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What is the difference between hacked and cloned Facebook accounts?

What is the difference between hacked and cloned Facebook accounts?

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 2.8 billion monthly active users as of 2020. With so many users, Facebook accounts are prime targets for hackers and scammers looking to access personal information or spread spam and malware. Two common ways that attackers gain unauthorized access to Facebook accounts are through hacking and cloning.

What is a Hacked Facebook Account?

A hacked Facebook account refers to when an unauthorized third party gains access to someone’s actual Facebook account by obtaining their login credentials. This usually happens through phishing attacks, malware, or password guessing. Once the attacker gains access, they can log in to the victim’s account and have full access to their personal information, photos, conversations, and more. The hacker can then use the account to spread spam, malware, or misinformation, message the user’s friends with scams or malicious links, and generally wreak havoc under the victim’s identity.

Some signs that a Facebook account has been hacked include:

  • Unknown posts or messages being shared from your account
  • Your profile picture, cover photo, or bio changing unexpectedly
  • Unusual login locations appearing in your account activity log
  • Your password no longer working and being logged out unexpectedly
  • Your Facebook friends reporting unusual messages from your account

If you suspect your Facebook account has been hacked, you should take action immediately to secure it. Change your password, turn on login approvals, check your security and privacy settings, and report the issue to Facebook so they can take action against the hacker. Make sure all of your other online accounts use secure, unique passwords as well.

What is a Cloned Facebook Account?

A cloned Facebook account refers to when an attacker copies and impersonates someone’s Facebook profile using their photos, timeline cover, biographical information, and more to create an identical duplicate account under a different name. Cloned accounts are often used to scam the victim’s friends and family or distribute spam and malware by leveraging the trust in the victim’s duplicated profile.

Some signs that your Facebook account has been cloned include:

  • Getting friend requests from an unknown account that looks identical to yours
  • Your Facebook friends informing you of a duplicate account pretending to be you
  • Profile pictures and information on a duplicate account mirroring your real profile
  • Posts appearing on the duplicate account copied from your actual timeline

If you find a cloned account impersonating you, you should immediately report it to Facebook and ask your friends to block and report it as well. Limiting profile visibility, using a complex password, and enabling login approvals can help prevent your account from being cloned in the first place.

Key Differences Between Hacked and Cloned Accounts

While hacked and cloned Facebook accounts are both forms of account compromise, there are some key differences:

Hacked Account Cloned Account
Gains access to the victim’s actual account Creates a new fake duplicate account
Access is gained through phishing, malware, password guessing Account is copied using the victim’s photos and info
Hacker logs into the real account Attacker logs into the fake account under a different name
Can post, message, and interact as the victim Can only impersonate the victim from the fake profile

In summary, hacking takes over the victim’s real account while cloning mimics the account to create an identical fake profile under the control of the attacker. Both situations allow malicious actors to leverage the trust associated with someone’s Facebook profile, but in different ways.

How to Tell if Your Facebook Account is Hacked or Cloned

If you suspect your Facebook account has been compromised by hackers or cloners, here are some tips to help identify what type of account takeover you are dealing with:

Signs your account may be hacked:

  • You are suddenly logged out and unable to log back in
  • The email associated with your Facebook changes without your doing so
  • Your profile information like photos and bio are altered without your making changes
  • You see posts or messages you did not send appearing from your account
  • Your friends see odd behavior from your account like spam links or messaging

Signs your account may be cloned:

  • You or your friends receive friend requests from an unknown account mirroring yours
  • An identical copy of your profile and photos shows up under a different name
  • Your friends mention seeing duplicate posts and info on a separate account
  • You see posts and info on a mimic account without your involvement

In general, if your actual account is directly compromised, it is likely hacked. If a fake doppelganger account is created with your profile, it is likely cloned. Check your security settings, login history, account activity, and friend reports to determine what type of account takeover occurred.

How to Recover and Secure your Facebook Account

If your account is hacked:

  1. Log in and change your password immediately – use a strong, unique new password
  2. Enable two-factor authentication or login approvals for added security
  3. Check your account settings and recover your profile information if altered
  4. Scan devices used to access Facebook for malware just in case
  5. Report the hacking issue and any inappropriate posts to Facebook

If your account is cloned:

  1. Report the duplicate account through Facebook’s reporting tool
  2. Ask your friends to block and report the fake cloned account as well
  3. Adjust your privacy settings to limit profile visibility to friends only
  4. Remove any sensitive personal details from your real profile
  5. Create a complex password and turn on login approvals

Taking quick action when you notice suspicious activity can help minimize the damage from hacked or cloned Facebook accounts. Enable all of Facebook’s security options to prevent future compromise.

Best Practices to Protect your Facebook Account

Here are some top tips to keep your Facebook account safe from hackers and cloners:

  • Create a strong, unique password – use random phrases with caps, numbers, symbols
  • Turn on login approvals or two-factor authentication
  • Be wary of phishing emails and links asking you to login
  • Don’t use your Facebook password anywhere else online
  • Check your privacy settings and limit profile visibility
  • Monitor your account activity and security notifications
  • Install anti-virus software and keep systems/apps updated
  • Report suspicious posts or accounts impersonating you or friends

Following these tips will make it much harder for potential attackers to gain access to or clone your Facebook profile. Stay vigilant for any unusual activity and respond quickly to secure your account if compromised.

What to do if You Suspect your Account is Hacked or Cloned

If you have any suspicions that your Facebook account has been hacked or cloned, take these steps immediately:

  1. Log into your account and check your profile – if you can’t log in, attempt to reset your password
  2. Look for posts or messages you didn’t create and check your login history
  3. Scan your friend list for unknown accounts impersonating you or friends
  4. Ask your friends if they’ve seen suspicious duplicate accounts or posts
  5. Report any inappropriate content from your account to Facebook
  6. Change your password, turn on login approvals, and beef up account security
  7. Submit an account hacking or cloning report through Facebook’s help pages

Acting quickly to secure and recover your account is crucial. The longer a hacker or cloner has access, the more information they can gather and damage they can do to you and your friends. If the account takeover is severe, you may need to deactivate the account and start fresh with improved security protections.

How Facebook Can Detect Hacked or Cloned Accounts

Facebook utilizes advanced technology and algorithms to monitor for hacked and cloned accounts on their platform. Some of the ways they detect compromised accounts include:

  • Analyzing account activity patterns to flag sudden anomalous changes
  • Identifying instances of identical profiles, profiles photos, posts, or bio information
  • Detecting accounts where the registered email or phone number does not match normal usage
  • Looking for accounts with overlapping sets of friends/followers
  • Using facial recognition on profile pictures to find copies
  • Digging into account metadata like IP addresses and location to uncover linked fake accounts

Facebook also provides users with tools to report compromised accounts, and leverages these reports to investigate suspicious activity and disable hacked or cloned profiles. However, Facebook’s detection systems are not foolproof, so users need to remain vigilant and utilize all account security options.

Legal Implications for Creating Fake Accounts

Hacking someone’s Facebook account or cloning it to create a fake duplicate account leads to serious legal consequences if identified and prosecuted. These acts violate Facebook terms of service, digital privacy laws, copyright, and anti-impersonation statutes in many regions.

Specifically, hacking a Facebook account may lead to federal charges of:

  • Unauthorized access of a computer system
  • Wire fraud and computer fraud
  • Violating the Stored Communications Act
  • Aggravated identity theft

Cloning a Facebook profile can result in charges including:

  • Criminal impersonation
  • Defamation
  • Violating trademark law by copying someone’s likeness
  • Infringing publicity rights of someone’s image
  • Harassment, stalking, or extortion charges

Overall, hacking and cloning Facebook accounts lead to identify theft, privacy violations, financial crimes, and trauma for victims. Strict legal penalties serve to deter these malicious activities.

Preventing Fake Accounts on Facebook

Facebook employs a number of safeguards and mechanisms to proactively detect and prevent fake, compromised, and duplicate accounts from thriving on their platform. These include:

  • Requiring new accounts to provide a phone number or photo of a government ID for verification
  • Using AI and machine learning to detect pattern anomalies and suspicious behavior
  • Limiting newly created accounts from friending large groups of people at once
  • Removing economic incentives for mass fake account creation
  • Empowering users to easily report impersonating or suspicious accounts
  • Enforcing strict terms of service prohibiting fake, hacked, and cloned profiles

Users can also employ strong passwords, account security protections, limited profile visibility, and vigilance in identifying fake accounts mimicking them or their friends. Remaining aware of phishing risks and potential scams can help users avoid having their accounts hacked in the first place as well.


In summary, hacked and cloned Facebook accounts represent two different forms of account takeover, with hacking giving access to the original account and cloning creating an identical fake profile. Both pose serious risks of identity theft, privacy invasion, financial fraud, and malicious impersonation. Facebook provides robust security tools, but users must remain vigilant against phishing and scams, use strong unique passwords, limit visibility, and monitor activity to protect their accounts. Immediately reporting any suspicious posts or duplicate profiles is key to limiting damage. With awareness and quick action, users can keep their Facebook presence and friends secure against the threats of hacking and cloning.