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What is the difference between cancel and delete events on Facebook?

What is the difference between cancel and delete events on Facebook?

Facebook events allow users to create and manage events to invite friends and share with the Facebook community. As an event creator, you have the option to either cancel or delete an event. While both options essentially end the event, there are some key differences between canceling and deleting a Facebook event.

Quick Summary

Canceling an event keeps the event page and all associated content, but marks the event as canceled so it no longer appears in searches or calendars. Deleting an event completely removes the event page and all content from Facebook.

Canceling is ideal if you want to keep the event page for reference. Deleting is best if you want the event completely removed from Facebook.

Canceling a Facebook Event

When you cancel a Facebook event, the event page and all associated content will remain on Facebook, but the event will be marked as “Canceled” everywhere it appears.

If you cancel an event:

  • The event will show as “Canceled” on your Facebook page’s Events tab.
  • On the event page itself, “Canceled” will appear next to the event name.
  • The event will not appear in any Facebook events search results or calendars.
  • Any posts you’ve shared about the event on your timeline will remain, but may show “Canceled” next to the event name.
  • The event page, guest list, posts to the event wall, and any other associated content will remain on Facebook.

Canceling is ideal if you still want the event page and information to remain on Facebook as a point of reference. For example, you may want to keep the guest list and wall posts for your records. Canceling also ensures your event guests still have access to any important information you’ve shared about the canceled event.

How to Cancel a Facebook Event

To cancel a Facebook event you’ve created:

  1. Go to the event page
  2. Click “Edit Event” at the top right
  3. Click “Cancel Event” and confirm

The event status will now show as “Canceled” everywhere it appears on Facebook.

Deleting a Facebook Event

When you delete a Facebook event, the entire event page and all associated content is permanently removed from Facebook.

If you delete an event:

  • The event completely disappears from your Events tab and anywhere else it was listed on your Facebook page.
  • The event page, guest list, wall posts, and any other content is deleted.
  • Posts about the event on your timeline may remain, but will no longer link to an event page.

Deleting is best if you want the event completely erased from Facebook as if you never created it. Unlike canceling, deleting removes all traces of the event page and content.

How to Delete a Facebook Event

To permanently delete a Facebook event you’ve created:

  1. Go to the event page
  2. Click “Edit Event” at the top right
  3. Click “Delete Event” and confirm

This will completely remove the event page and any associated content from Facebook.

Cancel vs. Delete Facebook Event Comparison

Here is a quick comparison of canceling vs. deleting a Facebook event:

Action Cancel Event Delete Event
Event page Remains visible Removed completely
Event status “Canceled” displayed No status, event deleted
Associated content Remains Deleted
Search/calendar visibility Removed Removed
Best for Keeping event info while marking as canceled Completely removing event from Facebook

When to Cancel or Delete a Facebook Event

In most cases, you will want to cancel a Facebook event rather than delete it. Here are some common reasons to cancel an event:

  • You need to postpone or reschedule the event.
  • The event has to be called off due to unforeseen circumstances.
  • You decide to make the event private instead of public.

Canceling allows you to keep the existing event page and information on Facebook while marking it as canceled. You can then update the page when you have details for the rescheduled event or share other updates with your guests.

You may want to delete a Facebook event if:

  • You created the event by mistake and want no trace of it on Facebook.
  • The event contains sensitive information you do not want visible on Facebook.
  • You want to completely remove the event and associated content for privacy reasons.

In most cases, deleting an event outright should only be done if absolutely necessary. Canceling is a safer option that preserves the event content while marking it as canceled.

What Happens When You Cancel or Delete a Facebook Event?

Canceling an event:

  • Marks event as “Canceled” across Facebook
  • Removes event from search results and calendars
  • Keeps event page and all associated content
  • Lets you notify guests event is canceled
  • Allows you to reuse event page in the future

Deleting an event:

  • Permanently deletes event page and all content
  • Completely removes event from Facebook
  • Erases event guest list, posts, and details
  • No way to notify guests or reuse event page in the future

In summary, canceling an event is best for most situations, as it keeps the event details on Facebook while marking it as canceled. Deleting should only be used if you want to permanently erase the event from Facebook entirely.

Notifying Guests When You Cancel or Delete an Event

When you cancel or delete a Facebook event, guests will not be automatically notified. However, you can manually let guests know an event has been called off:

  • Canceling: Edit the event page to say the event is canceled. Post on the event wall explaining why you canceled the event and any other details. The event page remains visible so guests can see the updates.
  • Deleting: Make a post on your personal timeline saying the event is canceled and details on why. Since the event page will be gone, this is the only way to notify guests.

Ideally when canceling an event, update the event page itself since guests will still be able to access it. If you delete the event, make a timeline post before deleting so your friends are aware.

Changing a Canceled or Deleted Event Back to “Scheduled”

If you change your mind after canceling or deleting an event, you may be able to switch the status back to “Scheduled”:

  • Canceled: Edit the event and click “Uncancel Event” to switch back to “Scheduled.” The event page and details remain intact.
  • Deleted: Unfortunately, once an event is deleted there is no way to retrieve it. You will have to create a brand new event page from scratch.

In summary, you can easily switch a canceled event back to scheduled. But there is no recovering a deleted event – deleting is permanent. So proceed with caution before deleting an event, as there is no going back.

Facebook Event Status Changes: A Recap

Here’s a quick recap of how Facebook event status can change, and how to switch between statuses:

Status Change What Happens How to Switch Back
Scheduled > Canceled Marks event “Canceled” but keeps page/content Click “Uncancel event”
Scheduled > Deleted Removes event and all content completely IMPOSSIBLE to retrieve
Canceled > Scheduled Returns to original “Scheduled” status Click “Uncancel event”

The key takeaway is that deleting an event is permanent, while canceling is reversible if your plans change.

Facebook Event Guest Options

When managing a Facebook event, you also have options to see who has viewed, shared, or marked themselves as “going” or “interested.” Here is an overview of Facebook event guest options and what they mean:


Guests who respond they are “Going” have RSVP’d yes and plan to attend the event.


Guests who respond “Interested” have not directly RSVP’d yes or no, but are interested in the event.


All guests who were invited to the event via Facebook invitation.


Guests who have viewed the event page, whether they responded Going/Interested or not.


Guests who have shared the event page or invitation on their own Facebook timeline.

Tracking these guest options lets you see how people are responding to your event. You can then follow up with further invites or updates targeting specific groups like those “Interested” or who “Viewed.”

Facebook Event Privacy Settings

When you create a Facebook event, you can control the privacy settings to make it public or private:


A public event is open and visible to anyone on Facebook. Public events will show up in Facebook’s event directory and searches.


A private event is only visible to people you specifically invite. Private events will not appear in any public Facebook event listings.

To change an event’s privacy:

  1. Go to the event page
  2. Click “Edit Event”
  3. Open the “Guests” section
  4. Change the toggle from Public to Private or vice versa
  5. Click “Save”

In most cases you will want to keep your event public. But you can limit it to invited guests only by making it private. Just know a private event won’t be visible to anyone you haven’t directly invited.

Facebook Event Registration & Ticketing Apps

If you are hosting a paid event that requires registration and ticketing, Facebook has platform integrations available:


Eventbrite is a popular event management and ticketing service. You can connect your Facebook event to Eventbrite to manage ticket sales, registration, and more.


Universe is a Facebook-owned event management and ticketing platform. It offers customizable registration, attendance tracking, messaging, and more.


TicketSpice integrates directly with Facebook Events to offer integration for tickets, registrations, check-ins, and more.

These platforms and other similar services can drastically expand the functionality of your Facebook event. Look into them if you need registration management, attendance tracking, or paid ticketing capabilities.

Using Facebook Events Effectively: Best Practices

Here are some tips to use Facebook events effectively and drive attendance:

  • Choose a compelling cover image and title to grab attention.
  • Be descriptive in the event details – where, when, why attend, etc.
  • Cross-promote by sharing the event page on your timeline and in relevant groups.
  • Send event invites specifically to friends you think will be interested.
  • Post updates leading up to the event to excite guests.
  • Share photos, videos, stories, and reviews after the event ends.

Promoting your event and driving engagement takes work. But following Facebook best practices will give your event the best shot at success.

Facebook Events vs. Facebook Groups

Facebook events and Facebook groups can both help you connect around a shared interest, but they work quite differently:

Facebook Events:

  • Centered around one specific event at a set time/location.
  • Allows RSVPs, calendar integration, guest management.
  • Ends after the event occurs.
  • Better for one-off events.

Facebook Groups:

  • Ongoing community focused on a shared interest.
  • Allows discussions, photo/file sharing, community building.
  • Persistent membership that continues over time.
  • Better for connecting repeatedly around a topic.

In summary, Facebook events help promote and manage a single occasion, while Facebook groups nurture an ongoing community. Use events for your one-off gatherings, and groups for your fan clubs.


Facebook events provide a powerful platform for creating real world connections around the events you organize. Understanding the difference between canceling and deleting events, how to update guests, and best practices for promotion will help ensure your event is a success.

The main takeaway is:

  • Cancel events to keep the page for reference while marking the event ended.
  • Only delete events if you want them permanently erased from Facebook.
  • Drive RSVPs and engagement by actively sharing and promoting your event.

With a solid Facebook event strategy, you can bring people together in the digital and physical world. Now get out there and create an event your community will be buzzing about.