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What is the difference between a Facebook admin and moderator?

What is the difference between a Facebook admin and moderator?

Facebook is the largest social media platform in the world, with over 2.9 billion monthly active users as of 2022. With such a massive userbase, Facebook requires a large team to monitor content and activity on the platform. The main roles responsible for overseeing Facebook communities are admins and moderators.

Admins and moderators serve important but distinct purposes for Facebook groups and pages. While there is some overlap in their responsibilities, their primary functions differ.

What is a Facebook Admin?

A Facebook admin is someone who creates and manages a Facebook group or page. They oversee the community, manage settings and permissions, add or remove moderators, and have full control over content. Some key responsibilities of Facebook admins include:

  • Creating and naming the group/page
  • Configuring settings like privacy and posting permissions
  • Adding or removing moderators
  • Managing admin roles and privileges
  • Posting content, starting discussions, and engaging with the community
  • Reviewing and approving/denying member requests
  • Deleting inappropriate posts or comments
  • Banning members who violate rules

Essentially, the admin serves as the top leader and manager for their community. They have complete oversight in determining the purpose, rules, and culture of their Facebook group or page.

What is a Facebook Moderator?

A Facebook moderator is an admin-appointed role focused on overseeing conversations and content posting. Their primary task is to monitor activity in the group/page based on the established rules and community standards. Key responsibilities of moderators include:

  • Reviewing posts and comments for rule violations
  • Deleting posts or comments that break rules
  • Issuing warnings or temporary bans for minor infractions
  • Escalating serious issues to admins for review
  • Engaging with members and answering questions
  • Modeling constructive conversations for the community
  • Suggesting improvements to group policies

Moderators serve as the eyes, ears, and voice of admins in Facebook groups/pages. While admins focus on big-picture leadership, moderators handle routine day-to-day content moderation based on their defined roles and privileges.

Key Differences

While admins and moderators both help maintain Facebook communities, there are some notable differences between these two roles:

Control and Permissions

The admin has complete control over a Facebook group/page. They can add or remove moderators, change settings, delete posts, ban members, and determine the overall purpose and rules. Moderators only have permissions delegated to them by admins.


Admins focus on big-picture leadership and community growth. They set the vision and policies. Moderators focus on content moderation and rule enforcement at the day-to-day level.


There can only be one official admin who creates and oversees the community. However, they can appoint multiple moderators to share oversight responsibilities.


Admins can participate in discussions while also moderating content. Moderators are focused specifically on moderation based on assigned privileges.

Role Permissions Focus Appointment Privileges
Admin Complete control Big-picture leadership Creator of group/page Full participation and moderation
Moderator Delegated by admin Content moderation Appointed by admin Focused on moderation

This comparison table summarizes the main differences between admins who lead and control Facebook communities vs. moderators who enforce rules and moderate conversations under defined permissions.


Facebook admins and moderators serve complementary roles in managing Facebook groups and pages. Admins are the overall leaders and decision-makers who control all settings and policies. They appoint moderators to focus specifically on content moderation and community management at the ground-level based on the admin’s rules and standards.

Having both invested admins providing big-picture guidance and tactical moderators enforcing rules day-to-day is crucial for sustaining a high-quality Facebook community. The admin-moderator structure allows Facebook groups and pages to scale their member bases without quality and conversations deteriorating.

Understanding the distinct but interconnected roles of Facebook admins vs. moderators is important both for managing communities effectively and for determining which role best suits someone’s abilities and interests in contributing to a Facebook group or page. Defining clear admin and moderator responsibilities and privileges is key to avoiding conflicts or confusion when overseeing growing Facebook communities with multiple overseers.

Some final tips for admins include:

  • Appointing only trustworthy and mature moderators who share the group/page purpose and culture
  • Establishing precise moderator permissions and guidelines
  • Checking in regularly with moderators to solicit feedback and input
  • Limiting moderation overlap and potential conflicts
  • Considering moderating yourself initially if the community is small
  • Expressing appreciation for good moderators who contribute their time and judgment

Admins and moderators collaborating closely with clearly defined but flexible roles makes for the best and healthiest Facebook communities for everyone involved.