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What is the best time to upload reels on instagram?

The best time to upload reels on Instagram is in the evening between 5pm to 7pm. This is when many Instagram users are winding down their day and spending time browsing and engaging with content on the platform before bed. Uploading during peak evening hours allows your reels to be seen by the largest number of people right when they are most active.

Why evenings are the best time for Instagram reels

Here are some of the key reasons why evenings tend to be the prime time for reels uploads:

  • More users are active in the evenings – After work and school hours are over, usage surges on Instagram as people relax and check the app. Uploading then means reaching more viewers.
  • Higher engagement rates – With more viewers around in the evenings, the likelihood of likes, comments and shares on your reels goes up significantly.
  • Less competition for feeds – Mornings and afternoons tend to be when lots of users and brands are posting content simultaneously. Evenings see relatively less uploads.
  • Timing for after-dinner viewing – People often browse Instagram while eating dinner or just after. Posting reels in the evening makes sure they are ready to be viewed then.
  • Chance to influence late night usage – Getting your reel into feeds in the evening increases the odds of grabbing attention and being rewatched before bed.

While evening primetime of 5pm to 7pm generally sees the most Reels engagement, the lead up to it from around 3pm onwards is also worth considering. This captures viewership from both the post-work and after-school crowds.

Other optimal times for Instagram reels

Beyond evenings, there are some other good times that can work well for uploading your Instagram reels depending on your goals:

Midday (11am to 1pm)

Midday is often a scroll break for many Instagrammers on their lunch breaks or between classes. Engagement can be very decent, though not quite at evening peaks. This can be a good time for informative or entertaining bitesize content.

Early Afternoons (1pm to 3pm)

Early afternoons see a blend of students finished classes and adults taking activity breaks. Reels that are fun, visually engaging, or tied to trending topics can do well before evening primetime.

Late Nights (9pm to midnight)

While late night Instagram engagement is smaller, it’s very targeted. This can be an ideal time for content aimed at night owls and teens/young adults. Niche memes and fandom reels often thrive with the late night crowd.

Early Mornings (5am to 9am)

Early morning timeslots are the least active on Instagram overall. But for some niches, particularly motivational content, early risers offer engaged viewership. Just don’t expect huge view counts.

When not to post Instagram reels

While any time of day can potentially work, there are some slots that tend to underperform for reels distribution:

  • Overnight from midnight to 5am – Very low volumes of users active.
  • Weekday mornings before 11am – Aside from niches, engagement is usually minimal.
  • Friday nights after 7pm – Many users socialize offline going into the weekend.
  • Saturdays before 3pm – Often slow as users sleep in and run errands on weekends.

Of course there can always be exceptions, but generally uploading during these slots makes it harder for reels to gain traction.

Optimal reel length and frequency

In addition to when you post reels, the length and frequency of uploads also impacts performance:

  • Reel length – Instagram data shows engagement peaks at around 30 seconds, dropping off significantly beyond 60 seconds. Keeping reels under 30 to 45 seconds optimizes for completion rate.
  • Frequency – Uploading 1 to 2 reels per day is recommended for most accounts. Too many reels at once can actually reduce your overall reach and engagement. Spacing out uploads avoids flooding your audience.

Tailoring timing for your audience

While evenings tend to universally perform well, it’s also worth looking at when your specific audience is most active on Instagram:

  • Check your Instagram Analytics to see if your top viewership slots differ from the norm.
  • Try timing posts for when your audience is likely at work versus home based on their demographics.
  • Ask your followers directly when they’d prefer to see your reels and what times they usually check Instagram.
  • Experiment with different slots and see if certain times consistently get higher engagement rates.

Basing your reel timing around your audience’s habits can help maximize the right viewership.

Leveraging trends and hashtags

Timing your reels to align with related Instagram trends and hashtags can provide a valuable signal boost:

  • Check what memes and challenges are currently trending on Instagram and participate in them through reels.
  • Identify relevant trending hashtags to include in your caption and tap into that interest.
  • Use Instagram’s Explore page to research what types of reels are currently going viral to recreate similar formats.
  • Craft reels around upcoming events, holidays, awareness days etc. and post on those dates.

Capitalizing on existing Instagram trends and hashtags gives your reels content a pre-built audience to tap into.

Scheduling reels for auto-posting

To ensure your reels go live at the optimal times without having to manually post each day, you can utilize scheduling tools like:

  • Facebook Creator Studio
  • Hootsuite
  • Later
  • Planoly

These platforms connect to your Instagram account and allow you to pre-program reels to auto-publish at your chosen dates and times. Just be sure to double check the content before scheduling.

Testing and adapting for your account

While the evening sweet spot is a solid starting point, the ideal reel timing for your specific Instagram account can take some trial and error to pinpoint:

  • Try posting reels at different times and track engagement rates to identify patterns.
  • Split test scheduling similar reels in the mornings versus evenings to directly compare.
  • Ask your followers to share when they are most likely to watch your reels.
  • Check your Instagram Analytics to see your top performance slots.
  • Evaluate timing alongside other factors like captions, visuals and hashtags.

Continuously monitoring when your reels excel and when they underperform will reveal the best timings to concentrate your uploading efforts on.

Key Takeaways

  • The 5pm to 7pm evening window tends to be the peak time for Instagram reel engagement.
  • Midday, early afternoons and late nights can also deliver strong results for the right content.
  • Keep most reels under 30 seconds and space out 1-2 uploads per day.
  • Look at audience habits, trends and analytics to finetune ideal timing.
  • Leverage scheduling tools to auto-post at prime times consistently.
  • Test different times to determine what works best for your specific account.

Assessing when your followers are most active on Instagram and experimenting with timing is key to figuring out the prime times to upload reels for your account. Keep monitoring performance analytics and feedback to continue optimizing.