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What is the criteria for a Facebook password?

What is the criteria for a Facebook password?

Facebook, as one of the most popular social media platforms in the world, places high importance on security for its users’ accounts. This includes having criteria for what constitutes a strong and secure password. When creating or changing a Facebook password, there are certain requirements that must be met.

Password Length

One of the basic criteria for Facebook passwords is length. Facebook requires passwords to be at least 6 characters long. This minimum length requirement helps make passwords more resistant to brute force attacks, in which hackers use software to try all possible password combinations.

While 6 characters is the minimum, longer passwords are even better for security. Passwords with 10 or more characters are harder to crack and provide better protection. Some experts recommend using passwords with 12 or more characters for important online accounts like Facebook.

Character Types

In addition to length, Facebook also has requirements regarding the types of characters used in passwords. For maximum strength, Facebook advises using passwords with a mix of:

  • Uppercase letters (A-Z)
  • Lowercase letters (a-z)
  • Numbers (0-9)
  • Special characters (!@#$%^&*()_+=-[]{}|;’:”,./?)

Using different character types makes passwords more complex and unpredictable. Passwords that only use one type, like all lowercase letters, are easier for hackers to compromise.

Avoiding Common Words and Phrases

When creating a Facebook password, it’s important not to use common dictionary words or phrases. These are highly vulnerable to dictionary and brute force attacks. Hackers have lists of the most common passwords people use, so avoiding these is crucial.

For example, you should not use passwords like “password”, “123456”, or “iloveyou”. Names, birthdates, and other personal information should also be avoided. The more unpredictable and random your password, the better.

No Use of Personal Information

As mentioned above, using any personal information in your Facebook password is risky. Details like your name, username, birthdate, phone number, or hometown make passwords easier to crack.

Hackers routinely look for people’s personal info online and use it to guess passwords. Keeping your password completely unrelated to your personal life is important.

Avoid Repeating and Reusing Passwords

Another key criteria for Facebook passwords is that they should be unique and not reused across different accounts. Using the same password for Facebook that you use for other sites like your email or online banking puts multiple accounts at risk if that password is ever compromised.

Facebook advises against password reuse as part of its safety recommendations. Keeping passwords unique is an important online security practice in general.

Regularly Change Your Password

While having a strong, unique password is crucial, it’s also important to periodically change your Facebook password. This helps protect against potential password leaks over time. Facebook recommends changing your password every few months.

Whenever Facebook discovers a security breach involving passwords, they notify impacted users to change their passwords. Staying on top of password changes minimizes the chance your account is put at risk.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication

One of the best ways to strengthen the security of your Facebook account is to enable two-factor authentication (2FA). This adds a second step to the login process beyond just entering your password.

With 2FA enabled, logging into Facebook requires your password plus a temporary access code generated by an authenticator app or sent via text message. Even someone who knows your password cannot access your account without also having your phone or authentication app.

Avoid Password Sharing

While it may seem convenient, sharing your Facebook password with others is generally not recommended for security reasons. When more people know your password, there is a greater risk of it being leaked or misused without your knowledge.

Facebook’s terms of service specifically prohibit sharing passwords or accounts. If activity that violates Facebook’s policies is detected, your account could potentially be disabled. Keep your password private only for your own use.

Use Password Management Tools

Managing many strong, unique passwords for different sites and services can be challenging. Using a dedicated password manager makes this easier and more secure. Password managers generate, store, and fill in complex passwords for you.

Popular password managers like LastPass, 1Password, and Dashlane integrate directly with web browsers for convenience. This allows you to use long, random passwords without having to memorize them.

Summary of Facebook Password Criteria

Here is a quick summary of the key password criteria recommended by Facebook:

Criteria Details
Minimum length At least 6 characters
Character types Mix of uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and symbols
Avoid common words/phrases No dictionary words or personal info
Uniqueness Don’t reuse passwords
Regular changes Change password every few months
Two-factor authentication Enable 2FA for added security
Password sharing Never share password with others


Creating a secure password is crucial for protecting your Facebook account and personal information. Following Facebook’s password criteria helps ensure your account stays safe from unauthorized access.

Some key takeaways are using a long, complex password that is unique to Facebook, enabling 2FA, avoiding personal information, changing your password regularly, and never sharing it with others. Putting these best practices into place makes it much harder for your account to be compromised.

With cybersecurity threats constantly growing, having strong passwords across all your online accounts is more important than ever. Investing the small amount of time to create and manage secure passwords ultimately protects your data and privacy in the long run.