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What is the app for inactive Facebook friends?

What is the app for inactive Facebook friends?

Social media platforms like Facebook have become an integral part of our lives. They allow us to stay connected with friends and family, share life updates, photos, videos, and so much more. However, over time some of these connections can become inactive or dormant on platforms like Facebook.

Why Do You Have Inactive Friends on Facebook?

There are a few key reasons why you may have inactive or dormant friends on your Facebook friends list:

  • They don’t use Facebook anymore: Some people delete or deactivate their Facebook accounts due to privacy concerns, losing interest in the platform, etc. So their profiles remain on your friend list but are inactive.
  • You’ve lost touch: Friends you were once close with but have lost touch over time and no longer engage with on Facebook. Their activity levels drop as your friendship becomes more distant.
  • Casual acquaintances: People you may have added at some point for networking purposes or met briefly socially, but were never close friends to begin with. These connections tend to be more passive and inactive.
  • Restricted or limited access: Friends who have taken a break from Facebook, minimized their usage or visibility, or restricted access to their profile for a period of time.

How Can You Identify Inactive Facebook Friends?

There are a few signs that can help you identify which friends on your Facebook list are inactive or dormant:

  • They haven’t posted, liked, or commented on anything in a long time.
  • Their profile picture and information has stayed the same for years.
  • Your news feed shows no recent activity from them.
  • You have no recent messages, posts, or interactions together.
  • Their posts and profile show up lower in your news feed ranking.
  • You cannot find their active presence on Messenger or other Facebook features.

Why Should You Unfriend Inactive Facebook Friends?

Here are some top reasons to consider removing inactive friends from your Facebook friends list:

  • Declutter your feed – Your news feed gets cluttered with updates from active friends you engage with more regularly.
  • Improve privacy – Inactive friends still have access to parts of your profile and activity. Pruning them can minimize this.
  • Refocus interactions – You spend more time interacting with active connections vs. inactive ones daily.
  • Renew close friendships – Removing stagnant connections helps focus on nurturing closer friendships.
  • Stay up-to-date – With inactive friends removed, your feed highlights current friends and events.
  • Remove unused contacts – Inactive friends are often unused contacts taking up social media space.

How to Unfriend Inactive Connections on Facebook

Here are the steps to remove inactive or dormant friends from your Facebook friends list:

  1. Log into your Facebook account on desktop or mobile browser.
  2. Go to your Friends list by clicking on the Friends tab or “Friends” in the left menu.
  3. Scroll through your full friends list looking for inactive or dormant connections.
  4. You can click on each friend’s profile to verify inactivity if unsure.
  5. Once you’ve identified inactive friends to remove, go to their profiles individually.
  6. Click on the Friend button next to their name and picture.
  7. Select “Unfriend” to remove them from your friends list.
  8. Confirm you want to unfriend when prompted.
  9. Repeat this process to unfriend all inactive connections.

You can also access a Friendship page for you and each friend with options to unfollow, restrict, unfriend, or block them as needed.

Alternative Options to Unfriending on Facebook

If you don’t necessarily want to unfriend certain connections, here are a few alternative options:

  • Unfollow – You stay friends but their posts don’t show up in your feed.
  • Restrict – Limits what they see from your profile and activity.
  • Acquaintances List – Organizes less active friends into their own list.
  • Mute Notifications – Stops push notifications from inactive friends.
  • Update Privacy Settings – Customize what friends groups can access your info.

Using the Social Book Post Manager App

One of the easiest ways to identify and unfriend inactive Facebook friends is by using the Social Book Post Manager app. Here are some key features:

  • Analyzes all your Facebook friends and identifies inactive ones.
  • Provides metrics on friends like last post, number of posts in 2 years, etc.
  • Lets you sort friends by most to least inactive.
  • Includes bulk select options to unfriend multiple inactive connections.
  • Syncs data with Facebook to update changes you make.

The Social Book Post Manager app streamlines the process of removing inactive friends from your Facebook account. The insights it provides help you prune your friends list with just a few clicks!

Maintaining Facebook Friendships

Here are some tips to maintain active Facebook friendships once you’ve unfriended dormant connections:

  • Engage with posts, photos, and updates from close connections.
  • Share related content to close friends’ timelines.
  • Comment and react to active friends’ life updates.
  • Participate actively in Messenger conversations.
  • Schedule video calls or virtual hangouts to stay in touch.
  • Tag and invite active friends to Facebook events.
  • Wish friends happy birthday or celebrate milestones.
  • Follow up with inactive friends on other platforms if desired.


Having inactive friends on Facebook can clutter your social media connections and feed. The Social Book Post Manager app makes it easy to identify and remove dormant Facebook friends. Its tools provide insights to prune your friends list in just a few clicks. Then you can focus on nurturing the active meaningful friendships that contribute value to your social media experience.