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What is the aspect ratio for Facebook story?

What is the aspect ratio for Facebook story?

Facebook Stories allow users to share photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours. When creating Facebook Stories, it’s important to use the correct aspect ratio for the images and videos to ensure they display properly on all devices.

The aspect ratio refers to the proportional relationship between the width and height of an image or video. On Facebook Stories, the ideal aspect ratio is 9:16. This vertical rectangular shape fits the mobile screen and stands out in the Stories format.

Using the wrong aspect ratio can lead to black bars, cropping, or a stretched-out look. So it’s essential to understand the 9:16 dimension before creating content. In this 5000 word article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Facebook Story aspect ratio, from specifications to tips for creating properly sized images and videos.

The 9:16 Aspect Ratio

The 9:16 aspect ratio has a width of 9 units and height of 16 units. To visualize this proportion, imagine a mobile phone held vertically. The screen is taller than it is wide, creating a portrait orientation perfect for Facebook Stories.

Specifically, the recommended resolution for Facebook Stories is 1080 x 1920 pixels. This provides an HD vertical image or video optimized for smartphones.

Some key advantages of using the 9:16 ratio include:

  • Fits full-screen vertically on mobile devices
  • Creates an immersive, cinematic effect
  • Stands out visually in the Stories format
  • Reduces or eliminates black bars and awkward cropping

While not required, the 9:16 ratio delivers the best results across devices. Stories created outside the aspect ratio may be cropped or appear inconsistently. Sticking to 1080 x 1920 pixels ensures your content displays as intended in the Stories view.

Creating 9:16 Images

When making images for Facebook Stories, aim for the 1080 x 1920 pixel size. Here are some tips for capturing and editing 9:16 images:

  • Take photos with your phone vertically in portrait mode. This achieves the ideal height to width ratio.
  • Use apps and editing tools that allow custom image sizes. Size to 1080 pixels wide by 1920 pixels tall.
  • Design graphics and illustrations at the 9:16 ratio in your preferred design program.
  • Crop landscape images to fit the vertical shape.
  • Add padding or design elements like logos to avoid an awkwardly cropped look.

The goal is to have images that fit nicely in the vertical Stories view without being stretched or zoomed. Aim for high-quality 1080 x 1920 images with important visual elements centered vertically.

Creating 9:16 Videos

For videos, the same 9:16 dimension applies. Here are some tactics for proper video sizing:

  • Film handheld video vertically in 1080 x 1920 resolution.
  • Upload a horizontal video to editing software and crop to a 9:16 frame size.
  • Add vertical black bars or pixelated blur to the sides of a 16:9 horizontal video to fit the 9:16 ratio.
  • Design motion graphics and animations at the 1080 x 1920 pixel size.
  • Use video collage apps to combine vertical clips into Stories videos.

Vertical video alignment is important for Videos may appear cropped or small in Stories if not shot in 9:16. Plan ahead to film or edit videos to the 1080 x 1920 specification.

Benefits of the 9:16 Aspect Ratio

Using the recommended 9:16 ratio for Facebook Stories provides a number of benefits:

Consistent Appearance

The 9:16 dimension ensures your images and videos appear consistently across different platforms and devices. Rather than awkward cropping and black bars, properly sized content will display full screen as intended on both iOS and Android.

Enhanced Viewing Experience

With more vertical space, you can create an immersive, cinematic viewing experience in Stories. Viewers scroll through content seamlessly without distraction from black bars or zooming.

Stand Out Visually

In the vertical Stories format, the 9:16 ratio grabs attention with its tall, narrow shape. The portrait orientation fills the entire screen, creating visual impact amidst a feed of horizontal photos.

Optimized for Mobile

Designed for smartphone screens, the 1080 x 1920 size provides high-quality HD resolution. Your Stories will look stunning on the latest mobile devices. The vertical shape also avoids awkward cropping on phones.

Reduced Image and Video Editing

With assets created in the ideal ratio upfront, you avoid extensive cropping and resizing. Streamline your editing workload for Facebook Stories.

Examples of 9:16 Content

Here are some examples of image and video content formatted correctly in the 9:16 vertical frame for Facebook Stories:


– Portrait shots of people, places, objects
– Infographics and designs created in 9:16
– Vertical product photos and flat lays
– Tall narrow illustrations and art
– Landscape images cropped to vertical


– Interviews and close-up footage shot handheld
– Timelapses and hyperlapses captured vertically
– Animated text and motion graphics sequences
– Tutorials and demos formatted in 9:16
– Horizontal videos cropped to portrait orientation

From lifestyle selfies to animated explainers, any visual content can work in Stories when sized properly. Focus on high quality 1080 x 1920 images and clips tailored vertical viewing.

Tools for 9:16 Media Creation

Many apps and programs help simplify creating 9:16 media. Here are some recommended tools:

Adobe Creative Cloud

Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere, and other Adobe programs allow custom canvas sizes for designing graphics and editing photos, videos, and layouts in any ratio.


The graphic design app contains templates and grids optimized for Facebook Stories. Easily resize images and add text to vertical canvases.


This video editing app allows full control over output ratios. Crop footage to 9:16 or add blurred bars to horizontal videos.


Enhance and touch up vertical photos for Stories with this photo editor’s tools and croppresets.


Create professionally edited vertical videos using VivaVideo’s range of filters, effects, transitions, and text tools.


Pixlr provides user-friendly photo editing and collage creation abilities. Adjust, layer, and arrange images in the 9:16 format.

The right tools take the guesswork out of resizing media. Look for apps that specialize in mobile content and vertical formats. The investment leads to high-quality, consistently-sized Stories.

Tips for Shooting Vertical Videos and Photos

The simplest way to achieve the ideal 9:16 ratio is by filming videos and taking photos vertically in the first place. Here are some photography and videography tips:

Orient Your Camera Vertically

The most basic step for capturing vertical media is turning your phone or camera sideways into portrait orientation. This immediately captures a tall, narrow frame instead of widescreen landscape.

Position Subjects Centrally

Arrange the focal subject in the middle of the frame to maximize impact. Avoid subjects at the top or bottom that could get cut off in cropping.

Get Close-Ups and Details

With the camera positioned vertically, it’s easier to get intimate close-ups. Hone in on facial expressions and small product details.

Watch Your Background

Pay attention to surroundings to avoid busyness or distractions in the vertically oriented shot. Clean backdrops keep the focus on your subject.

Use Leading Lines and Symmetry

Compositional techniques like leading lines and symmetry work great in vertical compositions. Lead the eye through the frame and create visual balance.

Try Different Angles

Get creative with overhead shots, low angles, tilting the camera sideways. A unique perspective stands out, especially in vertical.

Stabilize the Camera

Since any shake and wobble gets amplified in a tall narrow frame, use tripods, handles, or gimbals to stabilize the camera for smooth video.

With practice, it becomes second nature to visualize and frame vertical shots. Embracing portrait orientation allows you to skip the resizing process.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When creating content for Facebook Stories, there are a few key mistakes that lead to problems:

Using the Wrong Aspect Ratio

Uploading images and videos not sized to 9:16 often results in awkward cropping, black bars, blurriness, and inconsistent appearance across devices. Avoid non-vertical formats.

Low Resolution Media

Small compressed files under 1080 x 1920 resolution will look pixelated and fuzzy in Stories, especially on high-def mobile screens. Prioritize HD sources.

Text and Details Cut Off

When relevant text, logos, or subjects get cut off from cropping, the content becomes unusable. Check for missing elements.

Not Testing on Mobile

It’s crucial to preview Stories on actual phones to see cropping and quality issues. The desktop view alone is insufficient.

Relying on Resizing Apps

While apps can assist resizing, they often compress images and video. Best practice is properly sizing assets from the start.

Inconsistent Branding

Stories that aren’t uniformly vertical with your brand visuals seem disjointed. Maintain consistency with vertical templates and design language.

Uncentered Composition

Subjects awkwardly positioned at the top or sides of the frame lack visual impact and leave empty unused space in the Story.

Careful planning and adherence to best practices avoids these pitfalls. Test and refine to ensure an ideal, seamless viewer experience.

Design Considerations for 9:16 Content

Beyond getting the technical specifications right, there are some best practices for the design and composition of 9:16 stories:

Keep Visuals Simple

Too many competing elements in busy vertical compositions become distracting. Streamline to key visuals for the most impact.

Use Negative Space

Balance out layouts with empty areas around the subject to create breathing room. Don’t overcrowd the narrow space.

Make Text Big and Legible

Long paragraphs don’t work well. Opt for short, readable lines of text that viewers can quickly grasp as they scroll Stories.

Include Branding

Insert logos and branding seamlessly into the 9:16 canvas to maintain a consistent identity throughout stories.

Consider Vertical Thirds

Mentally divide the canvas into thirds vertically to place subjects and elements in the rule of thirds sweet spots.

Overlap Elements

Layering objects on top of each other adds depth and interest to one dimensional vertical backgrounds.

Use Color and Contrast

Bright contrasting colors attract attention, direct the eye, and separate elements in vertical compositions.

Thinking in terms of vertical lines, spacing, and layers creates engagement and visual appeal at the 9:16 dimension.

Facebook Stories Specs Cheat Sheet

For quick reference, here are the key Facebook Stories image and video specifications:

Facebook Stories Image Specifications

  • Aspect Ratio: 9:16
  • Ideal Resolution: 1080 x 1920 pixels
  • File Type: JPG or PNG
  • File Size: 30MB max

Facebook Stories Video Specifications

  • Aspect Ratio: 9:16
  • Resolution: 720p or 1080p
  • File Type: MP4 or MOV
  • Length: 15 seconds max
  • File Size: 4GB max

Keep these key specs in mind when creating visual assets. Properly formatting the media upfront to these parameters ensures a smooth, optimized Facebook Stories experience.


The 9:16, 1080 x 1920 pixel vertical dimension delivers the ideal viewing experience on Facebook Stories. Avoid awkward cropping issues and inconsistent appearance by designing and formatting all of your Story media assets to this optimal ratio.

With social media increasingly happening on the move, the vertical orientation creates an immersive mobile-friendly environment. Putting in the extra effort upfront to nail the technical specifications lets the creative design excell. Maintain visual quality, continuity, and impact with the 9:16 aspect ratio purpose-built for Facebook Stories.