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What is the app that shares in multiple groups on Facebook?

What is the app that shares in multiple groups on Facebook?

Facebook groups allow users to connect with others who share similar interests or backgrounds. One useful feature of Facebook groups is the ability to share a post to multiple groups at once. This can help spread information, ideas, or events to a wider audience. However, not all third-party apps and browser extensions that claim to enable multiple sharing actually work as intended. So what is the best app to use for sharing to multiple Facebook groups?

Facebook’s Native Multi-Sharing Feature

Facebook itself has a built-in feature that allows users to share a post to multiple groups at once. Here’s how it works:

  1. When writing a new post in a group, click on the “News Feed” link below the post text box. This will bring up a window with options for where you want to share the post.
  2. Select the “Share in Groups” option. A window will pop up allowing you to browse and select multiple groups to share the post to.
  3. Check the box next to each group you want the post to go to. You can search for groups as well.
  4. Once you’ve selected all the desired groups, click “Share Now” and the post will be shared to all those groups simultaneously.

This native Facebook multiple group sharing feature is simple and straightforward to use. The main limitation is that you can only share to a maximum of 50 groups at once through this method.

Facebook Groups Manager

One popular third-party app that enables bulk sharing to Facebook groups is Facebook Groups Manager. Here are its key features:

  • Ability to share a post to up to 100 groups at once.
  • Schedule posts to be shared in the future.
  • Replay old posts to groups again.
  • Follow post performance and engagement analytics.
  • Browser extensions available for easy access.
  • Free and paid subscription plans.

To use Facebook Groups Manager:

  1. Install the Facebook Groups Manager browser extension or mobile app.
  2. Log into your Facebook account through the app.
  3. Select which groups you want to share to from your joined groups list.
  4. Write the post and click the “Share” or “Schedule” button.
  5. The post will then be shared to all the selected groups.

The free version of Facebook Groups Manager allows sharing to up to 5 groups per post. Paid plans unlock additional group capacity.

Social Poster

Social Poster is another third-party app that allows users to share posts to multiple Facebook groups. Here are some key points about this tool:

  • Can share text posts, images, videos, and more.
  • Paid plans allow sharing to unlimited Facebook groups.
  • Schedule posting times up to 2 months in advance.
  • Randomized posting delays to appear more natural.
  • Available as a web app and browser extension.
  • Tracking of post analytics and engagement.

To use Social Poster for multi-group Facebook sharing:

  1. Sign up for a free Social Poster account.
  2. Connect your Facebook account.
  3. Select groups to share to from your groups list.
  4. Create your post with text, images, links, etc.
  5. Click the “Share Now” or “Schedule” button to publish the post.

Social Poster starts with a free plan for sharing to 5 Facebook groups per month. Paid subscriptions unlock more group capacity and features.

Facebook Groups Poster

Here are some key details on using Facebook Groups Poster:

  • Web app and browser extensions available.
  • Share to up to 200 groups simultaneously.
  • Schedule upcoming posts.
  • Repost old content.
  • Automatic randomized posting delays.
  • Group analytics and insights.
  • Free and paid plans offered.

To post to multiple groups with Facebook Groups Poster:

  1. Sign up for an account.
  2. Connect and select desired Facebook groups.
  3. Create your post content.
  4. Choose when to share the post.
  5. Click share and the post will be published to the chosen groups.

The free version allows sharing to 5 groups per day. Paid subscriptions enable more groups and features.

Comparison of Top Multi-Sharing Apps

App Free Group Limit Paid Group Limit Notable Features
Facebook Native Sharing 50 groups 50 groups Built into Facebook, no app needed
Facebook Groups Manager 5 groups 100 groups Schedule posts, re-share old posts
Social Poster 5 groups/month Unlimited Schedule 2 months ahead, randomized delays
Facebook Groups Poster 5 groups/day 200 groups Repost old content, group analytics

Choosing the Right App for Your Needs

When deciding which app to use for sharing to multiple Facebook groups, consider factors such as:

  • How many groups you need to share to.
  • Whether you want to schedule or re-share posts.
  • What content types you will be sharing.
  • Your budget for paid subscriptions.
  • Whether you prefer a standalone app vs. a browser extension.
  • The importance of group analytics and engagement data.

Facebook’s native multi-sharing is the easiest option for those sharing to fewer than 50 groups. For power users, a dedicated tool like Facebook Groups Manager or Social Poster may provide more advanced scheduling, automation, and analytics. Evaluate your specific sharing needs and group strategy to determine the best fit.

Tips for Multi-Group Sharing Success

When leveraging apps to share posts across multiple Facebook groups, keep these tips in mind:

  • Tailor content to each group. Don’t spam groups with irrelevant posts.
  • Space out sharing over time rather than blasting everything at once.
  • Monitor comments and feedback within groups.
  • Fix any issues with your account to avoid bans.
  • Use high-quality images and video for better engagement.
  • Follow each group’s rules and posting guidelines.

improper bulk sharing can lead to restrictions or bans from groups. Be thoughtful and strategic with your multi-group posting approach. Provide value to each group community.

The Benefits of Sharing to Multiple Groups

Here are some of the main benefits of leveraging apps to share content across multiple Facebook groups:

  • Reach a larger audience interested in your content or product.
  • Raise awareness for an event, cause, or campaign.
  • Increase engagement and feedback on your posts.
  • Expose new audiences to your brand, business, or organization.
  • Drive more website traffic by sharing links.
  • Tap into niche communities and discussions.
  • Automate your post scheduling and analytics.

The ability to efficiently publish content to hundreds of targeted groups can significantly expand your reach. Just be sure to provide value and align your posts with each community.


Facebook’s native tools and third-party apps like Facebook Groups Manager, Social Poster, and Facebook Groups Poster all enable sharing posts to multiple groups. Evaluate key factors like the number of groups needed, scheduling and analytics features, and free vs. paid plans to choose the right solution for your needs. Use multi-group sharing thoughtfully and strategically to grow your audience without spamming. With the proper strategy and app, you can unlock Facebook groups’ potential for dramatically extending the reach of your posts.