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What is the difference between uploading photos and creating an album on Facebook?

What is the difference between uploading photos and creating an album on Facebook?

Uploading photos and creating albums are two primary ways to share photos on Facebook. While they may seem similar on the surface, there are some key differences between simply uploading photos to your Facebook profile and creating dedicated Facebook albums.

In a nutshell, uploading photos shares them broadly on your profile, while creating an album allows you to share photos with more control over privacy and organization. Understanding the nuances between these two options can help you more effectively manage and share your memories on Facebook.

Uploading Photos to Your Profile

When you upload photos directly to your Facebook profile, they are shared broadly and publicly by default. Anyone who visits your profile will be able to see your uploaded photos in your Photos section, along with some basic information like date, location, which people are tagged, and any captions you added.

Photos uploaded directly to your profile are displayed in reverse chronological order, with your most recent uploads shown first. There’s no way to customize the order or group photos uploaded this way. Uploading a photo is quick and easy — just click on “Photo/Video” from your profile page and select the photos you want to share.

Key Features of Uploading Photos to Your Profile

  • Photos are shared publicly by default.
  • Photos display in reverse chronological order.
  • Minimal organization capabilities.
  • Easy and fast to upload photos.

Uploading photos directly to your profile is best for sharing casual, everyday photos that you want to make public. For example, uploading a cute selfie, fun candid shot from the weekend, or family holiday photo for everyone to see.

Creating Photo Albums

In contrast to uploading photos directly, creating an album on Facebook allows for more control over privacy settings and organization. When you create a photo album, you can choose exactly who can view or access it. Albums also allow you to group and arrange photos however you like.

To create an album, click on “Photos” from your profile menu, then click on “Albums” and select “Create New Album.” You can give your album a name and description, customize privacy settings, add location details, and select photos to include.

Key Features of Facebook Albums

  • Customizable privacy settings.
  • Ability to organize photos into a cohesive group.
  • Add captions and descriptions for each photo.
  • Control over order and arrangement.
  • Commenting and reactions unique to that album.

Albums are ideal for sharing photo stories around specific events, trips, or topics where organization and privacy are important. For example, an album of your child’s birthday party shared only with close family and friends, a photo journal from your honeymoon to share with your new spouse, or decade-by-decade album of old family photos.

Side-by-Side Comparison

Here is a side-by-side overview of uploading photos directly vs. creating albums:

Uploading Photos Creating Albums
Publicly visible by default Customizable privacy settings
Photos display chronologically Control over photo order/arrangement
Limited organization Organize photos into cohesive stories
Quick and easy upload More work to create albums
Share casual, everyday photos Share private or special event photos

As this comparison shows, while uploading is faster, albums provide more control and customization for sharing photos on Facebook.

Uploading Photos to an Album

It’s worth noting you can have the best of both worlds by uploading photos to both your profile and an album. When uploading photos, you have the option to share to your profile, add to an existing album, or create a new album.

This allows you to quickly upload a photo for public viewing on your profile while also adding it to a private album. Your photo will be visible in both places.

Adding Album Photos to Your Profile

You can also display album photos on your profile without making the full album public. When viewing an album, click the options menu (three dots) next to an individual photo and select “Share to Profile.”

This adds the photo to your profile’s photo grid while keeping the full album private. You control exactly which album photos display publicly.

Tagging Photos

Both uploaded photos and album photos can be tagged with people’s names. Tagging associates faces in a photo with a person’s profile and notifies them.

The main difference is that photos uploaded to your profile show tags publicly to everyone. Photos in albums only show tags to users with access to that album.

Reactions and Comments

Both uploaded and album photos allow others to comment and react, with album photos only visible to those who can access the full album.

The notifications, comment threads, and reactions will be unique and separate between photos on your profile versus those in albums.

Deleting and Editing Photos

You can always delete or edit photos from both your profile and albums. Keep in mind:

  • If you delete a photo from your profile, it is only removed from your profile, not any albums.
  • If you delete a photo from an album, it is only removed from that album, not your profile.
  • Editing a photo in an album will update it only in that album.
  • Editing a profile photo updates it across Facebook, including albums.

In summary, deleting or editing does not sync across your profile and albums. Changes apply only to the place the photo was modified.


While uploading and albums both allow you to share photos on Facebook, their differences make them useful in distinct situations:

  • Uploading is ideal for quick, public sharing of casual, everyday photos.
  • Albums provide more control over privacy and organization for meaningful groups of photos.
  • You can use both approaches simultaneously to balance convenience and customization.

The option that best meets your needs depends on the specific photos you want to share. Understanding these tools fully empowers you to make the most of photo sharing on Facebook.