call, etc. to get each of their codes.
  5. Enter all 5 codes into Facebook’s prompt to complete the login.

If you are unable to get the codes from enough friends, Facebook will provide an option to have new codes sent to different friends. You need 5 valid codes to fully login.

What do the messages sent to friends look like?

When Facebook sends the code request to your friends, it looks like this:

The message makes it clear that you are requesting a login code and provides a 6-digit number that needs to be relayed back to you. This alerts your friends that you genuinely need their help to access your account.

Do the codes expire?

Yes, the login codes sent to your friends expire after a short period of time, approximately 10-15 minutes. So you need to collect all 5 codes from your friends fairly quickly before they expire.

If some codes expire before you can collect all 5, Facebook will provide an option to have replacement codes sent to different friends. This ensures that hackers can’t slowly collect codes over a long period of time.

Does the order of the codes matter?

No, the order in which you enter the 5 codes does not matter. You simply need to collect each 6-digit code from the 5 friends and enter them into Facebook’s prompt. The codes are randomly generated and can be entered in any order.

What if I don’t have 5 Facebook friends?

For new Facebook users or those with fewer than 5 Facebook friends, Facebook will send codes to all your available friends. So you would need to collect 2 codes if you had 2 friends, 3 codes for 3 friends, etc. The number of available friend codes needed depends on how many Facebook friends you have.

Can I remove the 5 friend code requirement?

There is no setting to disable or opt-out of the 5 friend code login feature. Facebook considers it an important security mechanism to protect accounts. You would need to contact Facebook support if you wanted to remove the requirement, but they likely will not do so without a valid reason.

What if I can’t reach enough friends for the codes?

If you cannot collect enough codes from your initial set of friends, either because they are unreachable or their codes expired, Facebook will give you the option to have replacement codes sent to additional friends. You can go through this process until you have reached 5 friends who have provided you valid codes.

In rare cases where you cannot reach any friends at all, you can contact Facebook support to regain access to your account through other verification methods.

Can friends share their codes publicly?

For security reasons, friends should not share their login code publicly on social media or other platforms. The codes should only be relayed directly back to you, the account holder requesting access. Otherwise, a hacker could collect the codes and gain entry to your account.

Does the 5 friend code override two-factor authentication?

If you have two-factor authentication enabled on your Facebook account, the 5 friend code acts as an additional security layer on top of 2FA. You will need to go through both the 2FA prompt and collect the codes from 5 friends when logging in from an unrecognized device.

So even if a hacker manages to get past 2FA, they will still be blocked by the friend code requirement in most cases. Having both systems in place provides robust security for your account.

Can I proactively enable the 5 friend code?

There is no setting to manually turn on the 5 friend code. Facebook’s systems automatically enable it when suspicious login activity is detected on your account. This avoids pestering your friends for codes every time you login.

But if you are concerned about your account’s security, you can proactively beef up protection in other ways like enabling two-factor authentication, checking login notifications, and using strong passwords.

What if I’m locked out of my account after entering the codes?

In very rare cases, entering the 5 friend codes may still result in being locked out of your account. This can happen if Facebook’s systems detect the login attempt is highly suspicious or originating from a known malicious source.

If this occurs, you would need to go through Facebook’s account recovery process to regain access. This may involve submitting ID documents to prove your identity.

Can the 5 friend code be bypassed?

It is very difficult for hackers to bypass the 5 friend code system. Doing so would require:

  • Gaining access to your account and your list of friends.
  • Contacting your friends directly and convincingly pretending to be you.
  • Having them willing share their personal code.
  • Doing this quickly enough before the codes expire.

For these reasons, the 5 friend code system is a robust secondary defense against unauthorized logins even if a hacker gets past your password.


The Facebook 5 friend code is an effective security measure to stop account hacks and unauthorized logins. While it may seem inconvenient if you regularly log in from new devices or locations, it provides important protection against compromise of your account.

By requiring a code from 5 different friends, Facebook ensures that even if one or two friends mistakenly share their code, your account still remains secured. The short code expiration window also prevents slowly piecing together the codes over time.

Overall, triggering the occasional 5 friend code is a small inconvenience to pay for the extra peace of mind of knowing your Facebook account has heavy defenses against unauthorized access by hackers, scammers and other bad actors.