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What is the comment picker app on Facebook?

What is the comment picker app on Facebook?

The comment picker app on Facebook is a tool that allows page admins to randomly select comments on their Facebook posts. It can be used to run contests, giveaways, or select comments to highlight and pin. The app provides an easy way for page admins to engage with their audience by responding to or featuring certain comments.

How does the Facebook comment picker work?

The Facebook comment picker app works by analyzing all the comments on a post and randomly selecting a specified number of them. Page admins can choose how many comments they want to pick each time they run the app.

To use the Facebook comment picker, page admins first need to install the app on their Facebook page. This can be done by searching for “comment picker” in the App Center and clicking “Add” on the app. After installing, the app will appear as a tab on posts where comments are enabled.

When the page admin goes to use the app, they simply click on the “Comment Picker” tab on a post and enter the number of winners they want to choose. The app will then randomly select that number of comments and display the winners. The page admin can then interact with those comments by liking, pinning, or replying to them.

Some key features of the Facebook comment picker app include:

  • Ability to pick multiple random winners in one go
  • Option to filter comments by recency, likes, replies etc before picking
  • Allows pinning the winning comments to the top of the post
  • Can specify a minimum time comments have been posted before they are eligible
  • Repeated comments only count as one entry

These options allow page admins to customize the comment picking experience and engage their audience in different ways depending on their goals.

Why do people use the Facebook comment picker?

There are a few key reasons page admins use the Facebook comment picker app:

  • To run contests and giveaways – Randomly selecting winners from commenters is an easy way to run contests on Facebook.
  • To highlight engaged followers – Picking comments to pin or reply to is a good way to show appreciation for highly engaged fans.
  • To generate more comments – The app encourages people to comment to increase their chances of being selected.
  • To get feedback – Admins can pose a question and pick comments to get a randomized sample of responses.
  • To split up prize giveaways – The app allows dividing up prizes by picking multiple random winners.

Overall, the main appeal of the comment picker is that it provides an impartial, hassle-free way for page admins to interact with and reward their audience. The random selection helps make things fair and creates anticipation and encouragement for followers to engage more.

What are some best practices for using the comment picker?

Here are some tips for getting the most out of the Facebook comment picker app:

  • Announce the giveaway/contest in advance – Let people know you’ll be using the app to encourage participation.
  • Set clear rules and guidelines – Specify how many winners, how to enter, any restrictions, etc.
  • Use it consistently – Pick winners regularly instead of just once or randomly.
  • Vary the prize distribution – Switch between picking one grand prize winner and several smaller winners.
  • Filter comments before picking – Use filters to focus on your target audience.
  • Pin and reply to winners – Let them know they’ve won and keep them engaged.
  • Cross-promote with other channels – Share the contest on your other social media accounts.
  • Analyze the results – See which posts generated the most comments and engagement.

Following best practices will lead to the best results from your comment picker campaigns. Keep iterating and optimizing the way you use the app to increase engagement over time.

What are some examples of how businesses use the comment picker?

Businesses across many industries have utilized the Facebook comment picker creatively to engage their audiences. Here are a few real examples:


  • Clothing boutiques running contests for shoppers to win items or gift cards by commenting on new arrival posts.
  • Family restaurants encouraging people to comment about their favorite meals for a chance to win free food.
  • Pet stores using the picker to select funniest pet photos shared in the comments to repost.


  • News outlets asking readers to comment with suggestions for future article topics and picking some to cover.
  • Bloggers asking for feedback on new site layouts or features.
  • Authors asking fans to share favorite book quotes for a chance to win a signed copy.


  • Animal shelters posting adoptable pet profiles and picking commenters to win donated pet toys/treats.
  • Environmental groups engaging supporters by selecting comments to pin discussing importance of sustainability.
  • Associations highlighting member stories shared in comments.

As these examples show, the comment picker provides a flexible engagement tool applicable to a wide range of business types and goals.

What are some creative ways brands have used the comment picker app?

Brands have gotten very creative with ways to utilize the Facebook comment picker for campaigns. Here are some unique examples:

  • Scavenger hunts – Brands post mystery photos or riddles, and pick commenters who guess correctly.
  • Naming contests – Fans suggest names for new products, menu items, etc. and winners get picked.
  • Spelling bees – Brands post tough words and pick commenters who spell them correctly.
  • Joke contests – People post jokes related to the brand and funniest get picked.
  • Decoding games – Brands post coded messages for fans to decipher and pick winners.
  • Virtual parties – Pick comments as a way to “pass the mic” at live stream events.
  • AMAs – Brands ask for questions in comments and pick some to answer in a video.

Running these creative campaigns not only takes advantage of the comment picker tool but also helps brands engage audiences in new, delightful ways. The random selection builds anticipation and makes each campaign unique.

What are some limitations or drawbacks of the comment picker app?

While the Facebook comment picker provides some useful capabilities, there are a few limitations to note:

  • Not completely random – Comments with more likes and replies have a higher chance of being picked.
  • Limit on number of winners – Can only pick up to 100 winners at once.
  • Winner notification – No automatic way to notify winners; page admin has to manually reach out.
  • No repeat avoidance – Same person can be picked multiple times in a row.
  • No screening – Inappropriate comments may be selected if not filtered.
  • App issues – Comment picker app can be buggy and slow down Facebook pages.

Page admins should be aware of these drawbacks when running comment picker campaigns. Though the app makes random selection easier, it still requires monitoring and management to achieve the best results.

Are there any alternative comment picking options besides the Facebook app?

For those unsatisfied with the official Facebook comment picker app, there are a few alternative options to consider:

  • Random Comment Picker – Third-party website that pulls in Facebook post comments and lets you randomize selection.
  • Social Picker – Tool with more filter options, repeat avoidance, winner notifications and analytics.
  • CommentPickrr – Provides fully automated winner selection and notification features.
  • Woobox – Social media marketing platform with a built-in pick-a-winner feature.
  • Excel randomization – Manually export comments to spreadsheet and use formulas to random sort.

Each alternative option has its own pros and cons. The third-party tools provide more advanced filters and options but require leaving Facebook. Performing the selection manually in Excel gives page admins full control but is time consuming.

Ultimately page admins should weigh the benefits against any potential costs or friction of moving beyond the built-in Facebook comment picker based on their specific use cases.

Can you get in trouble with Facebook for using the comment picker app?

Facebook’s policies and terms of service place some restrictions around running contests, sweepstakes and giveaways on the platform. However, using the comment picker app in itself will generally not get page owners in trouble. Here are some tips to avoid issues:

  • Make the rules clear – Include eligibility, number of winners, entry requirements, etc.
  • Don’t require payment – Asking for money to enter goes against Facebook policies.
  • Keep it short – Avoid contests that run for months at a time.
  • Limit entry – Don’t allow mass commenting from the same users.
  • Review legal guidelines – Consult sweepstakes laws in the country/state.
  • Post consistently – Avoid contests being the only posts from a page.

As long as page admins use the comment picker as an occasional supplement to regular posting and follow contest best practices, they should not encounter any problems with Facebook.

If used too aggressively or exclusively, Facebook may flag a page for “Like-gating” if contests require liking before entering, or “Newsfeed clutter” if picking winners is the only activity. Moderating giveaways and using common sense goes a long way in staying compliant.

Tips for using the comment picker effectively

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of using the Facebook comment picker app:

Promote your contest

Let your audience know ahead of time that you’ll be using the comment picker for an upcoming post. Build excitement and give them time to create quality comments.

Ask engaging questions

Pose questions that encourage thoughtful, funny or creative responses. This gives people more motivation to comment.

Set a schedule

Run your comment picker regularly on certain days/times rather than sporadically. This builds anticipation and trains followers to engage.

Use filters wisely

Filter by recency, likes, length etc. to refine the pool based on your goals before picking winners.

Reply personally to winners

Send them a custom congratulatory message and thank them for participating. Make them feel special.

Show appreciation for other commenters

Like and respond to some non-winning comments too to spread the engagement beyond just winners.

Highlight winners in posts

Pin the selected comments so winners get public recognition. Tag them if possible.

Review data and optimize

Look at engagement metrics each time and fine-tune your approach to increase comments and excitement.

Using these tips will help you get more out of the comment picker and drive better results from your campaigns over time.


The Facebook comment picker provides an easy yet powerful way for brands and businesses to engage audiences. While the tool has some limitations, its ability to randomly select and highlight user-generated content is extremely valuable for contests, giveaways and driving engagement. With proper promotion and creative implementation, page admins can utilize comment picking to build community and interactivity around their brand in a fun, fair way. As Facebook continues evolving its tools for businesses, the comment picker stands out as a simple but effective option for connecting with fans.