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What is the best status for FB?

What is the best status for FB?

Determining the best status to post on Facebook is an important consideration for many social media users. The status update allows users to share thoughts, ideas, and information with their network of friends and connections. With over 2 billion monthly active users on Facebook, status updates have the power to reach a massive audience. However, not all status updates garner the same level of engagement and response. Certain types of status updates tend to perform better than others.

Keep it Short and Simple

One of the keys to an effective Facebook status is brevity. Statuses that are short, simple, and to the point tend to get more likes, comments, and shares compared to lengthy statuses. This is because short statuses are quicker and easier to consume. They get their message across in a focused, concise way. Lengthy statuses with long paragraphs of text can feel overwhelming or intimidating to readers scrolling through their news feeds. In many cases, long statuses won’t even get read at all. The best practice is to keep statuses limited to 1-2 short sentences or a single paragraph of concise text. This allows the core message to stand out.

Ask Questions

Posting statuses in the form of questions is an excellent way to spark engagement and discussion. When you ask questions in your status updates, you are directly prompting your audience to respond and share their thoughts. This two-way interaction helps create a conversation versus just broadcasting information one-way. Questions allow followers to get know more about you while also sharing a bit about themselves through responses. Questions can range from lighthearted polls like “What’s your favorite holiday movie?” to thought-provoking debates on current events or social issues. Just make sure to keep the tone friendly and inclusive.

Share Visual Content

Statuses don’t have to be text-based. In fact, sharing visual content like photos, videos, memes, and GIFs is a great way to capture attention. Visuals tend to be more eye-catching in the news feed compared to blocks of text. When sharing photos, select clear, high-quality images that convey a specific message or story. For videos, pick clips that entertain, inform, or educate your audience. Memes and GIFs that are humorous or relatable also tend to perform well. Just be sure to avoid overusing visuals or sharing too many in one status.

Post About Current Events

Statuses related to current events, news, and trends can spark a lot of interest and engagement. When major events are happening in your industry, the world, or your local community, share your perspective or commentary. You can also ask questions to survey your followers’ thoughts and reactions. Current event posts demonstrate you are timely, culturally aware, and willing to engage in meaningful conversations beyond just personal updates. Make sure to fact-check information and avoid spreading misinformation.

Give Sneak Peeks

Offering exclusive sneak peeks, previews, and behind-the-scenes looks gives followers incentive to pay attention to your updates. For businesses, tease an upcoming product launch, rebranding, or menu refresh. Personal users can share snippets of projects they are working on like DIY renovations, artworks in progress, or training milestones. The sense of access makes followers feel special and invested. Just don’t give away all the details – leave them wanting more.

Run Polls

Facebook’s native polling feature allows you to survey followers right within your status update. Polls are fun, interactive, and provide immediate feedback. You can poll followers on a variety of topics from their opinions on current issues to their preferences related to your business. For example, a restaurant could ask “What type of new menu items should we add?” or a boutique might ask “Which dress color – red, blue, or pink – is your fave?” Keep the poll options concise and limited to 2-4 choices. The real-time results will be displayed after users vote.

Share User-Generated Content

Reposting and highlighting user-generated content like comments, photos, videos, and reviews shows appreciation for your engaged followers. It also demonstrates you listen to feedback and value involvement from your audience. When sharing user content, be sure to tag the original poster and provide context for others who may be seeing it for the first time. Obtain permission as needed, especially when reposting photos or videos featuring identifiable people.

Give Back

Status updates don’t always have to be self-promotional. Use your platform for good by highlighting causes and organizations you care about. Share charity events, volunteer opportunities, donation drives, and other ways you are giving back. This shows the values and social responsibility behind your brand or persona. Just make sure it comes from an authentic place and aligns with the tone of your overall feed.

Utilize Hashtags

Incorporating relevant hashtags allows your status updates to reach beyond just your current followers. When users search for or click on specific hashtags, your post has the potential to be discovered. Each status can include up to 30 hashtags covering general topics, your niche or industry, trending news, events, campaigns, etc. Just don’t go overboard blasting every possible hashtag. Research which are most used for your target audience and focus on quality over quantity.

Share Fun Facts

Fun, bite-sized facts and trivia appeal to most audiences. Use your status updates to share random tidbits of information about your niche, pop culture, historical events, food, animals, science, and more. Followers enjoy lighthearted content that briefly educates, entertains, or piques their interest. You can source unique facts from blogs, educational websites, and trivia reference books. Or crowdsource by asking your followers to share their favorite fun facts.

Run Contests and Giveaways

Contests, giveaways, and promotions can skyrocket engagement on status updates. Offer prizes like your products/services, gift cards, branded merchandise, etc. in exchange for likes, shares, comments, follows, or other simple actions. Consider teaming up with other complementary brands and influencers to extend your collective reach and entries. Promote the giveaway across other marketing channels too. Just be sure to adhere to Facebook’s promotion guidelines.

Share Personal Updates

While professional content has its place, followers also want an authentic glimpse into your personal life. Let your personality shine through by sharing family happenings, travel adventures, major life milestones, funny everyday anecdotes, and more. These real-life peeks make you more relatable and humanize your brand. Users crave that personable connection, so don’t just always post polished promotional material.

Ask Open-Ended Questions

The most engaging status updates invite two-way conversation with thoughtful questions. Closed-ended questions with just “yes” or “no” answers limit discussion potential. Go for open-ended questions that elicit detailed responses, opinions, ideas, recommendations, and stories from your audience. Some examples include “What’s your best advice for being productive?” or “Where’s the most beautiful place you’ve traveled?”

Be Controversial

Steering into controversy and taking a firm stance can inspire spirited debate within your status updates. While risky, this strategy grabs attention when done tactfully. State strong opinions on political issues, business practices, current events, social norms, or pop culture. You’ll spark dialogue from those who agree and disagree. This builds awareness and cements your reputation as an influencer who addresses sensitive subjects.


Facebook status updates allow you to engage audiences, promote content, highlight causes, and boost your brand when done strategically. Keep statuses short, utilize visuals, capitalize on trends, offer exclusive sneak peeks, run polls, highlight user-generated content, incorporate hashtags, share fun facts, run contests, post personal updates, ask thoughtful questions, and take measured risks. Test different status styles and subjects to see what resonates best with your followers. The most important thing is to post authentic, consistent content that provides value.