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What is the difference between cover photo and profile picture on Facebook?

What is the difference between cover photo and profile picture on Facebook?

Facebook allows users to customize their profiles in various ways, including setting a cover photo and profile picture. While both photos are visible on a user’s profile, there are some key differences between cover photos and profile pictures.

Cover Photo

A Facebook cover photo appears at the top of a user’s profile page. It serves as a large background image that represents the user or what they care about. Some key things to know about Facebook cover photos:

  • The dimensions for a cover photo are 820 pixels wide by 312 pixels tall. It will display at 851 pixels wide on desktop but scales down on mobile.
  • Cover photos are public and visible to anyone who visits your profile unless you limit profile viewing settings.
  • You can upload nearly any image as your cover photo as long as it meets Facebook’s community standards.
  • Cover photos are a way to express your personality, interests, or what’s important to you. Many people use travel photos, favorite quotes, artwork, or photos with friends.
  • You can change your cover photo as often as you like, though you can only set one at a time.
  • When you update your cover photo, it does not appear in friends’ News Feeds.
  • Facebook suggests selecting images with low contrast for maximum visibility and legibility.

Profile Picture

A Facebook profile picture appears throughout Facebook and represents you as a user. Key attributes of profile pictures include:

  • The optimum profile picture size is 180 x 180 pixels.
  • You can only have one profile picture active at a time.
  • When you update your profile picture, the new photo will appear alongside your name in friends’ News Feeds to alert them of the change.
  • Profile pictures are always public and visible to anyone, even people not logged into Facebook.
  • Profile pictures appear on your profile, alongside any posts or comments you make, with friend requests, and anywhere your name appears on Facebook.
  • Profile pictures are ideally headshots featuring just you (no sunglasses or hats), so friends can easily identify you.

Comparing Cover and Profile Photos

While both profile pictures and cover photos represent you publicly on Facebook, there are some notable differences:

Comparison Cover Photo Profile Picture
Purpose Background image for your profile; represents your personality or interests Identifies you to other users
Dimensions 820 x 312 pixels 180 x 180 pixels (ideal)
Visibility Public unless you limit profile viewing Always public
Shows in News Feed No Yes, when updated
Content guidelines Can be any images following community standards Should be a clear headshot of you

As you can see, while both photos represent you publicly on Facebook, the cover photo serves more as decor that expresses your personality and interests. The profile picture is specifically intended to identify you to other users on the platform.

Tips for Choosing a Facebook Cover Photo

Here are some tips for selecting a compelling Facebook cover photo that represents you well:

  • Pick an image that is representative of your personality, hobbies, interests, or what you care about. Travel photos, favorite quotes, artwork, landscapes or images with friends are popular.
  • Make sure the image is high quality and clear when stretched across the cover photo dimensions (820 x 312 pixels).
  • An image with low contrast will stand out best on all devices and backgrounds.
  • Include important focal points like faces or text near the middle where it will stand out and be viewable by desktop and mobile visitors.
  • Images with one dominant element or focal point tend to work best rather than busy backgrounds.
  • Horizontal images fit the cover photo shape and dimensions best.
  • Change it regularly to stay fresh and highlight different aspects of who you are over time.

Tips for the Perfect Profile Picture

Here are some best practices for choosing an ideal Facebook profile picture:

  • Use a current headshot photo of just you for identity purposes.
  • Make sure you are facing forward and your full face is visible, not covered by sunglasses or hats.
  • Choose a photo that represents how you normally look on a day-to-day basis.
  • Pick a picture that is clear, well-lit, and easy to see at small sizes.
  • Smiling is ideal to appear more approachable and friendly.
  • Select a photo with an uncomplicated or plain background that keeps the focus on you.
  • Use a current photo rather than an old one so friends can recognize you.
  • Stay consistent with the same profile picture on other social media accounts to maintain your brand identity.

Facebook Profile Customization Options

In addition to your profile picture and cover photo, there are some other customization options for Facebook profiles:

  • Featured photos: You can pin up to 3 “featured photos” beneath your cover photo as a photo strip.
  • Photo frames: Temporary borders and frames can be added to your profile picture for holidays, special events, or causes.
  • Profile badges: Badges appear below your name highlighting your support for causes, check-ins, use of new features, and other Facebook initiatives.
  • Life events: You can add and highlight major life events like a new job, move, relationship change, etc on your profile.


Facebook cover photos and profile pictures both represent you publicly, but serve different purposes. Cover photos showcase your personality and interests as a decor-like background for your profile. Profile pictures identify you on the platform and appear alongside your activity. Both should be thoughtfully selected to put your best foot forward on social media. Follow the tips provided above to select creative and clear photos that represent the real you.