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What is the best FB attitude status?

What is the best FB attitude status?

When it comes to choosing the perfect Facebook status to reflect your current attitude or mood, there are a few key things to keep in mind. Your status can say a lot about your personality, so you’ll want to choose something clever, witty, thoughtful, or fun. The best attitude statuses will resonate with your friends while also providing a bit of insight into what’s going on in your world.

Be Authentic

First and foremost, you’ll want your attitude status to be authentic and reflect what you’re truly feeling or experiencing at the moment. There’s no point in trying to be someone you’re not just for the sake of a pithy status update. If you’re feeling happy and playful, go with something lighthearted. If you’re feeling pensive or somber, it’s okay to be real about that too. The important thing is to keep it genuine.

Consider Your Audience

When crafting your status, it’s important to consider who will be reading it. Your Facebook friends list likely includes family members, coworkers, acquaintances from various parts of your life, and people you may not know very well. You’ll want to avoid anything too personal, controversial, or potentially inappropriate. Your status is often viewed as a reflection of your personal brand, so put some thought into how you want to present yourself.

Use Humor When Appropriate

Humor can be a great way to share your current attitude in an entertaining way, but be careful not to overdo it or cross the line. Funny attitude status ideas could include song lyrics, movie quotes, or cultural references with a twist. But stay away from anything offensive, insensitive, or that could be misunderstood. Remember that sarcasm and irony don’t always translate well online.

Try Positivity and Inspiration

If you’re feeling upbeat and optimistic, consider an inspirational attitude status. Share words of wisdom, express gratitude, motivate others, or spread some lighthearted positivity. Just stay away from anything too preachy, self-righteous, or cheesy.

Vent (Carefully)

If you’re feeling frustrated, annoyed, or are dealing with difficulties, your status can be a healthy outlet for venting. But tread carefully – oversharing or being overly negative may reflect poorly. Keep it classy and take the high road. People will likely be supportive if your venting status is thoughtful and genuine.

Song Lyrics or Quotes

Song lyrics and famous quotes can pack a lot of meaning into just a few words. Choose something relevant to your current attitude or mindset and your friends will appreciate the pop culture references or profound thoughts. Just don’t overdo it – you don’t want every status to be someone else’s words.

Inside Jokes

If you have inside jokes with certain friends, a cryptic status could be a fun way to bond with those in the know while intriguing others. But too many inside references may alienate some readers, so strike a balance.

Emoticons and Emojis

Small visual cues like emoticons, emojis, and text-based graphics can help set the tone and add some flair. 😊 A smiley, winky face, sad face, or heart emoji can often communicate your attitude better than words. But don’t overdo it. Excessive emojis may look unprofessional or immature.

Ask Questions

Asking questions in your status prompts your friends to respond, creating interaction. This could work for something silly like “Which superpower would you choose?” for a fun discussion. Or get deep by asking about life lessons, personal values, or thought-provoking dilemmas.

Be Brief

Statuses with just a few words or a short sentence tend to work best at conveying your current attitude. You’ll pack more punch by keeping it brief instead of rambling. And short statuses tend to get more likes and comments because they’re easier to read and digest.

Book or Movie References

Just like song lyrics and quotes, alluding to a book, movie, TV show, play, or other pop culture source can say a lot in a small space. Your friends can decode the reference to understand your mood and mindset. Just don’t spoil anything or overdo the obscure references.

Share Good News

Got a new job? Graduating from school? Share your excitement by posting a positive attitude status announcing your good news. Your friends and family will likely be thrilled for you and will enjoy celebrating your successes.

Rant or Complain – But Don’t Be a Debbie Downer

Having a bad day and need to get it off your chest? An attitude status update can help you vent a little steam. But avoid being excessively negative. Try to keep complaints good-humored, mild, and brief. And don’t rant about other people by name.

Be Thoughtful and Reflective

If you have pensive or somber thoughts to share, your status can reflect that—just keep in mind who is reading before posting anything too personal. Asking questions that prompt self-reflection can also foster good discussion.

Steer Clear of the Controversial

Religion, politics, and other potentially controversial topics tend to stir up debate and discord, which isn’t the purpose of your attitude status. Unless you want to start a heated argument, it’s usually wise to avoid those subjects.

Update Regularly

You don’t need to change your status daily or even weekly. But updating it now and then keeps it fresh, relevant, and representative of your current frame of mind. If you notice your attitude status has been the same for months, it’s probably time for an update.

Be Yourself

Above all, remember your attitude status is a chance to express who you are. Have fun with it, be creative, and don’t worry about pleasing anyone or following the crowd. The best status updates offer a peek into your unique personality.

Examples of Great Attitude Statuses

Here are some examples of fun, witty, thoughtful, or inspiring attitude status updates:

  • “Currently taking applications for a nap.”
  • “All this coffee isn’t going to drink itself.”
  • “*Insert witty status here*”
  • “If at first you don’t succeed, treat yourself to ice cream anyway.”
  • “I intend to live forever. So far, so good.” – Steven Wright
  • “Today, I will be as useless as the ‘G’ in lasagna.”
  • “My weekend plans: 1. Sleep 2. Read 3. Eat 4. Repeat”
  • “I’m not lazy, I’m motivationally challenged.”
  • ” Minor setback for a major comeback”
  • “I’m all about taking it easy, except on coffee breaks.”

Bad Attitude Status Ideas to Avoid

On the flip side, here are some attitude status updates you’ll want to steer clear of:

  • Anything offensive, insensitive, or overly controversial
  • Complaining about specific people by name
  • Making your status TMI with too much personal info
  • Cryptic song lyrics or quotes nobody will understand
  • Anything that could reflect poorly on your professional reputation
  • Too many emoticons and emojis – keep it classy
  • Depressing, angry venting and negativity
  • Bragging and arrogance
  • Spammy or promotional messages
  • Referencing inside jokes too obscure for most to understand


Your Facebook status can be a fun, casual way to express your current mood or frame of mind. The best attitude statuses are authentic, thoughtful, occasionally humorous, and give insight into your personality. Stay away from anything too controversial, offensive, or negative. Consider your audience, update regularly, be yourself, and have fun with your status as a way of sharing your unique voice.