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What is the difference between an administrator and a moderator on Facebook?

What is the difference between an administrator and a moderator on Facebook?

Facebook groups and pages allow admins and mods to manage content and members. While they share some responsibilities, there are key differences between the two roles.

Quick Answer

The main differences between Facebook admins and mods are:

  • Admins have complete control over a Facebook group or page. They can add, remove and ban members, appoint mods, change settings, and delete content.
  • Mods can only perform tasks assigned to them by admins. Their permissions are limited compared to admins.
  • Pages can have unlimited admins but only 200 mods. Groups can have unlimited admins and mods.
  • Admins are responsible for the overall management of a group or page. Mods focus on more specific moderation tasks.
  • Admins are shown publicly as the owners/creators of a group or page. Mods have no public indicator.

Facebook Administrators

Facebook administrators, often shortened to “admins,” are the owners and managers of Facebook groups and pages. They have complete control over the communities they create.

Some key responsibilities and capabilities of Facebook admins include:

  • Creating and naming new groups or pages
  • Adding, removing, and banning members
  • Appointing and managing moderators
  • Changing group and page settings like privacy and posting permissions
  • Deleting posts, comments, and other content
  • Responding to member requests and reported content
  • Promoting other members to admin roles
  • Demoting other admins to regular member or moderator status
  • Permanently deleting groups or pages

In essence, admins are the highest authority within the groups and pages they create. They have the power to control membership, content, and all available settings.

Facebook Page Admins

For Facebook pages specifically, there are no limits on the number of admins that can be appointed. Pages are often managed by multiple admins who share responsibilities.

Page admins are displayed publicly to all visitors and followers. Their names appear on the “About” section of pages they manage.

Facebook Group Admins

Facebook groups can also have multiple admins, with no specific limit. In groups, admins have the additional ability to pin and bookmark important posts.

The admin list of a secret or closed group is only visible to current members. For public and open groups, anyone can see who the admins are.

Facebook Moderators

Facebook moderators, or “mods,” are users appointed by admins to help monitor and manage groups and pages. Unlike admins who have complete control, mods only have specific permissions granted to them.

Typical moderator responsibilities include:

  • Reviewing and approving/removing posts and comments
  • Answering member questions and requests
  • Warning members who violate rules
  • Banning members if authorized by admins
  • Helping admins respond to flagged content
  • Assisting with group/page growth and engagement

Mods focus on content moderation and community management. They help maintain order and a positive environment.

Facebook Page Moderators

Pages have a limit of 200 moderators at one time. There is no public list of page mods.

Page mods can be assigned granular capabilities like managing ads, messages, and specific content types.

Facebook Group Moderators

Groups can have an unlimited number of moderators. A full list of mods is visible to members of secret and closed groups.

Group mods can be assigned broad or specific roles like managing membership requests or banning users.

Comparing Admin and Moderator Permissions

This table summarizes the main permissions differences between Facebook administrators and moderators:

Permission Admin Moderator
Add members Yes No
Remove members Yes If authorized by admin
Ban members Yes If authorized by admin
Approve member requests Yes If authorized by admin
Delete posts/comments Yes If authorized by admin
Create posts Yes Yes
Edit settings Yes No
Appoint mods Yes No
Demote admins Yes No
Delete group/page Yes No

Key Differences Summary

In summary, the main differences between Facebook administrators and moderators are:

  • Control: Admins have complete control, mods only have delegated permissions.
  • Capabilities: Admins can do everything, mods are limited to community management.
  • Limits: No limit on page admins, 200 mod limit. No limits on groups.
  • Visibility: Admins are public, mods are anonymous.
  • Focus: Admins manage all aspects, mods focus on content and members.


Facebook administrators create and fully manage groups and pages. Moderators are appointed by admins to help monitor content and member activities. Both roles are important for maintaining positive communities.

Admins have greater responsibilities and control over strategy, settings, and appointments. Mods take care of day-to-day tasks like post reviews and member discipline. They work closely with admins to keep groups and pages engaging and conflict-free.

Understanding the permissions and limitations of each role is useful for current and prospective Facebook group/page managers. Clarifying admin and mod capabilities also helps group/page members know who to contact for help and to share concerns.