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What is the difference between page likes and page followers?

What is the difference between page likes and page followers?

Facebook offers two main ways for users to connect with Pages on the platform: Liking a Page and Following a Page. While they sound similar, there are some key differences between page likes and page followers that marketers should understand.

Page Likes

When a user likes a Facebook Page, they are subscribing to see updates from that Page in their News Feed. Liking a Page is an endorsement of that brand, business, organization, or public figure on Facebook. It demonstrates that the user wants to support that Page and see what they are posting.

Some key things to know about Facebook Page likes:

  • Any public Facebook user can like a Page, including people who are not fans or customers of that brand.
  • A user can only like a Page once, versus follow it multiple times.
  • Pages have no limit on how many people can like their Page.
  • Page likes are public; a Page’s number of likes are displayed publicly on their profile.
  • When a user likes a Page, the Page may show up more frequently in that user’s News Feed.
  • Pages can post updates, photos, events and more which will be displayed in the News Feed of those who have liked the Page.

In summary, liking a Page subscribes a user to content from that Page and demonstrates public support of the brand. It’s a simple, one-click way for users to connect with Pages on Facebook.

Page Followers

Following a Facebook Page is different from liking it. When a user follows a Page on Facebook:

  • The user sees updates from that Page in their News Feed, similar to liking a Page.
  • But following is private; the list of people who follow a Page is not public.
  • Users can follow a Page multiple times with different profiles or accounts.
  • Pages have no limit on how many accounts can follow their Page.

In summary, following allows users to consume content from a Page without publicly endorsing it. It’s a more private way to connect with a Page on Facebook.

Key Differences

Here are some of the key differences between liking and following Pages on Facebook:

Page Likes Page Followers
Public endorsement of a Page Private way to connect with a Page
User can only like a Page once User can follow a Page multiple times
Number of Page likes are public Followers are private; follower count not public

In general, page likes show public support of a brand, while following allows for a more private connection. Likes also only happen once per user, while follows can occur multiple times.

Why Page Likes and Followers Matter

Here are some reasons why page likes and followers are important metrics for marketers on Facebook:

Reach More Users

Building up likes and follows will increase the number of users that content from your Page reaches. More people connecting with your Page means greater reach for your content and updates.

Social Proof

A high number of likes and followers shows social proof that others support your brand. It demonstrates popularity and authority on Facebook.

Engaged Users

Users who like or follow your Page are demonstrating they want to engage with your content. Focus on publishing content they will enjoy to keep them interested.

Monitor Growth

Tracking likes and follows over time shows the growth of your audience. Sudden spikes or drops may indicate how campaigns or current events are impacting your brand.

Ad Targeting

Facebook advertising allows targeting users who like or follow competitor Pages. Building your likes/follows makes your Page eligible for this competitive targeting.


Facebook Insights provides metrics and analytics on Page likes and followers to analyze your audience.

Tips for Increasing Likes and Followers

Here are some tips to effectively gain more likes and follows for your Facebook Page:

Publish Engaging Content

Post content that your target audience will find interesting and engaging. Viral content can help attract lots of likes and follows.

Run Facebook Ads

Consider Facebook ad campaigns focused specifically on getting more Page likes or follows. You can target these ads very precisely.

Do Giveaways and Contests

Offer incentives for users to like or follow your Page, such as giveaways, contests, or exclusive content for followers.

Cross-Promote Other Platforms

Encourage audiences on other channels (email, website, etc.) to also like or follow on Facebook.

Engage With Followers

Reply to comments, post questions, and interact with those who engage with your Page to keep them interested.


Facebook page likes and page followers allow users to connect with and consume content from Pages. Likes are public endorsements, while follows are private. Building likes and follows grows reach, provides social proof, and gives access to engaged users. Use compelling content and cross-promotion to effectively gain more likes and follows. Analyze these metrics over time to understand your Facebook audience and growth.