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What is the best comment for boyfriend?

What is the best comment for boyfriend?

Having a caring, supportive boyfriend is a wonderful thing. However, knowing the right things to say to make him feel appreciated and loved can be challenging. The perfect comment should communicate how much you care for him and strengthen your bond. In this article, we’ll explore the best comments to make your boyfriend feel happy and valued.

Sweet Words of Affirmation

One of the best things you can say to your boyfriend is affirming words that build up his confidence. Comments that make him feel accepted, appreciated, and secure in the relationship will go a long way. Here are some examples of sweet words of affirmation:

  • “You make me so happy.”
  • “I’m thankful every day that you’re in my life.”
  • “I love how caring and thoughtful you are.”
  • “You’re the most handsome guy I know.”
  • “You’re so smart and talented at everything you do.”
  • “I love how you always know how to make me smile.”
  • “You have the biggest heart of anyone I know.”
  • “I feel so comfortable and myself when I’m with you.”
  • “You inspire me to be a better person.”
  • “I love how supportive and encouraging you are of my dreams.”

Complimenting your boyfriend’s character and values shows him your relationship is about more than just superficial traits. Build up his self-esteem with sincere praise about who he is as a person.

Appreciation for Thoughtful Gestures

Another excellent comment is expressing appreciation when your boyfriend does something thoughtful. Everyone likes to feel noticed and valued, so thanking your boyfriend when he makes an effort will make him feel cared for. Here are some examples:

  • “Thank you for always opening doors for me – it’s such a gentlemanly thing to do.”
  • “I appreciate you making dinner tonight after my long day, you’re so considerate.”
  • “The flowers you brought me today really made me smile, thanks for thinking of me.”
  • “I love how you pick up my favorite snacks when you go grocery shopping – you’re so attentive.”
  • “Thank you for remembering our anniversary, it means so much that you want to celebrate our relationship.”
  • “I really appreciate when you offer to drive me to work when it’s raining – so caring.”

Noticing his efforts, no matter how small, will make your boyfriend feel appreciated. Don’t take his kindness for granted – a simple “thank you” can go a long way.

Compliments on His Looks

While personality is most important, boys still enjoy compliments on their appearance too. Let your boyfriend know you find him physically attractive with flattering comments like:

  • “You look so handsome today in that shirt, it really brings out your eyes.”
  • “I love it when you wear that cologne, it smells amazing.”
  • “You have the cutest smile, it always lights up my day.”
  • “That haircut looks great on you, it really shows off your jawline.”
  • “Your arms look so strong and muscular today – you look good!”
  • “You have the most gorgeous eyes, I could stare into them all day.”

Keep it classy and sincere – cheap flattery won’t work. Thoughtful compliments on his style, fragrance, smile and other physical traits make him feel desired.

Playful Teasing

Once you’re comfortable together, some playful teasing can add fun flirtation to the relationship. As long as you keep it light-hearted and avoid hurtful jabs, teasing can show affection. Here are some ideas:

  • “You’re cute when you pout after losing at video games.”
  • “I can always tell when you lie because your ears turn red!”
  • “You looked so sleepy on our date last night – past your bedtime?”
  • “Wow, you actually remembered my birthday without a Facebook reminder?”
  • “Are you even listening or just pretending to look at me?”
  • “I saw you drooling in your sleep last night, so charming!”

It’s all about the delivery – be playful rather than mocking. And know when to draw the line – teasing should never undermine his self-esteem.

Inside Jokes and References

Developing inside jokes and shared memories in your relationship is a great way to deepen intimacy. Call back moments from your time together with comments like:

  • “Remember that time we got caught in the rain and had to run through the parking lot? That was hilarious!”
  • “I’m bringing an umbrella today since someone forgot to check the forecast for our picnic last time.”
  • “Want to go mini-golfing again? I need a rematch after you beat me so badly.”
  • “This song always reminds me of our first dance at prom.”
  • “Let’s not go back to that restaurant after you spilled water all over the waiter!”

Comments that fondly reference an inside joke or shared memory you two have will make him feel connected. It shows you treasure moments from your relationship.

Sincere Gratefulness

When your boyfriend does something that deeply touches you, let him know with heartfelt gratefulness. Sentimental comments like these can bring you closer:

  • “It meant so much when you were there for me after my big fight with my parents. I don’t know what I would’ve done without your support that night.”
  • “I will never forget how sweet you were taking care of me after my surgery. I really needed you and you were by my side the entire recovery.”
  • “You make me feel so secure – I’ve never been able to rely on someone like I can with you. Thank you for always having my back.”
  • “Going with me to my grandmother’s funeral was one of the most meaningful things anyone has ever done for me. Thank you for being my rock that day.”

When he does something that touches your heart, let him know how much it impacted you. Your vulnerability and gratitude will bring you closer together.

Compliments on His Success

Affirm your boyfriend when he accomplishes goals and achieves success. Recognizing his hard work will make him feel valued. You can compliment with comments like:

  • “I’m so proud of you for working your way up to that promotion – all your extra hours paid off!”
  • “Congratulations on finishing your degree, I know how much time and dedication it took and I’m amazed by your work ethic.”
  • “I’m so impressed by how you trained for that 10K race. All the early morning runs were worth it!”
  • “Nice job getting an A on that midterm you studied so hard for. Your commitment to doing well in school is really inspiring.”

Boyfriends appreciate when their girlfriends take pride in their accomplishments. Your shared happiness at his success will strengthen your bond.

Funny Comments and Banter

Humorous comments can warm his heart and make him laugh, lightening the mood. Playful banter puts a smile on his face. For example:

  • “I don’t appreciate tripping over your dirty socks on the floor – keep it up and I’ll install a Lazer Roomba to patrol for them.”
  • “Is tending to your fantasy football team going to be your full-time job now or what?”
  • “I’m installing parental controls to keep you off those game sites once you’re done with work for the day.”
  • “If you don’t start rinsing your dishes before putting them in the sink, I’ll make you wear rubber gloves for a week.”

Make sure to smile and be silly rather than critical – you want him chuckling, not feeling nagged at. Lighthearted comments peppered into serious conversations keep things fun.

Thoughtful Questions

Asking thoughtful questions shows you care about what’s going on in his life. Your interest in his job, friendships, family, dreams and worries makes him feel valued. Questions like these demonstrates your attentiveness:

  • “How did that big presentation at work go today?”
  • “Your mom’s birthday is next week, right? Have you thought about what to get her?”
  • “You seemed stressed earlier – is everything okay?”
  • “Are you excited for John’s bachelor party this weekend? What are the plans?”
  • “How did your doctor appointment go yesterday?”

Make sure to really listen when he answers – don’t just pretend to care. Follow up questions show you are engaged in the conversation.

Saying “I Love You”

The simplest comment of all – saying “I love you” – can mean the world to your boyfriend. You don’t have to limit it just for special occasions. Express your love by saying:

  • “I love you so much, handsome.”
  • “Have an awesome day, babe! Love you!”
  • “I couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend. Love you!”
  • “You’re cute when you’re sleeping! Love you!”
  • “I love you more than anything.”

He may not always say it back every time, but he will appreciate the daily reassurance of your feelings.

When to Give Him Compliments

Now that we’ve explored many options for thoughtful comments, let’s discuss the best timing for compliments. Here are some recommendations for when to praise your boyfriend:

Situation Compliment Idea
When you’re getting ready to go out “You look so hot in that shirt tonight!”
Before he heads off to work “Have a great day, babe. I believe in you!”
When he does something helpful around the house “Thank you for always taking the trash out, it’s one less thing for me to worry about.”
On your way home from a nice date “I had the best time with you tonight. I’m so lucky to have you in my life.”
Before he goes out with friends “Have fun tonight! Lookin’ good!”
When you wake up in the morning “Good morning, handsome. I can’t wait to spend the day with you.”

The key is to look for small opportunities to offer encouragement throughout your daily life together. This shows he’s often on your mind.

How to Deliver Compliments

For the best reaction, consider these tips for compliment delivery:

  • Make eye contact – this shows you’re speaking from the heart.
  • Smile – your facial expression should match the praise.
  • Speak with sincerity – your tone should convey genuine appreciation.
  • Be specific – vague praise isn’t meaningful.
  • Describe impact – explain how his actions affect you.
  • Give public and private praise – compliment him in both settings.
  • Praise effort – acknowledge hard work, not just results.

With mindful delivery, you can make your words really land. Think about timing and tone as well as the language.

Responding to Compliments

How should your boyfriend respond when you compliment him? Here are some gracious ways to accept praise:

  • “Aww thank you, babe! I really appreciate you saying that.”
  • “That means a lot coming from you.”
  • “Well aren’t you the sweetest!”
  • “I’m blushing over here, stop it!”
  • “I’m feeling the love today!”

Ideally, he will accept your compliments with gratitude rather than brushing them off awkwardly. This positive reaction encourages you to continue praising him.

Inappropriate Comments to Avoid

While most compliments bring you closer together, certain comments are hurtful or inappropriate. Make sure you steer clear of:

  • Criticism masked as praise – “I’m glad you’re finally wearing something nice for once”
  • Backhanded compliments – “You’re cute even though you’re short”
  • Comparisons to exes or other men
  • Comments on flaws he’s insecure about
  • Anything that objectifies him
  • Over-the-top or obviously fake praise

The wrong kind of comments, even if meant positively, will make your boyfriend feel bad. Think carefully before speaking to avoid unintended harm.

How Compliments Strengthen Your Relationship

Now that we’ve explored a variety of thoughtful compliments, let’s discuss why praise is so important for a healthy relationship.

Benefits for Your Boyfriend

Sincere compliments:

  • Boost his confidence
  • Make him feel cared for
  • Reduce stress and lighten his mood
  • Help him see his positive qualities
  • Inspire him to accomplish more
  • Encourage thoughtful behavior
  • Increase his sense of security in the relationship

Praising your boyfriend has both emotional and practical benefits for his wellbeing and success.

Benefits for You

Offering authentic praise also:

  • Makes you appreciate his best qualities
  • Improves your mood as you focus on positives
  • Models the behavior you want to see from him
  • Helps you mindfully express affection
  • Brings you closer as a couple
  • Builds trust and open communication

Complimenting thoughtfully enhances intimacy and satisfaction for you as well.

Benefits for Your Relationship

Finally, regular compliments:

  • Create emotional safety and support
  • Keep attraction and romance alive
  • Resolve conflicts more easily
  • Prevent misunderstandings
  • Overcome flaws through emphasis on strengths
  • Make both partners feel valued
  • Strengthen commitment and teamwork

Praise exchanged between partners is one of the most vital habits for a healthy, thriving long-term relationship.


We all crave praise, and sincere compliments are vital for nourishing intimacy in relationships. Thoughtful words of affirmation, playful banter, thanks for his efforts, and recognizing his achievements all help a boyfriend feel loved. Tailoring your comments to his unique personality enhances their impact. With attentiveness and practice, you can learn the best ways to compliment your boyfriend to bring you closer and build a deeply caring partnership.