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What is the auto invite for Facebook Chrome extension?

What is the auto invite for Facebook Chrome extension?

The auto invite for Facebook Chrome extension is a browser extension that allows users to automatically send friend requests or invite people to like Facebook pages or groups. It works by automating the process of searching for profiles, sending requests or invitations, and managing responses.

How does the auto invite Facebook extension work?

The auto invite Facebook extension works by:

  • Allowing users to search for profiles based on location, interests, mutual friends etc.
  • Having options to send bulk friend requests or page/group invitations to the searched profiles
  • Automatically sending requests/invites without requiring manual clicks on each profile
  • Providing filters to target specific demographics like age, gender etc.
  • Managing responses by automatically accepting friend confirmations, deleting invites for profiles who have rejected requests etc.

Some key features of the auto invite Facebook extension include:

Bulk Sending

The main purpose of the extension is to allow bulk sending of friend requests or page/group invites. Users can search for hundreds of profiles and send invites to all of them in just a few clicks.

Targeted Search

The extension provides options to target searches by parameters like location, school/workplace, interests, keywords etc. This results in finding profiles more likely to respond positively to invites.

Smart Management

It automatically accepts friend confirmations, deletes invites sent to unresponsive profiles, and keeps track of quotas to avoid blocks by Facebook.

Detailed Analytics

Users can view detailed analytics on the number of invites sent, accepted requests, pending invites, rejected requests etc. This helps understand engagement levels.

Why use an auto invite Facebook extension?

Here are some reasons why people use auto invite Facebook extensions:

  • Saves time – Manually sending hundreds of invites/requests is extremely tedious and time-consuming.
  • Increases reach – The bulk sending functionality allows connecting with a lot more people than possible manually.
  • Targeted growth – Features like targeted search help find relevant profiles who are more likely to connect.
  • Easy engagement – Auto-accepting confirmations and managing unresponsive profiles frees up a lot of manual work.
  • Analytics – The detailed analytics provide insights to refine targeting and invites for better results.

Businesses, influencers, community builders, and normal users can all benefit from the convenience and reach provided by auto invite Facebook extensions. The key is to use it responsibly and avoid spamming or sending unsolicited invites.

Popular auto invite Facebook extensions

Some popular auto invite extensions for Facebook include:


Friendzy is a full-fledged growth tool that provides auto invite features in addition to analytics, account management, and other Facebook marketing functionality. It has advanced targeting and bulk actions.

Social Captain

Social Captain offers auto friend requests and page invites along with content automation and analytics. It provides good controls for targeting invites.


Sociamonkey focuses mainly on auto invites for both profiles and pages/groups. It has a simple and easy to use interface.

FB Inviter Pro

FB Inviter Pro provides bulk invites, analytics, and scheduling. It offers good geo and age/gender targeting options.

Mass Requests for Facebook

As the name suggests, Mass Requests is designed specifically for bulk friend requests. It has simple controls and reporting.

The above tools offer browser extensions for Google Chrome or Firefox. There are also tools that provide auto invite functionality via desktop or mobile apps.

Are auto Facebook invites legitimate?

Auto Facebook invites toe a fine line when it comes to legitimacy. Here are some key aspects to consider:

  • Facebook’s Terms of Service do not explicitly prohibit auto invites, but advise against sending bulk unsolicited messages.
  • The intentions behind using auto invites matter – genuine relationship building is permitted but spamming for self-promotion is discouraged.
  • Auto tools must have abuse prevention measures like invite limits, analytics, targeting refinement etc.
  • Users should customize invites and avoid completely automated generic messaging.
  • The onus is on users to exercise restraint and judgment while auto inviting.

So in summary, auto Facebook invites are legitimate if used responsibly keeping in mind Facebook’s guidelines. The tools themselves are not prohibited as long as precautions are taken against spamming. Users should target relevant profiles, customize messages, and monitor analytics to invite only mutually interested people.


The auto invite Facebook extension is a tool that allows bulk sending of friend requests or page/group invites automatically. It can save a lot of time and help increase reach if used judiciously. Popular extensions provide additional features like targeting, analytics, and smart management. While auto inviting is permissible, care should be taken to avoid spamming and any perception of it. With the proper precautions, auto invite tools can be used legitimately to build genuine connections at scale.