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What is the difference between Facebook Power Editor and Ads Manager?

What is the difference between Facebook Power Editor and Ads Manager?

Facebook offers two main tools for creating and managing ads – Power Editor and Ads Manager. While both can be used to create Facebook and Instagram ads, there are some key differences between the two platforms.

Overview of Facebook Power Editor

Facebook Power Editor is Facebook’s professional ad creation tool designed for larger businesses and experienced advertisers. Power Editor provides advanced functionality and automation options to help manage large and complex ad accounts efficiently. Here are some of the key things you can do with Power Editor:

  • Bulk create ad sets, ads and creatives quickly
  • Duplicate existing campaigns and assets
  • Import creatives and data from CSV files
  • Create automated rules to optimize budget across ad sets
  • Schedule ads and ad sets in advance
  • Manage bids and budgets for multiple ad accounts
  • Access advanced targeting options and Power Editor-only features

Power Editor is ideal for managing cross-channel campaigns across Facebook, Instagram and Audience Network. It provides productivity features for agencies and advertisers who need to create large volumes of ads and handle multiple ad accounts. The tool allows managing campaigns programmatically by importing data and leveraging automation.

Overview of Facebook Ads Manager

Facebook Ads Manager provides an intuitive, user-friendly interface for creating and managing Facebook ads without advanced functionality. Here are some key things you can do with Ads Manager:

  • Visually create ads by uploading images/video and inputting text
  • Select target audiences based on location, demographics, interests and behaviors
  • Set a budget and schedule for ads
  • Monitor performance of ads and make edits
  • Duplicate ads and ad sets
  • Create reports
  • Manage payments and billing

Ads Manager is designed for smaller businesses and beginner advertisers who want a straightforward tool to get started with Facebook ads without a steep learning curve. The simple workflow and guided ad creation process allows launching campaigns quickly. Ads Manager also provides robust reporting capabilities to track ad performance.

Key Differences

While both Power Editor and Ads Manager can be used to create and run Facebook ad campaigns, there are some important differences between the two tools:

1. Intended Audience

Power Editor is designed for experienced performance marketers, agencies and ecommerce marketers who need advanced functionality. Ads Manager caters more to small businesses and beginners who want an easy-to-use tool.

2. Features

Power Editor provides more advanced features like bulk uploads, automation and complex targeting options. Ads Manager has a simpler interface focused on ease-of-use.

3. Learning Curve

The Ads Manager workflow is intuitive and designed for beginners. Power Editor has a steeper learning curve and assumes proficiency in Facebook advertising.

4. Reporting

Both tools provide reporting and analytics. Power Editor offers more customizable reporting capabilities for large-scale accounts.

5. Ad Account Access

Power Editor can manage multiple ad accounts under a single Business Manager. Switching between accounts is easier. With Ads Manager, you need to log in and out of accounts separately.

6. Automation

Power Editor allows creating rules-based workflows to automate campaign management. Ads Manager has minimal automation capabilities.

7. Image and Video Creation

Ads Manager makes it easier to visually create ads with images, videos and text within the tool. Power Editor focuses more on bulk uploads for ad creation.

8. Budget Management

Power Editor provides robust bulk editing capabilities to manage budgets, bids and schedules across multiple accounts or campaigns. Budget management is more manual in Ads Manager.

9. Campaign Structure

Power Editor gives more control over campaign structure and ad sets, making it easier to organize complex campaigns. Ads Manager simplifies the hierarchy.

10. Support & Resources

Facebook dedicates specific support, educational resources and expert help for Power Editor customers. Ads Manager users rely primarily on Facebook’s general ads support system.

Use Cases

The best advertising tool for your needs depends on your use case. Here are examples of ideal scenarios for Power Editor vs Ads Manager:

Power Editor Ideal Use Cases

  • Managing large ad budgets across multiple campaigns
  • Advertising agencies managing Facebook ads for multiple clients
  • Ecommerce marketers running promotions across product catalogs
  • Cross-channel campaigns spanning Facebook, Instagram and Audience Network
  • Automating campaign management and optimization
  • Creating dynamic ads with bulk uploading of product catalogs

Ads Manager Ideal Use Cases

  • Local businesses advertising to a specific region
  • Service-based businesses promoting offers
  • Brands running limited-time engagement campaigns
  • Beginner advertisers testing Facebook ads for the first time
  • Small scale lead gen or traffic campaigns
  • Businesses with minimal ad management needs


Facebook Power Editor and Ads Manager serve complementary purposes. Power Editor is ideal for larger advertisers who need advanced functionality, automation and bulk management capabilities. Ads Manager simplifies the ad creation process for smaller businesses who want an intuitive tool to get started with Facebook ads.

For most small businesses, Ads Manager will cover all your essential advertising needs. As your Facebook advertising becomes more complex and cross-channel, you may eventually want to transition to Power Editor for greater control and efficiency in managing campaigns.

Focus on identifying your use cases, business objectives and level of ad management expertise needed to choose the best Facebook advertising platform. Both Power Editor and Ads Manager integrate tightly with Facebook analytics and optimization capabilities to help boost campaign performance and return on ad spend.