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What is the difference between friends timeline and newsfeed?

What is the difference between friends timeline and newsfeed?

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 2 billion active monthly users worldwide. Two of Facebook’s key features that users interact with are the News Feed and Friends Timeline.

What is the Facebook News Feed?

The Facebook News Feed is the constantly updating list of stories in the middle of your home page. It includes status updates, photos, videos, links, app activity and likes from people, pages, groups and more that you follow on Facebook.

The aim of News Feed is to show you the content that’s most relevant to you. Facebook uses algorithms to determine the top stories to show each individual user based on things like:

  • How often you interact with certain friends, pages, groups, etc.
  • How much you have interacted with a certain type of post in the past
  • The popularity of certain posts as determined by metrics like number of reactions, comments, shares

So the News Feed is personalized for each user based on their connections and past interactions on Facebook. It acts as a continually updating summary of what’s happening across your network.

What is the Facebook Friends Timeline?

The Friends Timeline on Facebook refers to the timeline profiles of your friends and connections on the platform. While your own profile has a timeline documenting your posts, photos and life events, you can also view this stream for all your Facebook friends.

A user’s timeline profile essentially provides a historical snapshot of their life based on the things they’ve chosen to share on Facebook. It may include:

  • Status updates
  • Photos and albums
  • Videos
  • Places they’ve checked into
  • Stories they’ve shared
  • Posts on their wall from friends
  • Major life events

By scrolling through a friend’s timeline, you can essentially catch up on what they’ve been doing recently. It provides a chronological view of their Facebook activity.

Differences between News Feed and Friends Timeline

While both News Feed and Friends Timeline allow you to see content from your connections, there are some key differences:


Your News Feed is unique to you, curated based on your interests, connections and interactions. Friends Timeline shows all of that person’s posts in chronological order.

Content Sources

News Feed pulls content from all your connections – friends, pages, groups etc. Friends Timeline only shows content from that one person.


News Feed aims to show you the most relevant & interesting content first. Friends Timeline is for viewing everything your friend has posted.


You have little control over News Feed order, as it’s algorithmically determined. Friends can curate and organize their Timeline how they like.


You interact with News Feed constantly by scrolling, reacting, commenting and sharing. You passively view Friends Timelines just to catch up on their lives.

Feature News Feed Friends Timeline
Personalization Customized for each user based on interests, connections and interactions Chronological stream of everything that friend has posted
Content Sources All connections – friends, pages, groups etc. Only that one friend
Purpose Show the most relevant & interesting content to each user View a historical record of everything that friend has posted
Control Little user control – order is algorithmically determined Friends can curate and organize their own Timeline
Interactions Constantly interact by scrolling, reacting, commenting, sharing Mostly passively view to catch up on a friend’s life

Pros and Cons of News Feed vs. Friends Timeline

Pros of News Feed

  • Highly personalized and relevant to each user
  • Machine learning algorithms surface the most engaging content
  • Gives a summary of recent activity across your network
  • Provides up-to-date, real-time updates

Cons of News Feed

  • Too much irrelevant content can appear
  • Important posts can get buried
  • Too many ads and sponsored content
  • Can be overwhelming and cluttered

Pros of Friends Timeline

  • Chronological order makes it easy to follow
  • Can see a friend’s major life events all in one place
  • See fuller picture of what friend shares on Facebook
  • Can control how your own Timeline appears

Cons of Friends Timeline

  • Harder to quickly get updates on what friends are up to
  • No personalization or ranking of content
  • Can only view one friend at a time
  • Might include irrelevant or mundane updates


In summary, the main differences between Facebook’s News Feed and Friends Timeline include:

  • News Feed is an algorithmically ranked, personalized summary of recent activity across your network, while Friends Timeline shows all posts by that friend in chronological order.
  • News Feed is constantly updated in real-time, aiming to show you the most engaging content. Friends Timeline does not change order, but shows a historical view of that friend’s posts.
  • You interact heavily with News Feed, while passively viewing Friends Timelines just to catch up on their lives.

The News Feed and Friends Timeline serve different but complementary purposes. News Feed is great for staying updated in real-time across your network, while Friends Timeline is better for getting to know what your connections have been up to in their lives based on their own sharing.

In your Facebook use, it’s helpful to leverage both features – check News Feed to see recent happenings from all connections, and view Friends Timelines to deep dive into what specific people have been sharing over time.

Balancing algorithmically ranked News Feed content with the chronological storytelling of Friends Timelines gives the most complete picture of what matters to you on Facebook.

Some additional key points in summarizing the differences:

  • News Feed pulls together content from all connections into a single stream, while Each Timeline represents a single user’s complete posting history.
  • News Feed is personalized for relevance based on user data and interactions, Timelines are displayed in chronological order with no ranking or filtering.
  • News Feed content is weighted toward recent activity and engagement metrics, Timelines go years back through a user’s profile depending on their privacy settings.
  • News Feed displays excerpts and summaries of content, requiring clicks for full info. Timelines show content in its entirety.
  • News Feed algorithm determines priority of what you see. Users can self-curate their own Timeline’s layout.

In closing, the News Feed and Friends Timelines offer valuable but differing views into your social world on Facebook. Used together, they provide a comprehensive way to both deeply engage with your full network’s activity in real-time, and reminisce over years of memories and life events shared by your closest connections.

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