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What is the color code for the Facebook login button?

What is the color code for the Facebook login button?

The Facebook login button allows users to quickly log in to their Facebook account on third party websites and applications using their Facebook credentials. The iconic blue color of the Facebook login button is one of the most recognizable colors on the internet and an important part of Facebook’s brand identity. In this article, we’ll examine the specific color code used for the Facebook login button and look at how this color helps reinforce Facebook’s brand image.

The History of the Facebook Login Button

The Facebook login button was first introduced in 2008 as a way for outside developers to implement Facebook authentication in their own applications and websites. At launch, the login button used Facebook’s now signature blue color. This shade of blue was chosen specifically by Facebook’s design team because it was considered friendly and approachable.

In 2010, Facebook unveiled a new redesigned version of the login button using a slightly darker blue color. This updated look helped the login button stand out more clearly against busy website backgrounds. The new button also included the white Facebook “f” logo, making the button instantly identifiable with the Facebook brand.

Over the years, Facebook has kept the login button’s blue color scheme essentially the same, with only minor tweaks to the shade and button style. The consistency of this look has helpedFacebook achieve strong brand recognition for the login button across the web.

The Official Color Code

According to Facebook’s public Brand Resource Center, the specific color code used for the Facebook login button is:

RGB: 59,89,152
HEX: #3b5998

This blue color is known within Facebook as Facebook Blue. It uses a combination of medium brightness with increased saturation to create a bold, vibrant blue.

When displayed on computer screens, Facebook Blue has an eye-catching, electric quality that grabs the viewer’s attention. However, it is a cool tone of blue, so it maintains an underlying sense of trust and professionalism. This makes it both attractive and accessible – perfectly aligning with Facebook’s branding goals.

Psychology of the Color Blue

The choice of the color blue for the Facebook login button was very strategic. Blue is one of the most commonly used colors in business branding. Studies show that the color blue elicits a number of psychological effects:

  • Blue is associated with confidence, security and reliability.
  • Lighter blues are seen as soothing, calm and peaceful.
  • Blue promotes feelings of trust in online environments.
  • Brighter blues convey intelligence and efficiency.

All of these traits are ideals Facebook wants to communicate as a technology company. Blue is a reassuring color, and using it for the login button helps put users at ease when sharing their personal information with Facebook. The vibrancy of Facebook Blue adds a layer of friendliness and energy to the typical cooler, corporate blues.

Color Psychology in Marketing

Color theory and psychology are important parts of branding and marketing. Studies show that color can influence purchasers by up to 90%. The right colors can convey the tone, personality and values of a brand.

Some examples of how colors are strategically used in marketing include:

  • Red is used to promote excitement, passion and urgency. Popular brands like YouTube, Netflix and Coca-Cola use red as part of their brand identity.
  • Green is associated with environmental friendliness, health and renewal. Companies like Spotify, Starbucks and Whole Foods incorporate shades of green into their logos and branding.
  • Orange conveys cheerfulness, creativity and youthful energy. Brands like Nickelodeon, Fanta and Firefox use orange as a key component of their color palettes.

When choosing brand colors, companies think about colors that will resonate with their target audiences and support their desired brand personalities. Facebook specifically wanted their blue to be trustworthy and engaging – two key characteristics Facebook seeks to embody.

The Facebook Brand Identity

The Facebook login button and matching Facebook Blue color helps reinforce several key components of Facebook’s brand identity:

  • Friendliness – The vibrant, lighter blue is welcoming and informal.
  • Trustworthiness – The blue tone conveys integrity and reassurance.
  • Universal appeal – Blue is a globally popular color that transcends cultures.
  • Simplicity – The single color button maintains a clean, uncluttered aesthetic.

Having one unified shade of blue allows Facebook to build strong brand recognition. Wherever users see that shade of Facebook Blue, they instantly know they are interacting with Facebook.

Consistent Use Across Facebook’s Products

Facebook maintains brand consistency by using their Facebook Blue color across all of their products interfaces:

  • The main Facebook login page and app
  • Facebook Messenger
  • Instagram
  • WhatsApp
  • Oculus

You’ll notice Facebook Blue used in buttons, headers, logos and other accents. This helps convey that all of these products come from the same parent company. It provides a cohesive user experience across the Facebook brand.

Alternate Color Versions

While Facebook Blue is the primary color used for the login button, Facebook has created alternate versions to pair with different background colors and contexts:

  • White – The logo and text appear in Facebook Blue against a white background. This provides maximum contrast.
  • Black – The logo and text are white against a black background. This works well on dark website themes.
  • Grey – Ideal for light grey backgrounds.
  • Green – Used in tandem with the Facebook for Developers branding.

These alternate versions help the login button adapt to any design constraints while remaining recognizable as Facebook’s brand color.

The Accessibility of Blue

One additional advantage of using blue for the login button is blue’s accessibility for people with visual impairments. It is one of the easiest colors for color blind users to distinguish.

Studies show that:

  • 8% of men have some form of color blindness that make reds and greens hard to discern.
  • 0.5% of women have similar color blindness.
  • 1 in 255 women and 1 in 12 men have more severe color blindness involving the entire spectrum.

Facebook’s blue tint is distinct even for those who have trouble perceiving color differences. Facebook likely took accessibility into consideration when finalizing their signature blue shade.

Use in Non-Digital Marketing

Facebook uses their Facebook Blue not only online but also in print marketing, merchandising, swag and other non-digital branding:

  • Company t-shirts, mugs, banners
  • Sponsored events booths and signage
  • Print ads in magazines and billboards
  • TV commercials
  • Pens, stickers, notebooks with Facebook logo

Wherever the Facebook name is displayed, you can be guaranteed to see that recognizable Facebook Blue. The color helps unify and identify the Facebook brand across all markets and mediums.


The specific Facebook Blue color code used for the Facebook login button is #3b5998 in HEX and RGB 59,89,152. This blue was selected to portray Facebook as trustworthy, friendly and accessible. It reinforces qualities like reliability, simplicity and inclusiveness that are central to the Facebook brand identity. The consistency of using Facebook Blue across all Facebook-owned products and marketing materials helps cement Facebook’s brand recognition across digital platforms, merchandise and non-digital media. So the next time you see that blue login button, you’ll know there was a whole lot of strategic psychology and branding technique applied to get that blue just right!

Key Takeaways:

  • The Facebook login button color code is #3b5998 HEX / RGB 59,89,152.
  • This shade of Facebook Blue was chosen for its friendly, trustworthy personality.
  • Blue helps reinforce core components of Facebook’s desired brand identity.
  • Using the color consistently strengthens brand awareness across Facebook’s products.
  • Blue is accessible for those with visual impairments like color blindness.

Now that I have a deeper understanding of the strategic use of color in branding, I appreciate even more the thought that went into crafting such an iconic shade of blue. The Facebook Blue truly reflects the company’s mission to build community and bring people together. Having this information on the color code and psychology behind it will help me better leverage color in my own content and marketing projects moving forward. An insightful exploration into one small element that makes a big branding impact!